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  • computer problem help?

    my friend used one of those crap cleaner sites and her comp is pretty old she has windows 2000 and after she used used the crap cleaner site all she gets is a blue screen and thats it what can she do ?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • the Governor of Oklahoma has signed bill 1804 what do you think?

    An Oklahoma State House of Representatives committee approved a strict immigration bill on Wednesday for a full vote in the Oklahoma House. The Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007 [HB 1804 text, DOC] seeks to prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining state identification, and would require all state and local agencies to verify citizenship status of applicants before authorizing benefits. The bill would also require public employers to enter job applicants into an electronic immigration database to verify legal status, and would repeal a 2003 law that permits illegal immigrants to attend state colleges at in-state tuition levels.

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • i am locked out of my 95 Mercury cougar?

    the drivers key hole lock has been removed and passenger side is still there but wont work now? what do have to find in the inside of the hole to push or pull or do ? to unlock the car

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • are you ready for the Mexican trucks and truckers to cross our border?

    it will start as early as the end of this month

    “This disastrous plan will allow Mexican trucks and truckers to cross our border with no weight or load accountability restrictions enforced, as their loads will not be under the same security scrutiny that our truckers’ loads have to comply to

    Most of the Mexican truckers do not speak, read or write English and many have less than an 8th grade education. Many will drive their trucks with no liability or collision insurance in place, many truckers will be driving with no driver-licenses and some with criminal and DUI driving records.”

    If one of these “legal” truckers who speaks little or no English, reads no English and therefore can’t read the signs on the roads, maims or kills your family - who do you think is going to pick up the tab and be held responsible? Some obscure company way down in the interior of Mexico?

    We cannot allow this to happen, not even to test it. It is the ill willed plan of our government to

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • if they become legal what do you think will happen next?

    if they become legal can you predict where the chips will fall after that lets see prices will still go up on produce as they are now legal Americans and companies will still have to pay them more ,they now openly qualify for goverment asst. something they say they dont get now but my state has come out and said we have already been giving it to them. schools will still be over crowded .and now they will be feeling the crunch of job Competition and paying taxes ,health care , maybe even forcing more companies into paying under the table.we will see more groups popping up for them saying we are not getting treated fairly and now we want to do away with the high cost of these visas and costs of citizenship or do you think it will be just dandy i really dont see how am i leaving anything out what may be some of the fall out of all this ?

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • do you think the newest demanding march will hurt or help the illegals cause?

    Carrying signs saying "Amnesty Now!" and "Love Thy Neighbor, Don't Deport Him," about 15,000 people danced to Mexican ranchera music, chanted "Si, se puede!" or "It can be done!" and passed large American flags over the crowd.

    Many were angry about a White House plan that would grant illegal immigrants work visas but require them to return home to apply for U.S. residency and pay a $10,000 fine.

    The White House's draft plan, leaked last week, calls for a new "Z" visa that would allow illegal immigrant workers to apply for three-year work permits. They would be renewable indefinitely, but would cost $3,500 each time.

    Then to become legal permanent residents, illegal immigrants would have to return to their home country, apply at a U.S. embassy or consulate to re-enter legally and pay a $10,000 fine.

    The proposal has been sharply criticized by Hispanic advocacy groups, Democrats, the Roman Catholic Church and unions that have many immigrants in their ranks. They argue

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • where does your state stand on illegal immigration?

    here in oklahoma they are starting to get tough on illegals and admitting that they have let illegals have goverment assitance.

    Frustrated with the federal government's response to illegal immigration, Oklahoma is poised to become the next state to pass a tough law targeting illegal immigrants and the businesses that employ them.

    A sweeping measure moving through the Legislature would deny welfare benefits, in-state college tuition rates and numerous state subsidies to those in the country illegally. It would also empower police to detain illegal immigrants and require businesses that do work for the state to prove that their employees are legally in the country. the leader of the Oklahoma effort said he was tired of waiting for Washington politicians to fix a problem that costs his state millions of dollars a year.

    "Illegal aliens will not come here if there are no jobs waiting for them. They will not come if there are no taxpayer subsidies. And they certainly won't come if

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • more of the new immgration plan info what do you think of it?

    i have a problem with some of it like

    Under the plan, undocumented workers could apply for three-year work visas, which the plan dubs "Z" visas. They would be renewable indefinitely but renewal would cost $3,500 each time.

    smells like amensty.

    but better than the previous plans i like the fact that prohibits temporary workers from bringing family members.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • are you tired of the lie Americans wont work?

    Ok first off the illegals and their supporters say Americans wont do these jobs. come on now look around you will see plenty of of legal Americans working hard i do one of those jobs as most people in my family do .Not everyone wants to be behind a desk i dont! now lets set this fact straight : Former employees are suing Swift & Co. for $23 million . The 18 former employees are U.S. citizens and legal residents who worked at a plant in Cactus, north of Amarillo, one of six facilities raided an a multi state federal sweep that led to the arrests of nearly 1,300 employees and temporarily halted Swift's operations. Wow Americans who did those jobs gee whiz. These plaintiffs are ... victims in a longstanding scheme by Swift to depress and artificially lower the wages of its workers by knowingly hiring illegal workers," said their attorney, Angel Reyes. "By lessening its labor costs and increasing its profits, Swift has severely damaged the potential earnings and livelihood of

    28 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • do you think this was a question or a statement?

    i got violation they said this was not a quetion what your take ?

    question ( i say its a question)

    are you tired of the lie Americans wont work read this ! swift info?

    body: Ok first off the illegals and their supporters say Americans wont do these jobs. come on now look around you will see plenty of of legal Americans working hard i do one of those jobs as most people in my family do .Not everyone wants to be behind a desk i dont! now lets set this fact straight : Former employees are suing Swift & Co. for $23 million . The 18 former employees are U.S. citizens and legal residents who worked at a plant in Cactus, north of Amarillo, one of six facilities raided an a multi state federal sweep that led to the arrests of nearly 1,300 employees and temporarily halted Swift's operations. Wow Americans who did those jobs gee whiz. These plaintiffs are ... victims in a longstanding scheme by Swift to depress and artificially lower the wages of its workers by knowingly hiring illegal

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Calderon's plan?

    many times i have heard on here that the illegals are doing us a favor as our growing elderly population is growing so, them paying into our social security will help us(hmm mrrm ) . well what about all the elderly they are leaving behind in mexico evidently the president of mexico thinks its a big problem he is offering companies incentives to pay young Mexicans higher wages. giving them an incentive to stay home and develop higher skills. This loss of labor can't go on forever. Mexico is losing people as it is (growth has slowed to 1.16% from 1.53% in 2000)

    Calderon is up against not just market forces. Mexico's young people are leaving for El Norte even before they start looking for work in Mexico because their peers are doing it.

    It also complements Calderon's emphasis on the rule of law. Unlike his predecessor, Vicente Fox, who sought amnesty for illegals in the U.S., he is urging the U.S. to accept more legal workers to end border chaos.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • what do you think of Calderon's plan?

    many times i have heard on here that the illegals are doing us a favor as our growing elderly population is growing so, them paying into our social security will help us(hmm mrrm ) . well what about all the elderly they are leaving behind in mexico evidently the president of mexico thinks its a big problem he is offering companies incentives to pay young Mexicans higher wages. giving them an incentive to stay home and develop higher skills. This loss of labor can't go on forever. Mexico is losing people as it is (growth has slowed to 1.16% from 1.53% in 2000)

    Calderon is up against not just market forces. Mexico's young people are leaving for El Norte even before they start looking for work in Mexico because their peers are doing it.

    It also complements Calderon's emphasis on the rule of law. Unlike his predecessor, Vicente Fox, who sought amnesty for illegals in the U.S., he is urging the U.S. to accept more legal workers to end border chaos.

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • i am being impersonated and yahoo wont do anything but give me violations any help?

    this person post's racist questions and uses my pic from my 360 ,and others have written yahoo several times . and yahoo gives me a violations instead of removing this persons account they only remove a few of his or her questions then give they me violations? wtf

    Question: who the hell said??

    Question Details: looks like somebody doesn't have the brains or the balls to debate with me in a civil manner . so you can only resort to this how pathetic sucks to be you ! oh well impersonation i hear is the highest form of flattery .

    Deleted Answer: looks like somebody doesn't have the brains or the balls to debate with me in a civil manner . so you can only resort to this how pathetic sucks to be you ! oh well impersonation i hear is the highest form of flattery .

    Reason of Violation:Insulting Other Participants;_ylt=AqvLC...

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • is there a prepaid phone w/ camera that you can download pics to your comp?

    when they say camera phone its misleading as you can only store pics in camera and send to phone to phone and not download your pics i cant seem to find a prepaid cell phone that i can download my pics to computer

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Congressman Gallegly introduces illegal immigration package what do you think?

    Congressman Elton Gallegly today introduced six bills to fight illegal immigration in the United States.

    “A top priority for this new Congress and any Congress, for that matter, should be to reduce the high levels of illegal immigrants entering this nation,” Gallegly said when introducing the bills. “This is a problem that goes directly to our responsibilities as a sovereign nation to secure our borders and enforce our laws.”

    Gallegly’s bills are designed to remove incentives for immigrants to enter the United States illegally, bring fairness to federal immigration laws, and close loopholes illegal immigrants use to flout U.S. laws. Two of Gallegly’s bills address the crux of the illegal immigration problem: jobs. To get a job, a person must provide his employer with a Social Security number. Illegal immigrants often provide fictitious Social Security numbers, many times adopting the identity of a hardworking American who is unaware his identity has been stolen until he is

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What shall our attitude towards immigration be?

    —There is no good reason why immigration should be absolutely prohibited. On the other hand, the question that the careful restriction of immigration is imperative. Clearly, it is our duty to accept only such immigrants as show promise of becoming capable and efficient American citizens. It is also clearly our duty to accept even this type of immigrant only in such numbers as we can conveniently assimilate. We must not be selfish with America, but we should not be misled by the statement that anyone in has a “right” to make his home in this country. Those who come to this country are personally benefited, no doubt, but unrestricted immigration may lower the tone of American life and permanently injure our social and political institutions. America is for the present generation, but is also for posterity. The millions of unborn have as much right to be considered as have the millions now clamoring at our gates.In the earlier part of our national history free land was abundant .

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If Mexicans will do jobs in?

    If Mexicans will do jobs in America that Americans won't do, why don't Mexicans do them in Mexico which is full of jobs that Americans won't do? just curious have fun and please leave the color of my skin out of this lol

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • why not just get rid of all waiting lines?

    what do you think since the pros seem to think its ok to just let illegals cut in line of people who are trying to come here legal

    next time your in a grocery line cut in front of a pros and illegals , don't stop at that nasty stop light check it out and go if you like hey use their identities i am sure they wont mind send them the bill on your next D.R. , visit .

    for all the people who cant recognize sarcasm of course you cant tell a pro or illegal from looking duh! ITS a good example though just as you wouldn't want someone moving in your house and you paying their way while they demand and not pay their way.

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • what do you think of some of the crazy lawsuits the PRO' S & illegals are bringing up?

    this one for instance a group in Maricopa County ,AZ. Community groups, state representatives and professors allege in the suit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Phoenix that county officials are misusing the statute when they charge illegal immigrants with "conspiring to transport themselves" and violating the constitutional rights to due process and to bar unreasonable search and seizure.

    The group also claimed the county's enforcement policy is "a scheme to control international borders."

    Click here to visit's Immigration Center.

    They blame Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Joe Arpaio specifically for using the policy "to garner media attention" and "further their political fortunes" by criticizing federal authorities' ability to control immigration. Arpaio said he had not yet seen the lawsuit but added that he was "going to continue enforcing the law and continue arresting illegals under this new law." The six immigrants represented

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Dallas property managers or owners verify the immigration or citizenship status of apartment renters.?

    New anti-illegal immigration ordinances in this Dallas suburb were challenged again today, when three apartment complexes filed a lawsuit asking that a ban on renting to illegal immigrants be declared unconstitutional.

    what do you think unconstitutional ? I THINK NOT

    what about the right of the people what about the people who ss numbers stolen like my son who almost lost his house what about my nephew who has a mangled leg because of a truck load of illegals ran over him . what about my brothers who cant work in the roofing trade anymore just so companies can have more money . where is our constitutional rights i cant get over the fact that people want to support mexico's corruption so whats your take constitutional or unconstitutional?

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago