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  • ¿algun electricista industrial que me ayude con un problema?

    tengo una maquina que utiliza 400 voltios trifasicos y trae un transformados que reduce de 480 voltios a 400, estuvo conectada en un sitio que tenia 230 voltios trifasicos asi que le conectamos un transformador que subiera esos 230 voltios para convertirlos en 480 y luego el segundo transformador hacia la reduccion a 390 voltios. La empresa se mudo y se conecto en otro sitio que tiene 218 voltios trifasicos. La salida del primer transformador no da los 480 sino 424 y el segundo en vez de reducir esos 424 en proporcion a sus ajustes aumento el voltaje a 508. El resultado fue que se quemo una computadora y hay mas daños aun no establecidos. Hoy se modificaron las conecciones de las bobinas para que el primer transformador diera 387 voltios y el segundo sube a 434 que aun es alto pero esta en el rango operativo de la maquina. Ambos transformadores tienen la entrada de voltaje en el X y la salida en el H y el segundo tiene una coneccion al X0 que es neutral necesario para la maquina. La primera pregunta es, como es posible que un transformador hecho para reducir voltaje y que estuvo siempre reduciendo voltaje de pronto aumente voltaje. Y la otra es, mido voltajes tengo 240 en cada salida que esta supuesta a tener esos 240, pero cuando conecto cualquier aparato (un monitor de computadora por ejemplo) el voltaje de salida se inestabiliza al extremo de bajarse a 50 y subirse a 280 en oscilacion rapida. La computadora principal de la maquina no alcanza a encender porque el voltaje (o amperaje???) esta inestable. Sera daño en la maquina o sera problema de la coneccion de transformadores que haya dado voltaje pero no amperaje? alguna idea?

    1 AnswerOtros - Electrónica8 years ago
  • Is this correct in a partnership?

    We are opening a company, originally 3 partners one of those was the one who invest to open the company. This partner decided to quit and sold his shares (33%) in the same as the original investment ($5,000) the buyer is a friend who is now complaining why he had to pay the $5,000 and he comes to a meeting today asking to be reimbursed by the company in the future. To make it more clear, he want to get back any money that he invest on the company but keeping the 33% ownership. I'm sure this is not congruent, to me is like to tell anyone on the street that I have shares for free to be partner in my company. The problem now is the that other partner was happy with the idea and now I have 2 voting for that crazy thing and only me opposite. In this case, is this a correct way to work? how come this will appear on the accounting? partnership investment refund? how come? Any suggestion in how to work with this? Extra info, we are under a C Corporation in California

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • I got in a car accident and my car is total loss. There is any way to recover my money?

    I got a rear end collision and I was pushed against a electric pole, my car is now a total loss. I have the car since 2 months ago and I paid $1000 down and 2 payments of $234 plus some extras like windows tint and 1 tire replacement. My balance is $6121 with the financial company, I will get $5140 from the insurance and I have a GAP insurance to pay the total balance. Now, I will have to buy another car, that's mean another down payment and I have no money to waste on it, I mean why I have to pay if I had my car and someone else because any reason just hit me and make my car a junk. The other driver was uninsured and was driving with suspended license. There is any way to get money to recover my vehicle (to pay down payment at least)? I don't want to take advantage but at least to recover my car without making any payment other than the normal monthly payments for the value. Any idea? I have no lesions and no pain.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Child support question?

    I have 3 kids on my first marriage and 2 on the second one. I have my 2 daughters living with me (primary custody) and I have a child support case for my 13 years old son who lives with his mother. Now I lost my job and my ex wife is working, then she's on the same or better financial status compared with the money I do doing some jobs as a self employee. I tried to modify the amount on my child support case but the county do not want to do it even when I cannot afford it. Today I received a letter from the Child Support office saying I'm in contempt.

    To me do not have sense to have to pay for my son when I'm supporting the 2 others from the same marriage. I mean, I have 2, she have 1 and she do same money and I have another 2 kids to support. This is totally unfair!!! but the court do not care on this problem.

    What I have to do, they say I can go to jail but I cannot afford to pay child support and keep paying my rent, food and bills. At this time I don't even have the money to pay my rent and is first day on the month. The system is totally against fathers, is protecting mothers to do bad things and make families to have so bad time because the way how the actual economy is. There is any way to stop that case and make the mother to pay for my son's care and me keeping caring the other 2? any advise? I have the appointment for Sept 16. Also, I'm in California, Los Angeles County.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • IT services fair rate?

    What can be a fair hour rate for Professional IT Services including:

    Server Management, Maintenance, Software/Hardware Installation, Throubleshooting, Network Optimization, etc.

    I'm actually offering my services to a Company in California for $30/hr. but now they want to lower the price. I'm not 100% familiar with the prices in a hourly basis, but I know there is some companies who probably charge more than $30. Ideas?

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • hit and run in a private parking lot?

    I been paked in a night club in a "private section" of the parking lot. There is a place where the security gays put cones to avoid everybody parks there. I went to fix the owner's computer and of course they let me park there. When I finish and went to my car (a 2 months old, brand new Toyota Highlader) I discoverrd it has been hit in a hit and run event. The security gays of course did not say anything positive to identify the person who hit my car. The place have cameras and the owner offer me to see the video tomorrow but the camera probably cannot have the license plate #. What can I do? There is a so bad dent on the front bumper and the right front fender and the back right fender too. I did't call insurance or police since the other vehicle was not on scene. Any advise please?

    7 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • IRF246N equivalent?

    I'm looking for an IRF246N MOSFET but I cannot find it. Do anybody knows if there is any equivalent to replace this? The original use is for a 12V. L.E.D. multi-pattern flasher.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • network problems?

    We're using a file server Dual Intel P4 Xeon with 2Gb RAM, 600Gb HDD in a RAID-0 SATA with 2 - 1Gb ethernet cards. The IP on the cards are and sharing the resources between Mac (OS X) and Windows workstations. The Mac workstations are accessing to the first ethernet card thru a 1Gb switch and the PCs to the other one using a 10/100 switch. During the day few of the PCs are disconnecting from the network and we have to restart it in order to get back with the connection because an error occurs. Sometimes the Macs are very fast but sometimes are too slow I have been improved the packet size on the server but the problem remains. Any ideas?


    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How can I get an ambulance donated for my Country's Fire Dept. I'm living in California?

    Also any kind of firefighting/medical emergencies donations to support them.

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Can I retry to make an offer in a townhouse?

    I was in an Escrow trying to buy a 4 bed/2bath townhouse for $379,900 but when we did the appraisal the value on the property was only $370,000 and of course the bank only approves for that much. The seller accept to lower the price but only after fired her agent and do for sale by owner straight to me (she's trying to save money on commisions). Can I do in that way or I have to wait certain time to do it? somebody told me I cannot do before 90 days but I have no time to wait that time, I was supposed to finish escrow on 6/20, now I have a very bad delay and I want to speed up the process. Also before, the seller offered to help with $4,000 for closing costs and now doesn't want to do it anymore. Any advise? I was pre-approved for the loan.

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 decades ago
  • -For those who are thinking about the immigrants doesn't have rights: Do you know your own Constitution?

    Bill of Rights

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


    Then, any person who resides in the United States of America legal, illegal, citizens, tourists, refugees, etc. have rights.

    19 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Do you know why a lot of immigrants from Guatemala came to US and fight for rights?

    If the US action's in 1954 was the reason for the war in Guatemala and the exodus of hundreds of affecteds, why we cannot fight for rights to stay here?

    11 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Case dismissed?? what that means?

    I got a judgment and as a result of that, there was a wage garnishment against me. Then I filled up an exception petition and in the exception I agreed to pay $80 each month. The other party does not accept the exception then we had been scheduled for a hearing. I went to the court, the other party does not appear and I explained to the judge about that account was not mine because the other party claims money from a loan to buy a motor vehicle in 1995 and my first driver license had been issued in 2002, then there was no way to buy a motor vehicle in that time, then the judge just say "dismissed". Ok, now what means that? do I have to pay what I did offer on the exception form, the $80 a month? or I do not have to pay anything else?

    18 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • I got a wage garnishment letter but?

    According to the paperwork is a credit for a motor vehicle in 1995, they're claiming $1500 and I'm making $525 a week. But, even if my paycheck will look "big" sometimes I'm very short each month since I have 5 kids and California is a very expensive state. I did filed an excemption but the other part doesn't accept that and now I have to go to the court. The major problem is, I tried already to deal with the collecting agency for $75 a month but they say I do enough money to pay more, but that is not true and they also hang up the phone every time when I try to deal whit them. The sad part is, I NEVER bough a motor vehicle in that year since my first driver license was issued to me in Feb/2002 and I never signed as a co-signer. I was called to the financial institution and they barely have information (of course, after more than 10 years they don't have too much info)I'm think is not fair because I'm not owe this money but what can I do? I cannot afford more than $75 a month

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance2 decades ago
  • I think is enough xenophobia and racism on this category. Why we don't stop this?

    in my opinion, all the illegal immigrants with or without green cards will stay here even with everything against them. Why we have to spend and waste time trying to denigrate them or make hate-related forums just for nothing. Like few bad americans with bad feelings have been posted here. Being a good american doesn't means create a blog and insult mexicans just because, being good american is not being a minuteman, a good american is who work and make this country a good place to live even if he has to share with illegals. I'm illegal, I'm doing better things for this country than most americans, and I have proofs. I'll stay here. If somebody don't like this I'm sorry but is the true. Come and deport me if you don't like what I'm doing, but believe me, like me, there is hundred of illegal immigrants who are doing valuable things in favor of this country. I'll like to read the human sense of the answerers, I like to read people who really make the difference here.

    9 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago