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Lv 42,756 points

Spy Girl

Favorite Answers17%
  • Where to find Dame Cinco children's song? Who wrote/performed this?

    There is a children's song with a chorus like this:

    Dame Cinco! Give me five!

    Mucho gusto! That's what I like...

    Yo Te Amo! I love you soooo....

    Hey, hey, hey...I've got to go....

    Anyone know where I can find this song? I've searched the internet and cannot come up with an artist for it or anything. Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why is it so difficult to get some of the best Alfred Hitchcock movies?

    I have been looking for Rebecca and Notorious for several years, yet the only DVD I can find to purchase new is Notorious, and it costs $40 from Borders, which seems outrageous. Aren't these both well-known and well-liked Hitchcock movies? Why aren't they more readily available? Does anyone know of a source where I can purchase them new at a reasonable price?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How do I set up a password to open Outlook?

    I used to have it this way - when you click Outlook to open it, it requires you to enter a password - but my computer crashed so I'm starting from scratch and setting everything up again. I can't figure out how I originally set up that password & am not finding anything in Microsoft help either. I just don't want anyone to be able to open up my Outlook if I let them use my computer. Thanks for your input!

    1 AnswerSoftware2 decades ago
  • How do you get people to stop bugging you about being married? Or if you don't want to have kids?

    I am single, and enjoy being that way at this time in my life, but am constantly getting the "Are you married? Why not?" line of questioning. It drives me completely nuts and even when I try to explain myself, people continue to nag me about when I'm going to get married or get a boyfriend.

    Similarly my best friend is married but has no intention of having kids, and people give her a hard time about that. Personally, I think people should respect both of our decisions because they aren't the one's having to live our lives & take on the responsibilities that they are so eager to push off on us (i.e. raise kids for her, etc.), but how do we make them leave us alone??? I don't want to be rude and tell them to bug off, but I can't figure out a polite way that works.

    Thanks for your ideas!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago