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Lv 43,739 points


Favorite Answers17%
  • Easy ways to remove chest hair?

    I'm 17, and I'm beginning to grow chest hair, and I don't want it to be there. I've thought about Waxing, but that just looks like it hurts too much. Are there alternatives to the waxing? Its actually barely noticeable hair, aside from the "happy trail" as my friends say. I just want an easy way for it to be gone...

    thanks for the answers!

    serious answers only.

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • For my 16th birthday.....?

    For my 16th Birthday, I asked my parents to buy me a car, and I would gladly make the payments. So, after about a month and a half of searching, my neighbor finally put his car up for sale... a 2002 BMW 330Cic (Convertible) with about 80,000 miles on it, in order for him to get a new car He had to sell this one so I got it for around $5,000 less then Private Party on Kelly Blue Book. Now, my interests have changed, and I'm 17 and I want to trade my car in. I want this 2004 BMW x5 which is absolutely stunning with about 77,000 miles on it. My Mom won't let me... she says the 330Cic is much "prettier" then the x5 and that I am just not grateful that I have a nice car already... But, which I have exclaimed to her day after day... I'M making the PAYMENT, I'M paying for GAS, and my Dad pays the INSURANCE... (my parents are divorced) what more could I worry about... I just wanted to get some opinions out there from the answers community....

    Serious answers only

    **No answers saying "your just a spoiled little ungrateful brat..." because I'm not I work my butt off with 3 jobs in the summer, and another 1 in the winter..... so its not like i'm mooching...

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • How do I prove that I am Cherokee Indian?

    I recently found out from my Grandmother, that her Mother was 100% Cherokee Indian. However, they lived in Kentucky (from what I found out) and I haven't been able to see anything through the Rolls List, or any other list that I have been able to look at. Are there any alternatives besides DNA testing out there? Are there more places out there to search?

    13 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • My Golden Retriever, who just turned 7, and has been diagnosed with glaucoma and luekemia..?

    My Retriever, Princess, was recently to the vet and the vet diagnosed her with Glaucoma and Leukemia. But, since then, she has wanted to go outside constantly, and its not only worrying me, but my family, and the family friends. Could this mean, that, she is "ready" to pass away, or is she just going outside more? She always uses the restroom when she goes... (as far as I know, when I watch her to make sure she is ok) we have eye drops for her right eye because of the glaucoma but its just worrying me that she constantly goes outside. Her eye is getting better, thank-god, but could the eye drops cause her to go out more as well?

    Help please!


    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is there a way around a BMW Inspection 2?

    Is there any way to get around doing an inspection 2, on a 2002 BMW 330Cic. Or, are there places you can take it to? I don't really know what to do, the BMW dealer by my house said it would be $500.

    6 AnswersBMW1 decade ago
  • Motorola Droid is doing its own thing?

    I just got my Droid replaced because of it acting up, and now my new one is doing the same thing. I kept all of the apps off, incase of viruses etc. My screen is switching (to different "screens") and when I go to text someone it chooses the person below, and then pulls up the options button at the bottom, even though I don't even touch it.

    Please help, it's pissing me off..

    thanks for your help

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • My 2002 BMW 330ci Convertible's Passenger window screwed up?

    The Passenger window goes down almost all of the way except for about 1/2 inch. What would cause this? Is it easy to repair?

    Thanks for the answers!

    2 AnswersBMW1 decade ago
  • My 2002 BMW 330ci lights won't blink or make any sound when locked/unlocked. Is this normal?

    My beamer won't blink or beep when locked or unlocked? Can I reset it to do it myself, or should I take it to my local BMW dealer?

    Thanks for the help in advance. Serious answers only.

    1 AnswerBMW1 decade ago
  • I want to make some extra money...?

    Ok.. so I keep doing a lot of videos for family and different family events, and the people that I show them to want me to make them movies, and they'll pay me for them. So I figured, why not, why not create a side job, to make some extra money making movies etc. But I want to have the proper copyrights for the songs that I have. I get the songs from iTunes, but I want to have the proper rights to the songs so there are no questions about me making these movies, when I sell them etc.

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo V6 Four Wheel Drive Overheats when the A/C is on?

    I have a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, V6, with Four Wheel Drive. If I have the a/c on, the vehicle tends to overheat. What could cause this? I just had a new water pump put in 2 weeks ago, replaced an upper radiator hose (that helped some) but when I turn the A/C and I'm sitting in traffic it just tends to go past the 210 mark, and I have to roll down the windows and turn the heat on.

    Could it be the raditor cap? Should I just replace the radiator cap and see what happens, or should I go as far as replacing the thermostat and seeing what happens?

    Or since a Radiator cap is cheap, should I buy both and just see what happens. Are there other things that could cause this besides the things I mentioned above?

    Please help...

    I've talked to a few friends of mine who are mechanics and they said it could be the thermosat, and that was 3 of them, and that's all that they mentioned...

    Thanks in advance,

    serious answers only.


    7 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee won't start...?


    I have a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee laredo v6. It has been sitting for 6 mths and I just started messing with it, so my son can drive it to school. So, when you go to start it, it kinda clicks but all the lights go dim and the radio shuts off. But the we checked the battery and it was fine, but to make sure we went to autozone and got a brand new battery and it still didn't do anything. Then we took off the starter and took it to autozone and they tested the solenoid and the starter and they were both fine. The guy at autozone said it could be the ignition switch, but we are unsure. We still can't figure out what it is..

    Please help,

    serious answers only

    thanks in advance

    7 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Why does my jeep overheat, when its idling with the a/c on?

    Its a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee than runs great, but it likes to overheat with the a/c on. What would do that? It has 300k miles on it, and everything is good, except for that, and it's oil leak.

    Is there any paticular reason it does it?

    Thanks in advance for the answers..

    2 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • Trade in value, and buying a car...?

    Ok, so I've been looking at this car, 2006 Mercedes-Benz ML350. I have a 2009 Toyota Corolla S, with 13500 miles on, with a trade in value of approx 14,000.00. I'm approved for financing at 4.99%. I have a 26000 loan on my corolla, so would they take the 26000 add it onto the car, and then subtract the trade in value?? thanks.



    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • For my 16th birthday, I asked for a car...?

    Ok, for my 16th birthday, I asked for a car. I already picked it out. It's a 2006 Lexus is250, with navigation, heated and cooled seats, and a back up camera. I figured I need a nice car because all my school is a rich snobby school. What do you think? What about a Mercedes-Benz C class, or a BMW 3 series? Thanks!

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is the most text messages you've ever sent/received?

    I've sent/received 12,000 this past billing cycle.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Need to move photos from Blackberry Storm to LG Versa. Please help!!?

    Yea, I got a blackberry storm about 50 days ago, and I didn't like it so I cancelled it and got the Versa. What is the quickest way to move them to the Versa..??


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Can a 16 year old buy a car...?

    Can a 16 year old buy a car, and finance it, as long as the parents co-sign?

    9 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Really old song that I can't find the name of? please help!!?

    I'm making a video of my grandfather, he recently passed away, and he really liked this song, and sung it to my grandmother a lot, as I can remember, when I was little. The song has in it "I'll come and get you in a wheel barrel honey, Taxi-Cab cost to much money"...?

    Please help me..

    Best answer- awarded 10pts

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a job... I'm 15 1/2?

    I'm a little over 15 1/2 and I already have a job, at a Country Club. But, being winter they are closed. So, what I was hoping for, was to find a Winter Job. But, not at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds, or Burger King. I was hoping to find a job, like at ikea but i'm unsure at what to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Best suggestion, equals ten points.

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How to remove Yahoo Mobile from my Homepage? It's so annoying?


    I just wanted to see how to remove Yahoo Mobile. I like the original better.


    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago