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  • Football jargon for a screenplay?

    A character explains why he got cut in tryouts.

    Goes like “Then coach so and so said I wasn't’t ____________________________ but I could try out again next year.

    I’m looking for something that sounds kind of “inside” to audiences who aren't’t, but should get the idea its football.

    Something along the lines of “I wasn't’t reading X kind of defense” but hip and real sounding.

    BTW, its a comedy and ideally the joke would be that the character doesn’t appreciate the meaning of his own statement and is kind of putting it in sarcastic air quotes.

    Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)9 years ago
  • In the old west, did you have to be convicted of anything to be wanted dead or alive?

    To put a 'dead or alive' bounty on someones head, what legal process would need to be undertaken?

    This if for a screen play so truth is great, but believable works too.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Danger close air strike.?

    What might a Marine say to inform his command that an unexpected air strike has fallen dangerously close to friendly personal?

    To clarify its not something he called in that was targeted wrong. Something blew up near him. He's heard the fighter and knows its friendly. He's surprised, angry and wants to make sure they don't drop more bombs.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What would an Amazon adventurer say?

    For a screenplay. What are some words a well informed world traveler would use to characterize the Amazon rain forest.

    Context is “when we finely walked out of the rain forest…”

    I don’t think a savvy traveler would say “ran forest.” They’re use some cooler more local term.

    Any ideas ?


    1 AnswerOther - Brazil1 decade ago
  • Monkey Cocaine Button?

    A very long time ago I saw a PBS documentary (or something like that) where they showed that a monkey, when provided with a button that would give it a small injection of cocaine, would continue pressing the button until it died.

    Has anyone heard of this and/or know where video from this could be found?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • How prevalent was the telegraph in the old west?

    Screenwriter trying to avoid blatant historical inaccuracy. (The “Yeah right” falling out of your char laughing type of inaccuracy.)

    My plot has telegraphs being sent and received in small to medium sized western towns in the 1870s.

    Is this realistic?

    If I’m lucky enough to be asking any historians, I’d like as much info as you are generous enough to provide.

    If you’re not, I still want to hear from you. You’re question is: Would a small to medium sized mining town having a Western Union office seem wrong enough to “take you out of the film?”

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Are you a sales professional? Recommend web resources?

    Tips, training, contact management, motivation....Looking for any websites you find useful.


    1 AnswerMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • Anyone use Wordtracker for SEO or marketing research.?

    How does it compare to google' free tool. Are there other tools worth looking at?

    4 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • Question for the Excel Ace!?

    Is there a formula or technique to measure the “similarity” between the text content of two cells and/or groups of cells?

    I'm attempting to take a long list of products with a loose naming convention identify them belonging to one of two brands my company markets.

    I have a set of records for products where I know both the name and the brand.

    I have a set of records where I just know the name.

    Product names are unique, but contain similar words and phrases I hope can be identified with brands in some automated way.

    Any suggests on how to approach this outside Excel are also appreciated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What’s running on my computer?

    There is a new process running on my Windows NT (2000) computer which, according to my task manager, is alternating between taking up about 50% of my CPU and 99% at about one cycle per second. Access is denied when I attempt end the process.

    Any idea what this could be? Its called wcg_hcc1_img5. but I’m not sure that means anything.

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Know of an any ad networks that will pay CPMs for ads an email newsletter?

    Many won't becasue the java in thier tags won't make it into in boxes.

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • How would a decomposed shark look?

    You walk into a house that’s been abandoned for over a year. There’s an aquarium with a two foot shark long dead of neglect.

    My assumptions (feel free to challenge them) are:

    1) Given that it is indoors, an fairly large, not all of the water in the aquarium would have evaporated in a years time.

    2) Since it is not in the ocean, many of the natural mechanisms that would hasten decomposition would not be present.

    So, are we talking clean white bones? Rotten flesh? What would be left?

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Anyone who read my Gold Rush question….?

    Also, given that it doesn’t have to be California, or gold for that matter, any other location/mined material combination that serves the plot concept I laid out?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Historians of the Gold Rush. Could this have happened?

    Looking to make a screenplay historically plausible. 1870’s, probably California but it doesn’t need to be. Some bad guys are going to rob a stage coach full of gold. Then, they are going launder the gold by buying a worthless mine and pretending to have found the gold there. Here are my questions.

    In what form was gold likely to have been trafficked? Dust? Ore? Nuggets? Bars?

    When and why would gold have been moved via stage coach? Who owns it at that point? Miners? Banks?

    Would someone have a need to launder gold? My thinking is if you show up with a whole bunch on nuggets it raises question but if you own a mine and a stamping mill you’re supposed to have all this….Gold dust? Gold bars? You get where I’m going.

    Also related question: What type of operational security would those shipping a wagon full of gold have? Who would know about it?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who answers all these questions.

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • eHarmony urban legend.?

    Someone told me the read a story about a couple who were breaking up, registered for eHarmony and got matched to each other then decided not to break up.

    If anyone could guide me to and documentation of such an incident I’d appreciate it big time.

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Pilots, what would you do?

    You are in a single engine sea plan flying over the ocean.

    Suddenly the engine just stops. You are not out of fuel.

    a) What is the first thing you do?

    b) How does the ignition on a plane typically work? Is there a button. Can you start up on the fly? Is there a clutch or anything you would worry about like in a car?

    b) Is it not that big a deal because it’s a sea plane, you are over water and you can glide in.? Or are you in deep trouble.

    c) What mistake could you easily make to exacerbate the problem into something really scary? (This is for a screen play if you haven’t guessed, so drama rules over plausibility so long as most people will believe it could happen.)

    10 AnswersAircraft2 decades ago
  • Worked in a Lab? Know what this is called?

    Some times in a lab you will an air tight glass box with rubber gloves built into the box so one could manipulatet the contence of the box without exposing it to air.

    What's that called?

    4 AnswersChemistry2 decades ago