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Pale Rider

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I exist here only when I choose to and only answer and ask questions when I decide to..... Other then that I'm a very private person who seems shy and introverted at times But when I do speak I speak my mind and screw the Ignorant Fools and Trolls who seek to silence me because they do not like what I have to say In the USA we have Freedom of Speech and Expression guarunteed by the Constitution and The Bill of Rights and BY GOD AND THE FATES I SERVE I WILL USE IT!!!!

  • question about the show family ties?

    other then michael j. fox and meridith baxter birney i was wondering if you could tell me what the rest of the cast of the show Family Ties has been up to since the show went off the air?

    1 AnswerComedy10 years ago
  • how to upgrade from windows 98 to xp professional (read further for more details)?

    i recently purchased a laptop off of craigslist that had windows 98 on it but did not come with any disks for it

    I am trying to upgrade it to xp professional edition but only have the base cd for it and no 3.5" floppies for xp and it says i need an xp service pro disk which i do not have any ideas how to do this since i can't get online with the laptop to make it happen?

    10 points for the most realistic answers that make sense and are actually workable (oh and my desktop pc is windows vista home edition fyi so that won't work as the laptop is a compaq presario and my desktop is a dell dimension system)

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • trivia question for foodies

    what post civil war soda pop that is currently still on the market as a national brand today originally debuted in texas as a "waco" or a "redeye"?

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • best skill to try for a skillcape on runescape?

    ok here are the choices to go for first of my highest skills:





    please tell me which is the easiest in order from those skills to get a skillcape in on a NON MEMBER world

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A question about mental health rites and where they end? (read more for further details)?

    I am currently being harassed by a woman with bi-polar syndrome and delusional disorder that borders on paranoid schizophrenia who claims I raped her when I was found not guilty of all charges in criminal court here in ohio......

    I am being subjected to verbal harassment and violent beatings when I leave my home and the woman and her friends call from pay phones to verbally harass me on both my landline and cell despite repeated number changes to both....

    I called her psychiatric center 2 days ago (that was thursday this past week) and was told by the head of her caseworker treatment team that the woman has rights and there was nothing they can do......

    The local police dept also refuses to get involved due to her mental illness on this harassment and violence issue......

    Is there any legal recourse other then restraining orders I can take to stop this crap from her??

    I should also mention I have 2 restraining orders against her which are repeatedly broken by her

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A question about restraining orders?

    A woman who has a restraining order against me for "threatening her life" approached me today in a grocery store parking lot and attempted to verbally harass me over an incident from my past she was not a part of...

    I left the area and went and got on mass transit 2 blocks away after not speaking to her today in town yet she said to the police I threatened her life as I sat in front of the grocery store waiting on the original spot for mass transit to pick me up...

    Under Central Ohio Law what is the worst she can have me prosecuted for if anything?

    You also need to know she was in a store 6 doors down from the grocery store I came out of today and I did nothing to antagonize this woman despite my feelings to verbally rip into her.....

    I also need to mention the woman who has the restraining order on me is mentally ill with a history of falsely crying rape on men who not only did not rape her but were not within a 5 mile radius of where the aleged rape supposedly took place

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Stupid question about video blogging?

    ok here's the specs and what I wanna do but have no idea to do it:

    I want to start recording a video blog on a weekly or bi weekly basis to go up on the net (non pornographic maybe a few rants with some vulgar and profane language at most when I'm angry or upset)

    I have no idea how to do this with just my webcam and mic from my desktop pc or where to post it for free since I have never done that sort of thing before....

    I have windows movie maker for windows xp professional edition, a creative brand webcam and the matching earpiece headset for my desktop pc....

    How would I go about doing this and where would a 34 year old ohio man be able to post it for free with the above specs for the hardware and software?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Doctor joke?

    A man walks into a doctor's office and the doctor informs him he has bad news and worse news.......

    The doctor then tells the man that he only has 24 hours left to live

    The man shocked at this news asks "how could it possibly be worse then that?"

    The doc replies "I found out yesterday and forgot to call you when I found out"

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Discrimination question concerning central ohio law?

    I was in a grocery store with a backpack on the bottom shelf of my cart yesterday where there is a supposedly "no backpack law" in effect yet there are no signs stating this and had no problems till I got to the checkout lane

    When I got in line at the checkout lane the person in front of me and the person behind me were also had backpacks (none of the 3 including myself is in a wheelchair) yet I was the only one who got hassled for it..

    Shouldn't this "store policy" apply unilaterally to everyone instead of selective enforcement?

    Besides consulting a manager at that store and not shopping there or not carrying a backpack what else can I do to either get this grocery store to enforce this policy for all or remove the policy?

    I am 34 year old single man and shop with a backpack due to bag limits in my town on mass transit and hate to shop so I only shop 1 maybe 2 times a month except for staples (bread,milk snacks etc which I get at a general store 3 blocks down from my home)

    2 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Is this the wrong way to approach this?

    I have an employee who is chronicly calling off work because he is always recovering from the night before at the bar with his friends of which I am not one of his friends as I prefer to keep my personal and professional life separate and today I told him to come in tomorow or the next place he needs to visit is the unemployment office (meaning I intend to fire him) after he called off due to a hangover I run a pc shop in Ohio and this guy is a good tech but his work attendance is very poor and this is the 3rd time this month he has done this was I using good work ettiquette when I told him make it into work tomorow or be fired using the above mentioned terms?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Fantasy Dream Pro Wrestling Fatal Fourway member picks?

    In my Fantasy Pro Wrestling League I have to assign a Fatal Fourway match of current and past Pro Wrestlers......

    The Competitors I have to choose from are:

    1.) "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert

    2.) The Undertaker

    3.) Rob Van Damme

    4.) Eric Embry

    5.) " The Lariat" Stan Hansen

    6.) Del Wilkes when he was " The Patriot"

    7.) Chris Sabin

    8.) Jerry Lynn

    9.) Big Van Vader

    10.) Sabu

    11.) Raven

    12.) Tommy Dreamer

    13.) Ballz Mahoney

    14.) Michael "PS" Hayes when he was a member of the Fabulous Freebirds

    15.) Kerry Von Eric

    out of those 15 wrestlers pick 4 wrestlers for the match and predict the outcome of it and keep in mind this is for a title belt in my Fantasy Pro Wrestling Federation so all wrestlers in this match must use at least 1 of their famous finishing or travemark moves durring the match (aka The Patriot's Patriot Missle elbow drop or the Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver and the move that's called "The King of Old School" for him) so going all out is a requirement

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Kenny Rogers Song Question?

    I recently saw a video on GAC by Kenny Rogers where the chorus had a line saying "We even lost Superman" he was walking around a ruined city with mountains of dirt and ash on the streets and was a year in review song unfortunately I missed this song's title can anyone tell me the title of this song as I really liked the song but flipped to GAC too late to find out what it was called can anyone tell me the title of that song??

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Your Opinion on this song?

    I heard the new Alison Kraus teamup with John Waite as a cover of his song "I aint missing you" what does everyone who has heard this song think of it and I like it fyi

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • can this really be done?

    i was watchin Family Guy sunday night and when Brian ate the bubblegum outa the trash earlier in the night and as he was talkin to lois he ripped a bubble fart which is like blowin a bublegum bubble with yer rear end as he stood there is this really possible? cause i think it would be funny as hell if it was acutally doable?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Moving question i need this answered immediately plz???

    I am moving in approx 2 months when my lease expires to a better apartment and an ex gf of mine has stuff here in storage and i have repeatedly contacted her by phone and e-mail asking her to come get it so i don't have to take it with me to my next place as i do not need the stuff or want it with me

    Is it legal to say "if you don't come get it by the time i move i'm leaving it behind?" we have no care or storage agreement for her things and she now lives in another city maybe another state i don't know as it has been over a year since i was with her

    she claims if i do i will be sued but my moving space is VERY LIMITED due to several friends with pickup trucks who are moving me to my new place and when she returns my calls her caller id is blocked and i don't know where she is anymore

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • About Driver's Licensces and Death? Plz read for further details?

    about 3 years ago i had a very good friend who became terminally ill and homeless but I also allowed him to use my address to get his mail because he was on the streets with nowhere to go (his only living relative moved to North Carolina and he was too ill to transport which is why the man became homeless to start with)

    The man passed away 2 years ago in the middle of march

    I keep getting notices from the ohio BMV the man's driver's license is suspsended now so to get his final affairs in order I called 2 places today that is the vital statistics dept in my area to attempt to get his death certificate and they won't release it without his family's consent and the relative can not be located

    I also called the ohio bureau of motor vehicles trying to get this taken care of they say without a death certificate they will not stop this pure idiot behavior

    What can I do about this now?? It's getting on my last nerve and I live in central ohio for the record............

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What Would You Do In My Place On This Situation?

    About 3 Years ago I was a member of a Mental Health Drop In Center in Lancaster Ohio

    I left their orginization where I was a tech support volunteer charged with keeping their computers running due to stress reasons (they were putting unreasonable demands on me to make their computers do more then what they were capable of)

    Recently in the last 6 months to a year I have been getting death threat calls on my life because I won't help them any longer and have not helped them in about 2 years now.....

    I've moved on with my life and have pursued other interests and choose not to deal with them any longer since the death of a good friend they chose to make out to be like a criminal when she wasn't.......

    I want these calls to stop but the director refuses to hear my proof or allow their Board of Directors to hear it either and allows it to continue by taking no action whatsoever?

    Is there any recourse I can take legally to make this stop?


    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • To All the Small Business Owners what would you do in this situation?

    I have 5 employees at my pc shop I hired early this past fall who are paroled prison inmates from a medium security prison and trying to get their lives on track (their crimes range from dui to armed robbery of liquor/convienience stores)

    Recently I have become the target of protest by christian orginizations because I hired these individuals meanwhile since their release from prison none of them have done even the smallest thing to arouse police suspicion and invoke arrest by the local police dept

    I'm catchin all kindsa hell from christian groups who constantly protest outside my shop and I run a small pc repair shop in ohio

    I don't want to fire these individuals that are working for me because they are some of the best employees I have ever had and are really doing well on this 2nd chance but the christian groups are making it hard for customers to come to my shop

    What would you do in this situation I need to know and the city council and local police dept are no help???

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Power Rangers Trivia Question?

    Name all the colors of uniforms Jason David Frank who has played the charecter of Tommy Oliver has worn on all the Power Rangers Show since Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and include the show he wore the color of uniform in

    Most thurough answer gets my 10 points

    I am trying to settle a bet with some college frat boys and need validation of what I think is all of them

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Conservative Right Wing Republicans only???

    If getting oral sex in office and lying about it is grounds for impeachment as president..........

    Doesn't that mean by your same standards that GW Bush and Cheyney should be on Death row awaiting execution for all the crap they pulled in the USA this year by now???

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago