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I'm a mid-aged, married mom who loves the Lord Jesus for all He has done for me -- His countless thoughts are evident. He is loving, kind, and forgiving. He never leaves me or gives up on me, or anyone for that matter. Jesus answers when I call on Him for help, understanding why the world treats us so bad, I run to Him for help against temptations. I don't have a martyr complex. Jesus doesn't either. We humans down here are sinners in need of a Savior. That's why earth just has so many problems. Jesus is the only one who ever could be worthy to bear the horrible cost. Jesus is the only human being who is God since He was born of a virgin. Jesus allowed himself to be born as a human in order to BE GOD WITH US- EMMANUEL and to pay the cost of sin that keeps us separate from God. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord" Rom6:23 "My attitude should be the same as ChrstJesus who, being in very natur
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3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agoWhat liquor stories in Costa Mesa, CA can I buy a money order or cashier's check?
Or which banks offer them free or $1 at liquor stories
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years agoWhere can I get the least expensive car cover?
I have an extra long mini-van - voyager 1998
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoWhat's the best method to treat a hidden brain tumor?
I've heard of Proton Therapy, Gamma Knife, Cyber knife, and "conventional" surgery. What is the preferred safest method?
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agoWhy does someone send me an email that someone I've never heard of has made a will for $20 million?
I don't know why people want your information and say I am the benefactor of a millionaire? What's the gag?
9 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years agoWhat do you enjoy about Spring?
Time for a little Spring Cleaning, or enjoying the fresh but warming breezes, birds sweet songs seem a little more lilting and special, too. Spring training takes place for some in sports... Spring planning... what's your plan for the rest of this year?
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhy is the Civil War named such? It was not civil, meaning respectful, Gracious?
Affable - implies even friendliness
6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoIn the event of disaster, what should we keep on hand: food, first aid, water, & anything else?
Thank you for your best answers!! What is essential - I want to make up a clean trash can filled with essentials! Thanks! How much water?
3 AnswersOther - News & Events9 years agoHow do you propose to solve world hunger?
China, India, United States, Africa, and South America are going to double in population by 2025. How do you propose solving world hunger ~ No one need reply who are doomsday sayers. Just give this your best thoughts, please. Thank you!
8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoItalian Translator: oppure quando sono degli incapaci e si permettono di rovesciare le loro frustrazioni sui?
Please translate this for me-- a friend sent. Also this could you tell me where to find Italian translating on a website?
Il Posto Fisso E' Monotono
Vedete Come Ci Si Annoia
1 AnswerLanguages9 years agoName some Christian philosophers of history?
I think Voltaire might have been one, but I'm not sure. I know C S Lewis was. Who else in longer history was a Christian. Who said something to the effect, "If you are right, you may feel good presently, but if I am right you will suffer eternally." ??
2 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoWhat questions should my husband should ask prospective date for my daughter?
They have been talking a lot on the phone for months, but since he lives in a different state, they do not see each other. Now he is coming out and would like to talk to my husband about dating my daughter and their relationship in general. We'd appreciate any deeper and even obvious questions that a father should ask a prospective date. They won't driving since they are both learning to drive.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoNeed author of quote... My son, go ahead and get married...?
... I don't have the quote exact, but it goes on... "If she is happy, you will be too. If she is not,
then you will be a philosopher."
Was this Socrates? Aristotle? Plato? I'm hopeful to find quote as well please!
2 AnswersQuotations10 years agoGood Restaurant suggestions near Staples Center, in Los Angeles?
Favorites please.
2 AnswersLos Angeles10 years agoAny discounts for 16 year old for an International passport?
We live in Orange County. I think the libraries still
2 AnswersOther - Destinations10 years agoBill Clinton eats what food to prevent cancer?
Ty Bollinger wrote a 400 pg book "Step Outside the Box" - that has the answer ... do you know what food that is? It says most Americans throw it away and it tastes good! (My guess would be parsley.)
17 AnswersCancer10 years agoCan I remove the clear coat (top coat) of paint off an old van without hurting the great paint job underneath?
Actually we have 2 vans 1) 1996 Town & Country LE is white & paint is great, but top clear coat is bubbling. Can I take this top coat off without damaging the great paint underneath? 2) 1998 Voyager is bright red. We enjoy both cars that are still working great.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhat exactly is contained in the 2011 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Immunization?
I want to know exactly what ingredients are being put into our children's bodies? Hopefully no more formaldahyde or mercury. No poisons please.
5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years agoIs tonight's US GOP candidate debate (in NH) on regular (no cable) TV?
I live in southern California
5 AnswersElections10 years agoDo you see any correlations from all the strong earthquakes & volcanoes throughout the world?
How is Eyjafjallajökull Volcano doing in Iceland? I heard of one in Chile that was probably greater? How are volcanoes rated in terms of their plume... ash? Will earth become cooler overall because of these volcanic eruptions? Invest in other natural resource power source, but not solar since sun might be hidden for quite awhile. If no more eruptions occur, how long will it take for earth to see the sunshine more directly & frequently? Thank you for your expertise on this one!
1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology10 years ago