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  • I'm missing the majority of all the music I bought through iTunes, how do I get it back?

    I just recently uninstalled and installed iTunes because my music was all screwed up. I had three locations of music folders so I combined all three then went through each and every file of music I had and fixed it. What I realized while going through them is that I didn't see a lot of the music that I have purchased through iTunes. I still have it all on my iPod, since I haven't synced it yet (I'm scared I'm going to lose the songs again), but they're not on my computer (I've seen the actual files before from when I've manually added my own music). I've gone through 'My Computer' and searched for individual songs, but I can't find them. Is there any way to get them back from iTunes? Or else sync them from my iPod so I don't lose them again?


    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • I was using a cat5e cable for my computer and it has stopped working. Is it the cable or the outlet?

    I've used this cat5e cable for the last...3 years and this week it stopped working. I hadn't had my computer plugged into it because I hadn't been around, so I didn't know if that had something to do with it (though I highly doubt it).

    I tried a new cable and that didn't work either. I used a can of compressed air to make sure there was no dust or anything on the cable ends and both the port on the computer and the outlet in the wall. Nothing.

    So I can only assume that it's the outlet. The only thing is is that my mom has the same outlet on her side of the wall (we are in next door rooms) and hers is working just fine. My only other assumption is that it's the computer port, but I don't know how that could be. I unplugged it from my cable, and nothing was plugged in there since. Also, my wifi works just fine.

    Does anyone have the solution to this, or know of anything that I can try? I'd like to have this taken care of tomorrow before my dad comes home. :)


    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Why do accounting books put the letter X in the date?

    In my accounting book there is an 'X' in the year (i.e. 20X2). Why do they put the 'X' as opposed to just writing out 2002 or 2022?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Why do girls want chocolate while they're on their periods?

    I always want chocolate before or during my period. Is there some scientific reason or is it just like a comfort food thing?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can I 'reset' Windows Media Player?

    I want to completely start over with WMP. I believe I have WMP 11 currently, and I'm working on Vista. I've read blogs that it can't really be uninstalled without screwing with Vista, but I've also read places where you can just delete everything out of WMP via 'mycomputer'. I haven't figured it out though because of the '.wmpdb' or such (can't remember exactly) I can't find. WMP also isn't on my 'add/remove' list so I can't do it that way. I also read that you can go in and just ctrl+a and hit delete; but when I put all my files back will they go back to the same screwed up format?

    Any suggestions on how to clear it out to start over?

    Please help!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How can I paint fondant using the color gel?

    I'm making my friends little sister's birthday cake in a few months and I'm using the bug pan that I have. The cake pan with different bugs (ladybugs, dragonflies, bees) and I was going to cover then with fondant and wanted to paint them, like water color. I have the Wilton food color, and another food color that I believe isn't as thick as the Wilton, but isn't like the McCormick food color either. Would it work to just add water to that and paint it on with a regular paint brush or is there another method I should use??

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how do i add the memory of an 8GB memory card to the mem. of a 2GB mp3 player?

    I have a 2GB Sansa mp3 player and I have an 8GB micro SD card that I want to add to it. I can put music on the card but the player won't recognize it or I can put music on the player with the card already inside and it still won't recognize the extra 8GB. How do I put the two together so that I have the extra 8GB of space?? I would like to have this figured out by tonight or at least by Friday.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is there something I can do to get rid of facial scaring?

    I had some issues with acne when I was younger and it turned out that a recurring break out area scared on my chin. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything that I could you to get rid of it, or at least lighten the color a bit. I heard that cocoa butter lotion works...but maybe that was for stretch marks. Not sure. But a remedy that is relatively cheap. Thank you!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • what happens when you switch NaOH and HCl in the titration lab?

    For a titration lab you put the NaOH in the buret to add to the HCl that is in the flask with phenolphthalein under the buret. How would the titration differ if you put the HCl in the buret and the NaOH in the flask with the phenolphthalein?? And if you could give a reason or a place to look it up that would be wonderful. Thank you!

    5 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • how do you set up the webcam to talk to other people?

    i just got a new computer this weekend and it has a webcam. i've looked at the program and it's to take pictures and video...but how do you (if possible) set up the webcam to talk to others who have a webcam on their computer as well?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can you PLEASE tell me who this actor is?

    My friend and I are trying to figure out who this actor is based on description...and we knew he's in movies we seen, we just can't place the movie or actor. Please help. Here's the description:

    Red hair



    Usually cop/detective role


    Dumb type role

    'weird' voice...''smoker'' voice

    If you know please comment ASAP!!

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • is there really going to be a die hard 5?

    The 4 part action movie has talk of a 5th installment...

    is there really going to be a 'Die Hard 5'???

    11 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What or where can I find exercises to help tendinitis?

    I went to the doctor today to find out that I have tendinitis. She prescribed to me two different Physical Therapy (PT) places to go to (well go to one, but which ever is more convenient for certain reasons). My mom said to look up online on some exercises that I can do instead of going there. I'm not having any sort of luck yet as to what I can be doing.

    They are all saying "Rest, take about two weeks before beginning exercises" which I can't do b/c I'm in college and I'm writing/typing or just using my hands a lot. There's also ice and Ibuprofen but that will just take care of pain/swelling. I can't find any actual exercises. I want to go to the PT just so I know that I'm actually doing it right, and if insurance will cover it then why not.

    So my question...

    Does anyone know of a site(s) that I can go to for exercises for tendinitis??


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as a USB to outlet plug converter for mp3 player?? (This is confusing but please read!!)

    I have a Sansa e250 mp3 player and I love it. I'm going to be working at a summer camp this summer (duh. haha) and I would really like to take it, for when we go camping, just hanging out in the cabin or at the pool or something. The only thing is, it's the type of mp3 player that charges from a computer, which I won't be able to bring with me. Is there any converter type of thing that the mp3 cable can plug into allowing it to plug into a wall to charge that way??

    Please let me know!!! I only have bout 9 weeks left to get one if they even exist.


    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as a protective sleeve for digital cameras? Like the ones for iPods and such?

    I got a Canon PowerShot SD750 for Christmas and I just got a job in Colorado. I'm kind of wary about taking a new (and nice!) camera to the job because it's an outdoor camp. Horseback riding, camping, hiking and such.

    I was wondering if there was some protective sleeve, like the jelly ones that are out there for iPods and mp3 players, for digital cameras. I already went to the Canon website and didn't find anything for this model, but I'm hoping there's something still out there.

    If you know of someplace, or if they even exist, let me know. Price is a factor, something reasonably price would be nice.

    Thank you!

    7 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • I have to write an 'evaluation' essay for my writing class on RENT. Help with something please??

    I know this is long...but please read.

    I have to write an 'evaluation' essay for my writing class. I decided (for now) that I want to do it on RENT the movie versus the play. The details as to what exactly I am suppose to be evaluating are a little fuzzy. But here's the thing; I've never actually seen that play. I own the movie and adore it. I was wondering if there was anyplace that I could get (buy or rent) a copy of the play on VHS or DVD. There's a commentary on the DVD that talks about the play, and what they had to change and why, so I could use that, but I think actually seeing the play would help.

    Going to NYC to see the play (which has its LAST show on June 1st!!!) is out of the question, even though it's for an educational purpose. :D I already tried that.

    So like I said, if there is someplace that I can get a copy of the play, could you please PLEASE let me know!!!!

    Thank you so much!!!

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What are the symptoms for dogs that have cancer?

    I'm getting worried about my dog. He has a good (not in the sense) sized tumor on the right side, on his ribcage, and then one on the inside of his back leg, down from his stomach. He's been acting weird lately and he's been throwing up more, which my dad thinks it's because he's not fed at the crack of dawn. I'm starting to think that him not being fed really early isn't the problem. He also just turned 13 on Saturday, which 91 in dog years! So maybe it's just age? I tried looking up what the symptoms are for a dog with cancer but I had a hard time. I did hear though that they are close to what people go through, to some extent.

    If you have any sites, or information can you please answer this?!

    Thank you so much!!!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what is the average age range that kids start using drugs?

    for a paper that i have to write and turn an hour,

    i need to find the age range with a citable source, of kids who start using drugs. i can't find anything, unless i'm not entering the right key words.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Which two natural laws were successfully explained by Dalton's Atomic Theory?

    I have this question and:

    Name two modifications that had to be made to the original Dalton's Atomic Theory to incorporate new experimental evidence and briefly discuss this evidence.

    I know I learned it and wrote it down somewhere and I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere. These two questions are really starting to stress me out. Please HELP!!!

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • what is a tree scientist called?

    Just wondering...what's the actual name for a tree scientist?

    6 AnswersBotany1 decade ago