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  • How do I disable the password setting in my Samsung Galaxy Win (GT-I8552) cell phone?

    I might be doing something wrong. I try to change the setting, but the password lock is still enabled upon turning on my cell.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    I need help translating this from Chinese to English.?

    My parents are writing about me and my bf. They don't approve of him due to his 75% blindness. Please help translating, Thanks.

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • How do you write a resume?

    I've only had 2 jobs, but for those jobs I never had to write a resume. So how does one go about doing that? If you can be very specific that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and thanks again.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Children of immigrant asian parents, some questions...?

    I'm doing a project on children of immigrant asian parents, and I have a few questions to ask. Maybe I'll use your answer, maybe I won't. It'll help if you're American Born Chinese:

    Did you ever feel like your parents put more pressure on you than the parents of your american friends?

    Do you feel that your parents set higher expectations on your than most american parents?

    Do you think you have more responsibilites than most kids?

    Did you ever think your parents were more strict than other american parents?

    Do you think you were brought up differently than others? How?

    Who do you think has more expectations set upon them? Immigrant parents or Americans?

    Or, you know, if you don't understand, basically I'm asking how you felt growing up with immigrant parents and how you felt watching other american children growing up as opposed to you. Also, please give me more than yes or no answers. Try to answer with honestly and well thought out answers. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Music in Shakespearean play, Taming of the Shrew?

    I can't for the life of me tell what kind of music they played. I was at Skakespeare in the Park this weekend for one of my classes because I have to write a performance paper. I'm just stuck on the music. I heard flutes, and if you've ever seen an old Shakespeare play, the music kind of sounded like that. I so wish I could describe it, but all I can say that it was very uppidity. The play was a comedy, so the music was happy.

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Shakespearean play Taming of the Shrew?

    I saw that play this weekend in Shakespeare in the Park, and I have to write about the performance. I'm stuck on the Language. The language is formal, but I have no idea what to call it. Olden language? Heh, they say, "Thee, thy, thou..." Is that called diatonic?

    6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Alexander Hamilton and the Constitution?

    I need to explain 'Alex Hamilton's position on an explanation of the constitution.'

    The question confuses me, but the answer I put down was: Hamilton believed in a strong central government and a strong national bank due to his wartime experience. His position on the constitution was pivotal to freedom of speech. Under the common law, truth was not a defense in cases of seditious libel. In Croswell v. People (1804), Hamilton argued that truth should be a defense. He lost the case but swayed those members of the state legislature who heard him. They soon enacted his position into law, thus establishing a legal foundation for the ideal of a free and responsible press.

    Now, I have the nagging feeling that I am so so so so wrong, and I think I need major help. Yay for Humanities 151!!

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Anti Virus question, and is it really a virus?

    I guess I went to a questionable website last night, and I think I have a virus now. These pop ups keep popping up (heh) asking me if I want to install Anti Virus. MalwareBurn is particularly pushy. I tried to scan my computer using that, but it wants me to pay to take away the virus. IF I do indeed have a virus, is there anything that can take it away? Something I don't have to pay for with my credit card? Cause if I use my card, and I get the bill, I think I may cry. Gotta stop using my card, man. So, any help or suggestions for this clueless asian gal?

    Ooops, forgot to mention that I did run and install MalwareBurn to my computer, but it still wants me to pay. And, I already have VirusScan On-Demand, but that just scans for viruses. But I did use it last night, and it said I don't have any viruses. What's a girl to do? Plus, my computer has no symptons, just a tad bit slow. And my main page goes directly to Malware when it's supposed to go to Yahoo.

    15 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Tooth pulling for my dad...?

    He wants me to pull out his tooth because it's loose. He's old, so his teeth are going bad. I want to try tying his tooth to some floss and tie the end of the string to a door knob and close. I don't want to hurt him, because he's kind of sensitive. Does anybody have any suggestions? I told him to drink a lot of milk and swoosh him mouth with it also. Don't know if that will do anything, but still, milk is calcium.

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Book review on book set in 1600's-1877.?

    I just want some recommendations set in that time period. It's for my Humanites 151 class. I only have one book that I know of, which is Killer Angels, but I just wanted some more recommendations. If anybody can give me some choices, it'll be very much appreciated.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Facial Mask duration?

    I was wondering if it was okay to sleep with your face mask on? I have a Clinique face mask, and on the instructions, it says to leave it for 5 minutes, and then wash it off. What would happen if I sleep with it on? Because that's my plan. Any suggestions of this being a good thing or bad?

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Any Sauna tips?

    I want to go to the sauna in my gym, but it just looks like a hot box. Is that what it is, just a hot box to sit in? So any tips for the sauna? What do I wear, do I have to bring in a towel? That kind of thing.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Shoes on top of a light pole = drug dealing?

    Hi, everytime I drive home, I pass an apartment complex. Next to the entrance to the complex, there is a very tall light pole with a pair of shoes wrapped around the top. I was told that this means that somewhere in the complex, people are selling drugs. Is that true? Shoes on tope of the light pole = drug dealing, I was told.

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Vaseline on your thighs?

    I heard that marathon runners rub vaseling on their thighs and underarms. Why is this? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do you pay taxes?

    This is my first time paying taxes, because this is my first time having a job with a paycheck. The only other jobs I had were just volunteer jobs. So if you could help me with some good information, then it's very much appreciated. Also, when is the deadline to pay your taxes? I know it's April, just don't know what day.

    Thanks and thanks again.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Songs to upload on my mp3 for working out?

    Just looking for some more songs to put onto my mp3. I'm cleaning out my drive, and now I've got about a handful of my favorite songs.

    I need some songs that have a good beat, up tempo. No slow and depressing songs please. This is a workout, I need energetic songs.

    Please give me the name of the band/singer, and the song title. Thanks.

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • My car radio?

    My car radio is acting strange for the past few months or so. It keeps getting a lot of static, and usually it goes silent for less than a minute. The strangest thing is that when I stop the car (brake), then everything starts up fine until I start driving again. It's really starting to get annoying. I'll be there listening to a good song, and then static and or silence. I'm wondering if the wiring crossed path with the brake system, if that's possible. But my car radio isn't originally part of the car, I bought the cd system at Circuit City about 4-5 years ago. Sometimes the radio is fine for about 30 minutes or so, but then it starts up again. But everyday I drive this happens.

    Can anyone help me out and tell me why this is happening? Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Southeast Asia manufacturing?

    I'm doing a compare and contrast paper on Southeast Asia, and I'm stuck on the Compare and Contrast on manufacturing. I can't find any info on it in my notes or in my book. Maybe because it's 4am, and I'm not thinking straight. Heh, 6 pages down, 4 to go. If you can help, then that would be great.

    End of the quarter projects and term papers are kicking my äss.

    P.S. you have no idea how many times I had to edit this. I'm just soooooooo tired.

  • Sociology Question?

    This past weekend, I went to the mall with my underwear on the outside of my clothing. So boxers over my jeans, and bra over my shirt. All in the name of my sociology deviance paper. I had people staring and whispering when they saw me. I need to choose 1 theory and go with it. Now, I have an idea about what Theory I should do, but I think I'm wrong. Here are the Theories: Strain, Conflict, Labeling, Control, and Learning theory.

    Also, I have to write about the social controls I encountered. Again, I have an idea, but then again, it wouldn't hurt to ask. I have to choose between formal/informal, internal/external, manipulative/coercive.

    If you could help, that would be great. Also, I'm not asking you to do my homework, so don't be mean and accuse me of that. I just want other ideas, cause I think I'm not on the right path.

    4 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • How can my dog have fleas?

    How can my dog have fleas if he's an indoor dog and only takes walks once every day for about 30 minutes? It's so sad, cause he's chewing and scratching himself to the bone. I've used Bitter Apple spray, but it doesn't seem to deter him. Do you think he has fleas, or just dry skin?

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago