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  • trying to figure out a name for the new pup. ?

    Ok i've seen a lot of people ask this question and always thought it was silly til now its my turn lol. My deal is I am getting a female german shepherd puppy tomorrow. I want her name to be a strong that says...proud/strong/protector.. Kids and I have searched name databases and we just cant seem to find that one perfect name. So if anyone has any ideas that would be great.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • For anyone who owns a border collie?

    I am looking to get a dog. I would love one that would be a great family companion but also a very good watch dog. My dad has a border collie i absolutely love and is quite mild..but as i was reading on them i know their very smart dogs but it said they really have "puppy" like attitudes til 3-4 yrs old. I also read they need a lot of exercise and room to roam. Would they be a good guard dog?. I dont need anything to attack but on that would definatly intimidate if need be. We live in military housing and have a nice fenced in yard but other then walks will that be enough space for them to use up energy. I guess i am just wanting your opinions and stories about your bordie collies.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • question about emergency leave?

    i had to call in a red cross message today about my F.I.L. If and when they send my husband home will they fly him to base or where his dad is? I've read they send him to home base but ive had others say no they fly him to where he needed to be. Just wondering what others have done when this happened to them?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • just joined airforce and have a question?

    im askin on behalf of my brother. anyways.. he is going to get married first of april..he leaves for basic april 22nd. will his new wife get on insurance then or will she have to wait til after all the graduations

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • We are about to PCS to Ft. Campbell Kentucky. Im excited but was wondering if anyone on here is there ....?

    or has been there that can tell me about the school systems and areas around there. We are coming from Ft. Drum. How is the housing. Is there a big shortage. I've looked at the site and just cant seem to find the right amount of information im looking for. Any thing anyone has to say will be helpful. Thanks.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Question about registering dogs?

    My male is registered with ACA and my female is registered under AKC. Do both dogs have to be registered the same to register the litter of pups. Is there anyway i can change my male over to AKC?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question about registering a new litter.?

    I have two registered pugs. The thing is i only have the papers for the male. When the lady gave me the female a few years ago she couldnt find the papers she claimed. With my males papers it does have a paper in there to register a litter so i assume I can but will it be as affective? I dont care about getting more money or whatever for them but i just want to make sure when i sell them and say their registered that i wont be decieving to anyone.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • question for pug breeders!?

    I know every dog is different but i was just wanting to get an idea or somewhat of a percentage as to who's female has had problems having pups. If read several articles where she could possibly have c-section and i understand that but i still would like to get a first hand opinion on the matter from ones who's been through it..

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • This morning my dog tried to eat her feces. I've never seen her try this before. what couldve caused this?

    I'm 99.9% sure she's preg..she has all the symptoms just havent had it confirmed by a vet yet. Could this be something they do when their preg? Just wondering. I dont want this to be a new habit of hers.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago