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  • Why is Microsoft Surface 2 called Windows RT?

    I have a Microsoft Surface 2 with WIndows 8, but all of the references to it (including the small orint label on the device) calls it Windows RT.

    Who what why where when how?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Does the Credit Karma website really work?

    There are dozens of commercials for on TV, but every time I try to go to that site there's an error message that says THIS PAGE CANNOT BE OPENED. I have never been able to access the site.

    1 AnswerCredit7 years ago
  • How do I stop squeeky bicycle tire brakes?

    The rubber brakes on my bike squeak extremely loud whenever I squeeze the brakes. They are about a year old, and I ride everyday. This is really embarrassing. Is there anything that can be done to stop the noise? What do professionals do to stop it?

    3 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • How do I stop Yahoo Messanger popups?

    I have not used Yahoo Messenger in years (though I think it is still superior to Skype and Twitter combined). But recently, every time I go into my Yahoo Mail, a little Messanger pop up comes up indocating that I have a message from someone (usually spam). i have another Yahoo Mail account where this never happens. How do I stop this from happening?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • How tight should a scooter or motorcycle helmet be?

    My head is 23", which is listed as "large" with most helmet companies [23 1/4 to 23 5/8].

    I just bought my very first scooter helmet.... a large GLX Open Face Scooter Helmet from HelmetsUp's website.

    You can see it here:

    However, i have two problems.

    1) The helmet looks perfectly normal, but when I put it on it looks so huge that it makes me look like the Great Gazoo (the little green alien guy with the huge helmet in the Flintstones cartoon... see him here if you don't know who I mean: ),

    2) it also squeezed the living crap out of my head and nearly took my ears off. In fact, I had to stick my finger inside to force back my ears. I had a 15 minute headache after I removed it.

    I'm afraid the next size up will be too big. Is this how a scooter helmet is supposed to fit? I'm tempted to send it back and just use my bicycle helmet.

    Any advice out there?


    6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Can I replace Windows XP with Windows 7 on the same computer?

    I have a Dell Opliplex 755 Desktop with Windows XP.

    I puchased it directly from Dell (I ordered it through their website) one month before Microsoft discontinued XP.

    I just bought an HP Satelite DV6 laptop with Windows 7 from a Staples office supply store.

    As I write this they are installing Windows 7 on it and creating my back up Windows 7 CDs - they started it yesterday afternoon and they just called to say that they still have two more discs to burn (Windows 7 takes up 7 discs).

    My question is

    Once I receive the Windows 7 discs from Staples, can I wipe Windows XP from my Dell desktop and use the discs to install Windows 7 on it?

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I TOTALLY DELETE my Facebook account?

    I created a temporary Facebook acount just to see what it's all about, but I don't want to use it. I keep getting tons of invitations and there are posts in my accounts from both people I know and don't know - though I NEVER accepted any friends invitations. And now there are sexually themed posts being made. I tried to delete my account but the only thing I see is an option to "deactivate" the account. I tried that, but I keep getting emails saying that my account has been reactivated and peole are still trying to "friend" me.

    I want NOTHING TO DO with Facebook. I want my account totally DELETED. I can't find any link to contact Facebook for help. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?

    6 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me find old Jack in the Box employee training videos?

    I worked at Jack in the Box in Walnut Creek California back in the late 1980's.

    The employee training videos were on those large laser discs (the size of records).

    These videos were HYSTERICAL, with actors demonstrating the right and wrong way to serve customers, and there was this old couple playng the customers in the drive thru who were so funny I nearly peed my pants. And they did funny things like demonstrate that a bad way to serve people is by flinging their change at them and dropping their food on the ground outside the window and then disappearing. At the front counter someone walked up and said their french fries were cold, and the employee took out his employee manual and said, "No, Coke is cold, french fries are hot."

    Does anyone know about these videos and do you have any idea where i could see them again? I'm hoping that maybe someone somewhere posted them on line or knows where I could get a copy.

    I wrote to Jack in the Box about it and they never responded.

    Thank you!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • When I websearch, how do I block Youtube results?

    Okay, I'm looking for a video on about [for the sake of arguement we'll say] apple picking.

    I type APPLE PICKING in my search engine under the video search option.

    But most of the videos that come up first are from YouTube and I am not interested in ANY YouTube videos.

    Is there a way to do a websearch that does not include YouTube? Is there something special I can include in the search bar? Any help would be appreciated.

    MSN1 decade ago
  • If I pay for Yahoo email service, will I be able to contact Yahoo by phone?

    I hate when I cannot contact a company's customer service by phone - especially when I am paying for their services.

    If I pay for Yahoo Mail Plus, will I have phone access to customer service?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Why did I revceive a Yahoo email 10 days after I sent it to myself?

    Using Yahoo Email, I sent myself an email on March 28th, but it did not arrive in my inbox until today (April 8th) - 11 days later!

    Yahoo never answers customer service questions, so could someone who understands this stuff please tell me why this happened? Thank you!!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Yahoo News: Polish scientists say 3 Neanderthal teeth found? Are you buying this?

    The International Congress of Zoology way back in 1958 examined the remains of the so-called Neanderthal Man and found that it was the remains of an elderly man who had suffered from arthritis. And now Polish "scientists" are claiming to have found Neaderthal teeth?!

    It doesn't matter if you are an Evolutionist or a Creationist, deceit is deceit, and these scientists are promoting something that has been proven a fraud half a cerntury ago! Do they really think that we are all that gullible? And is Yahoo News now in the business of promoting quack science as legitimate scientific news?

    7 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't there be cameras in ALL courtrooms?

    Although it was promised that the nation would be able to watch the court procedings of the federal same-gender marriage trial, the court has suddenly backed out and will not permit it. yahoo! News reports that "the federal judiciary, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, has long opposed cameras in the courtroom as harmful to a fair proceeding."

    Really!!?? A camera cannot protest or cause a commotion in the court room nor sway a jury's opinion. What it WILL do is allow the Nation to keep an eye on the behavior of the COURT. They have put cameras on nearly every street corner and the sovereign PEOPLE are spied on constantly. We are THEIR boss, not the other way around. Don't you think it's about time that we turn the cameras on the government (OUR EMPLOYEES!) and remind them that they do not have the power or authority to tell us that we their employers cannot supervise them?

    The court also says it needs a few more days to consider the issue. What planet did they just arrive from?! What more will they consider in a couple of days that hasn't been national news for two decades? Perhaps these justices are too incompitent to hear this case. It doesn't matter if you are pro-marriage or anti-marriage: this tyranny of the court should set off alarms around this country!

    Of course anti-gay people are going to be against gay marriage, just as all the slave owners were against Lincoln freeing the slaves, and big-testicled and testosterone-high men were against the equal treatment of women. But don't you think this abuse of the court, to deny the People access, is at least as important as the issue being tried in the court?

  • What's wrong with soccer players?!?

    Why is it that football (soccer) and rugby players are always taking their clothes off in public. Every fricking time I try to find stuff on the net about the games, there's some player changing his clothes in public, or the whole team running around buck-*** naked! And I just came across this european news video of an entire rugby team going out to pubs and stripping down to attract women's attention, and then they all actually start fondling each other and sucking each others nipples! I mean, if they were all homosexual, I'd totally have no problem - to each their own - but what is with all these straight athlete guys doing this stuff? If they tried that in America they'd be dragged out to an alley and beaten within an inch of their lives, I'd think.

    4 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • CNN says "we all have private parts" and we should expose them; really?

    Tonight on CNN some nazi reporter (whose name I didn't get, but who seems to be preaching his views rather than presenting the news), was speaking with someone who was in favor of the new airport scanners that sees through your clothes. The man he was speaking to, who was in favor of obliterating human rights in the name of security (which Benjamin Franklin warned against), said that people are against it because it exposes our private parts. The sick and perverted reporter quickly rebutted by saying, "WE ALL have private parts", as if to imply that just because we all have something, we should freely expose it. Really? So then we should all walk around naked and show porn on television and other public places? After all, we all have private parts, so why keep them private. Why keep our private parts private? It doesn't matter that lascivious sex maniacs are filling our prisins - lets just expose it all!

    Our rights are unalienable. That means you cannot be alienated from your rights. And equal to all of our other rights is the right to be safe and to be protected by those whom we appoint to keep us safe. We will have freedom AND safety, not freedom OR safety. Any elected official who cannot protect both our civil birth rights and our lives and property EQUALLY must be promptly removed and replaced with those who will do so. Beware of those who say, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about"! THOSE ARE YOUR GREATEST ENEMIES. You have the SOVEREIGN BIRTH RIGHT to privacy - no matter what it is you may be keeping private. You have the right to not have to expose your penis or vagina to get on an airplane. Flying in an airplane is NOT a privilege, it is a business transaction and service available to anyone. It is illegal to require a soverign citizen to relinquish his rights in order to take part in any service.

    So, are you joining this one world order system they are trying to shove on us, or are you in favor of standing up for THE LAW and for JUSTICE and for LIBERTY?

    10 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • How do I contact Internet Explorer tech support?

    Every time I try to find tech support online I'm run around in a dozen circles, never finding a real person to talk to, so that I finally give up. Anyone know the phone number for tech support? Or do you know a direct link to a webpage where I can talk DIRECTLY TO service rep who can answer a question about a glitch?

    [PS - I'm not paying a single penny, so please don't give me a number to a pay line. If there is a problem with THEIR SYSTEM, I'm not paying for them to tell me how to fix it.]

    Other - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do I set a FOLDER of pics for my desktop?

    I have no idea what category this question should go under, so hopefully someone will find it here and be able to help me.

    I have Windows XP with IE8. This question refers to DESKTOP images - not SCREEN SAVER images.

    Rather than one pic as my desktop, I have a folder of pics that I want to have rotate automatically on my dektop. How do I set it to do that?

    I used to know how to do this but I've forgotten how.

    Thanks for your help!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What's with this "No Homo" crap?

    Why is it suddenly "in" among the Breeders to keep saying "no homo" after everything they say? They're doing it in a bunch of songs now and peole are saying it on Twitter and Facebook.

    I think we should start saying "no hetero".

    After all, the Straights have screwed up so much of the world, claiming that you're "no hetero" should fit well with just any topic you mention.