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I admit it. I'm a sucker for the sound of those three little words: "President Barack Obama"

  • Anyone up for a little analogy question?

    Al Qaida is to Muslim as _________ is to Christian?

    Why is this question in Elections? I am so sick of people tarring Obama as "Muslim" as if that were an insult (never mind for the moment that the man is not now and never has been a Muslim).

    What's wrong with being Muslim?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • MECHANICS ONLY!!! Will ethanol ruin my carburator?

    A friend in another state recently told me that one reason he avoids a certain brand of gasoline is that they cut it with 10% ethanol. He said that his mechanic has told him that even a little ethanol would leave black deposits in his carburator that would ultimately ruin it.

    I, on the other hand, have lived for quite a while in a state that mandates 10% ethanol in ALL gasoline. I have never had carburator trouble, nor have I even heard of anyone else with such a problem.

    What is the straight scoop? If there are carburator problems for regular engines, is the story any different for flexi-fuel engines (engines designed to run on gas and gas-ethanol mixtures)?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago