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  • Best species of Tortoise?

    We live in Southern california, in the hot dry foothills. We have a half acre of already landscaped/fenced yard (1.5 acres total), two dachshunds and little kids. Specifically, what are the friendliest types of tortoise, and what types would thrive best here. We have mulberry trees, grape vines, dandilion, rosemary, roses, sugarcane, acacia tree, floss silk tree, Avocado, palms, fescue etc in the yard, and would like to feed fresh, local foods, what can they eat from our yard? What else can I plant/feed that grows in my area? What is the best housing, and any other general tips.

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where to get Korean diapers here in the USA or online?

    I am looking for the Korean disposable diapers that have the herbal lining for diaper rash, I've seen them before one Ebay, but not in a long time.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 2 1/2 yr old. doesn't eat hardly at all. He's down from 50% percentile to 20% since weaning a year ago

    I offer a variety of healthy food, avoid distractions at meal times and try not to pressure him to eat. He takes a multi vitamin and I give him 12 to 16 oz of goat's milk a day (cow's milk gives him the runs). I'm wondering if I should give him some sort of formula as nutritional insurance instead of milk.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago