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  • HTML Opens New Window?

    I used to do web design quite a bit and I usually hand code the whole thing since I find that easier to get exactly what I want. However, I'm rusty. I'm now working on a small internal website for my company and they had used MS Word to build the old page. Rather then rebuild the whole thing I figured I'd use what they had and just tweak little bits.

    My problem is I built a frameset and want all the links to open in one of the frames NOT to open new windows. It works once and then every link after that opens a new window. I already checked and found no target=_blank entries in my code.

    My frameset is built properly and my frames are named properly. My links are labeled target="frame" where frame is the name of the frame I want them to open in. I think this has to be something in the old MS Word code that I'm borrowing.

    Anyone seen this before?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Speed Limits Enforced in CO?

    How strictly enforced are the speed limits in Colorado? Specificly in Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins areas?

    I'll be visiting soon and I know each area is different. For example in most of CA you can go 5 to 10 mph over without getting a ticket, but in South Carolina you can't go over the limit at all or you get ticketed.

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Do I tell my Sensei?

    In my dojo there is one person whom I have no respect for. He and I used to work together. I was a lowly entry level technician and he was a VP of a different department. The problem is two fold.

    First, he was extremely rude and abusive to everyone who worked for him and to everyone in my department. I never let it bother me since he was a superior and is wealthy I kind of expected poor behavior from that type.

    Second, I found out he cheated on his wife. I work at night and he would often stay late in the office with one of his employees and "fraternize" after hours in the office. Security and I caught them several times in his office or in hers and one time in his car. He eventually got fired for it.

    I didn't belong to the dojo when we worked together and I didn't know he was there until recently. Do I tell my sensei about my problem with this man or is it not dojo business? What privacy laws might protect him in CA?

    17 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • ? for the ladies - Body Hair?

    I'm a 27 year old man who's always had a lot of body hair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sasquatch, but I do have a thick coat of chest and belly hair, a good amount of arm and leg hair and a little back hair. I also grow facial hair at an extremely fast rate so I have trouble keeping smooth shaven. Literally if I shave this morning I'll have a 5 o'clock shadow by lunch.

    The question is, how many women out there like the "teddy bear" hair on guys? If the man is rather athletic (I jog and lift weights as well as do martial arts) is it still an issue or would it totally ruin any attraction?

    Please be brutally honest. My wife says she likes the look but I don't think it can be attractive. I'm thinking of having it removed from my back and belly.

    16 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • Attractive?

    I've been told that I'm very cute but I've also been told I'm funny looking. I'm simply curious if I'm attractive. Not actually looking for a date. Please rate my picture. I've lost about 15 pounds since that was taken but still it's a pretty good idea of what I look like. Thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style2 decades ago
  • Add Horsepower?

    I want to add a few HP to my 2006 Kia Spectra without voiding my warranty. I wanted to know if anyone had tried those piggyback systems you can find on Ebay that claim 20+HP gains. I don't expect that they come anywhere near that, but the one I was looking at had several people saying they noticed an increase in power. Even a 5 hp gain would be well worth the $10-$20 this would cost.

    I like these systems because they claim you can remove them without leaving any trace of them ever being there and then reinstall them at will.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 decades ago
  • MY PC wont read a music CD?

    I sometimes make copies of my music CDs to keep in the car (so my original can stay safe at home and not get scratched or warped). But I have 1 CD that the computer wont even see. It says that the drive is empty. I know the CD works, it has played in my CD players and I even bought a second copy brand new thinking that my old one was damaged somehow. I also have tried this with 2 different CD drives on my PC.

    On the CD packaging it has a statment I haven't seen before. It says that this CD will not work with "mono devices". Could that have something to do with it?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers2 decades ago