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I am 25 years old. I live in Riverside Cailfornia. I am a happy person who likes to make the most out of everyday because tomorrow is not promised!

  • Help! I don't want to let him Cry It Out!?

    Let me first start by saying, I am not sleep deprived nor at my wits end. My son is turning one next week. It usually takes me about 5 minutes to get him to sleep for nap and bedtime. I usually just close the bedroom door, turn off the lights, and bounce him. He gets the point right away and settles himself to sleep on my shoulder. Once asleep I lay him in his crib. At night he sleeps for several hours and wakes up mid-night and cries for me to get him, which I do. From then on he sleeps in the bed with us, and I nurse him to sleep if he wakes. I know this behavior can not continue forever but, I hate the idea of the Cry It Out technique because he is so easy to put down. I hate the idea of using drastic measures for reasonable behavior. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to not HATE being around my teenage brother-in-law.?

    Recently my 13 year old brother-in-law has been walking to my house after school. I am 7 months pregnant and working full time. I feel like he ruins my day off when he shows up. He is so strange, smelly, awkward, annoying...and I just plain HATE it when he is around. I know it is mean, and I want to be better but, his presence annoys me so much that every time I try to make it better I just can't. HELP!

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Will federal relief come for California homeowners?

    If so, when and what kind?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Why do I continue to get ******?

    I am a kind caring considerate person. Everyone my whole life comes to me when they need help, money, place to stay, or someone to talk to. I am a foster parent. I always put everyone before me.....And always happens... I get ******! My tax lady held my taxes hostage(since feb.) disappeared and then sent the paperwork back untouched! My account is -257.00 overdrawn (mostly fees) because my husband and I have been trying to help everyone out in rough times, and I just found out that I am going to be down another 400 dollars this month as well!!!!! Why please please please tell me why! I am just trying to do what is right! ****!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I am desperate for help with my sleeping problem!!!?

    When cuddling with my husband at night I get so restless. I toss and turn. I get itchy and wiggly. I can't sleep until I have wiggled for about a half hour. I am like a cat twirling in place before I find the right spot to lay. I am aware that it is mental but I can't seem to stop myself. Does anyone suffer like me? Any advice on how to end this?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I truly NEED sex...Really Really NEED sex...?

    If I don't have sex with my husband at least every other day I go crazy. I get sad, cranky, stressed, and up tight. My husband loves the fact that I am always in the mood but, is this normal for a 25 year old woman? Do you NEED sex too?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Somethings got to give! Help, I need advice!?

    I am 25 and my husband is 27. We unofficially adopted a 15 year old who really needed a home. Since high school we have spent the last 7 years going in and out of community college and working in many differant jobs such as restaurants sales, and service. We have enjoyed living life as adults going out to eat, drink, and have fun. Well, about a year ago we realized that our future was going to be really sad if we did not start working toward careers. We took over care for Jesse and it seemed to change our outlook on responsiblity,

    So, My husband decided to work toward being a firefighter. He became a certified EMT and is working at a hospital while applying for jobs. He gets paid very poorly at the hospital. I work as an office manager (while working on becoming a nurse). Since we have been trying for careers life has become really hard. We have given up dead end jobs that made decent money in hopes of have a real job one day. We have no money, we are depressed, and want advice

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Homemade Pretzels Recipe?

    I want to make a batch of pretzels. I lost my old recipe. They are very thick and require 2 different baking phases. I want to make 1/2 salty and 1/2 sweet. Can you help me find a recipe?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Livestong Bands.....?

    I have been wearing the same 2 livestrong bands for the last 2 Yeas. (It will be two years in August 31). I wear them to show support for my sister who lost her husband. The bands were passed out at the funeral and I have been wearing them since. She notices that I always have them on and seems to find comfort in that. When should I take them off? I just can't bring myself to let it go. Would the 2 year anniversay be appropriate?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • What are you going to make for dinner?

    I have no good ideas. I am tired of tacos, burritos, pasta, and chicken!

    21 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • 10 Year Anniversary Ideas?

    My husband and I have lived in Southern California all our lives. We love to travel each year around our anniversay. We have already taken our "anniversay trip" for this year.... (we just got back from Cancun)

    My question is: What should we do on the actual day of our anniversay? I am stumped because we will be away from home! We will be in Tacoma Washington because he is testing for a job that same day for about 4 hours. This is a big deal for us because if he gets the job we will have to move out of state away from our families. What would be a nice way to celebrate our day even though we will be stressed about the test and the move?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help! I took over care for a homeless 15 year old!?

    I took in an adorable 15 year old who's Mom is a homelss crack head and his dad is in prison. He is 2 years behind in school and I am getting ready to enroll him into the 9th grade at this rate he will be a 20 year old senior... Any advice?

    15 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Should I remain a Loan Officer? Or, should I change my career?

    I am not happy with my job but, I do make a lot of Money! I liked doing loans when the rates where low but, know it feels like I am ripping people off? Is the grass greener? Should I give up 6 figures a year to be happy? Help!

    9 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades ago