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  • Lost sizeable money in bank checking account?


    Just checked my account through the ATM today (Sat. evening), and noticed that an obvious, sizeable money vanished, leaving me with little.

    I'm pretty good with accounting, so I have an accurate figure as to how much I really have. The amount I'm looking at is REALLY suspect.

    I will go to the bank on Monday to get to the root of the problem.

    I've switched my ATM card over to a new one (the old one is expiring this year), and the new one is now activated.

    My question:

    1. What are the probable causes of this (I.D. theft?).

    2. How difficult/easy is it to get a small loan through my bank (Washington Mutual).

    3. Any steps that I can take in the future to prevent this from happening -EVER.

    Your answers would be greatly appreciated.


    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Spray Foam Waterproof?

    I want to create a wooden bin where I can place seedlings in. This bin would be kept indoors away from the cold, freezing night temps.

    I would like to have a layer of insulation (using foam spray) inside the sides and bottom (with holes for drainage), and would like to know if the moisture and water will seep through into the foam, and onto to the wooden boards on the side and bottom.

    I would like to create a consistent, warm temperature for the seedlings, and would appreciate any feedback or thoughts.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Dogs Sensing Earthquakes?

    It's 12:55 in the morning (August 9, 2007), and I'm quietly putting my T-shirt outside in the laundry machine. As I walk to the washing machine, the dogs inside the house, locked far away in a room begins barking. I remember this because I was really annoyed that they were going to wake up the others.

    Then other dogs outside in the open of my neighborhood begins to bark. I know this because I was muttering stuff at them for making such a ^%$#%$ racket.

    Then exactly 20 seconds later, there is a strong earthquake. I run straight under my desk, ... shaking. Then I thought about the dogs and the timing of the barkings.

    I consider myself a factual, rational, no-nonsense guy, but this is really creepy and strange. I'm not implying or suggesting anything, but just what happened after midnight.

    I have to go back to sleep now. Any comments would be appreciated.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Women: Your Thoughts About Weddings. Are they Necessary?

    If your husband said he was having doubts about having a formal, large wedding, what would be your first reaction?

    Guests (who I hardly know), the formality, pre-wedding stress ... guess a little uneasy about the whole thought of this event. I mean, if two people really like each other, then why go through all that stress and headache?

    21 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Women - What do you think of Johnny Depp?

    Went to a movie to watch Pirates with my girlfriend, and as soon as Johnny came on, there was an immediate, loud cheering, screaming and exciting commotion going on with the audience.

    Just curious about what (and why) women think when it comes to Johnny Depp (good or bad).

    (On a side, he is a talented, versatile actor who I enjoy watching).

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How Can I Get My Steak?

    There's a really fancy, upscale steakhouse where I live where they make absolutely the BEST steak in town (steakhouse will remain nameless).

    Last month I ordered a steak from that place, and walked up to the counter where an attractive blonde waitress greeted me and took my order. I came back 15 mins later to pick up the order, but then she begins to go through my order slowly one-by-one, taking out the sides, the drinks, the napkins, the steak, asks if I need a fork, opens the carton to show me the garlic bread, and all the while in my head I'm going ("What is this? Give me the bag, dump the food in and let me outta here!). Then she mutters something quietly at the end, but then a couple of days later recalled her saying "10:10" (ok, I'm a little slow).

    I'm already going out with someone, would like to have another bite of the steak, but what should I do when I see her again? I don't want to hurt her feelings. Should I wear a cap and sunglasses? She probably forgot, right?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dermatology & Medical Insurance?

    Ok, well ... a little new to insurance and dermatology.

    (Please don't flame me for any naive questions or thinking).

    Just have a mole (bigger than normal), a little self-conscious about it, and I want to get rid of it.

    My insurance is from Kaiser, so would that mean that I can't go to any dermatology office to have this thing removed? I can only go to a Kaiser hospital?

    I believe this procedure is cosmetics and the insurance will probably not cover it (correct me if I'm wrong), but I spoke to a dermatologists (friend of mine), and he said ... well ... um ... he could get this procedure classified as another procedure so that the insurance will cover.

    Thoughts please ...

    (geez, I feel like to only guy here - no offense)

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Dermatology & Medical Insurance?

    Ok, well ... a little new to insurance and dermatology.

    (Please don't flame me for any naive questions or thinking).

    Just have a mole (bigger than normal), a little self-conscious about it, and I want to get rid of it.

    My insurance is from Kaiser, so would that mean that I can't go to any dermatology office to have this thing removed? I can only go to a Kaiser hospital?

    I believe this procedure is cosmetics and the insurance will probably not cover it (correct me if I'm wrong), but I spoke to a dermatologists (friend of mine), and he said ... well ... um ... he could get this procedure classified as another procedure so that the insurance will cover.

    Thoughts please ...

    (geez, I feel like to only guy here - no offense)

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How Do You Beat Federer?

    Don't get me wrong. Federer is one of my favs. But to play devil's advocate, if you have a match against him in the Australian finals, what is your game plan?

    Dissect strengths, weaknesses, and talk about strategies with respect to serves, grips, forehands, spacing, volleying, etc.

    14 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • 2006 U.S. Open Predictions?

    The U.S. Open is coming up, or is up (depending on when your reading this message).

    Who is your favorite to win for the mens and womens? Why?

    18 AnswersTennis1 decade ago