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  • Why should carrying health insurance be a choice?

    Why all the uproar about being forced to buy health insurance? I don't get it. I am forced to buy car insurance by the government. Why is there not the same disdain towards that? I would bet that 99% of the people who "choose" to not be insured couldn't afford their medical bills if they were to have a heart attack or be diagnosed with cancer. I would like to know how those people feel they should be treated. Who should pick up your bill? According to them, it shouldn't be the government because the government has no business in your healthcare. So, who should foot the bill when you are uninsured and need medical help?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are so many people against a public healthcare option?

    If it was optional, and not forced upon anyone, why not have one?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone watch "Recount" on HBO on Sunday?

    What did you think? Was it an accurate portrayal of what really happened behind the scenes? I thought it was an interesting movie.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is it with Roy Williams?

    I am a life-long Dallas Cowboy fan, but I do not understand why people are so high on Roy Williams. I read a magazine today that had him rated as the 4th best safety in the NFC. He consistently makes the Pro Bowl, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. Do the people who rank these guys watch the damn games? The guy constantly gets burned. He is so bad in coverage that they have stopped using him at all in passing situations. He's a two down player. Sure, he's a big hitter, but he gives up two, maybe three big plays for every one that he makes. Can anyone please tell me why this guy is so highly regarded as a safety? My solution is to beef him up and move him to linebacker. Atleast then, he could be an every down player and earn all that money the Cowboys are paying him.

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is the media making WAY too big of a deal about the Cowboys-Pats game?

    It is just a regular season game. Whoever wins is not guaranteed to win the Super Bowl. A loss isn't going to end either one of their seasons. It is going to be a great game, but I haven't seen an early season game with this much hype in a long time. Do you think that the hype will help or hurt either team?

    17 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Belichick Question?

    OK, some people in here have stated that the stuff that he was having recorded was no more than what the league provides the teams for game film study. If that is the case, then why even bother filming, especially when you know that it is against the rules. Why would he risk being reprimanded by the league for filming something if the league already provides it for him? It doesn't seem logical to me. Can someone please explain this?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • AFC vs. NFC?

    Through week 4, the NFC is 8-8 vs. the AFC. The AFC has quite a few teams who were supposed to be elite that are not fairing well (San Diego, Baltimore, Cincinnati), while the NFC has a few teams that seem to be better than advertised (Dallas, Green Bay, Tampa Bay). My question is, from top to bottom, is the AFC still better than the NFC?

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone blaming Rex?

    The Bears defense had more to do with that loss than Grosman. They let the Cowboys eat up the clock in the 3rd Quarter. Dallas had a 96 yard drive and a 91 yard drive in the 3rd. The Cowboys offense was on the field for almost 12 of the 15 minutes in the 3rd quarter. How is that Rex's fault? Then, Benson fumbled the ball to give Dallas great field position to kick a field goal to make it a 2 possession game. Yeah, he stunk it up in the 4th quarter, but the game was iced anyways. The Cowboys controlled the Bear's defense in the second half. THAT is why the Bears lost......not because of Grossman. He does suck, but this one isn't on him.

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Devin Hester a punk?

    He whined about teams not kicking to him. Dallas did and he didn't do crap. If you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk DEVIN.

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Any doubters now?

    The Cowboys have put up 34 points on the supposedly best defense in the league. Anyone still doubt that Tony Romo is for real?

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Do employers have to pay you if you have jury duty?

    I was under the impression that they did. However, my boss tells me that they will not pay for jury duty. Can anyone help? What are my choices? If I skip jury duty, I get arrested. If I go, I lose atleast one day of pay (possibly much more). Please post some websites with some info on this if you have any.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is a politician's religious views really important?

    I ask this because, when I am selecting a candidate, I have never asked myself, "is this person a christian?". Shouldn't we be looking at the candidate's credentials, rather than their religious beliefs?

    For instance, Pat Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, said of Fred Thompson, "Everyone knows he's conservative and has come out strongly for the things that the pro-family movement stands for. "[But] I don't think he's a Christian; at least that's my impression.". He goes on to say that "Sen. Thompson hasn't clearly communicated his religious faith, and many evangelical Christians might find this a barrier to supporting him."

    I find it disturbing that people are basing their votes based on religious views.

    This is not a knock on religion, but if you look around the world, the countries that have religious figureheads running things are usually the most dangerous places on the planet.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does the argument against the Preds apply to the Wings too?

    The Red Wings are18-4-5 (41 pts.) in their division. The Predators are 21-5-2 (44 pts.)in their division. I've heard people say that the Predators record is inflated because they play in a weak division, yet I've heard people say that the Red Wings are a legitimate team. What is the difference?

    11 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • If the Bush administration has nothing to hide?

    then why won't GW allow his people to testify under oath. If they've done nothing wrong, then what is the problem? Bush says that he will allow them to testify, but not under oath and as long as there is no transcipt of the testimony. Doesn't it seem like he is trying to set it up so that his people can lie about what happened? Why not put them under oath?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Dick Cheney more idiotic than GW?

    I am beginning to believe he is. He says that by not building up American forces in Iraq, we would be validating al-Quida's strategy, but then says that the withdrawal of British troops is a sign that things are going well. If things are going well, why is he wanting to build up our troops instead of withdrawing them, like the British? Someone make sense of this please!!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Nashville Predators?

    The Pred's have been either 1st or 2nd in the NHL standings for most of the year. They have a bonafide star in Paul Kariya, plus they just picked up Forsberg. But, for some reason, they do not seem to get much national press. You turn on the tv and all you hear about is NY, Montreal, Toronto......major hockey hotbeds. Why don't the Predators get more publicity than they do? Even in Nashville, the coverage isn't great. You would think that with a team as good as this one, that people would be interested, but it doesn't seem that way. They have a tough time selling out their arena. I think it's a shame that a team this good doesn't get the attention it deserves, both locally and nationally.

    13 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • bin Laden or Saddam?

    Who posed a greater threat to America? Would you be willing to put Saddam (or someone like him, considering he's dead) back in power in Iraq in exchange for Osama bin Laden? How many Americans was Hussein responsible for killing on American soil? How many was bin Laden responsible for? Iraq was under constant surveillance. They were not an imminent threat to US security. But, while we are busy trying to turn Iraq into the 51st state, OBL is plotting his next attack. Does that bother anyone else?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Parcells retires?

    Who is the front-runner to be the next Cowboys coach. I think the plan had been to promote Sean Payton, but the Saints kind of foiled that plan last off-season. Who are they going to hire?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Rex Grossman?

    Will he go down as the worst qb to ever lead his team to a Super Bowl? There have been some bad ones. Tony Eason, Stan Humphries and Chris Chandler are the only ones that I can think of that may be worse. The guy is so inconsistent, it's pathetic. You know your not a good qb when your team is 13-3 and their talking about making a qb change. Don't get me wrong, when he's got his game on, he's a decent qb, but when he''s bad, he's really, really bad. If you're a Bears fan, are you worried that he might cost you your first chance in over 20 years to win a Super Bowl? If your a Colt's fan, are you drooling right now, knowing that all you have to do is rattle Grossman's head a little and he'll hand you the Lombardi Trophy?

    18 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who are your most surprising and most disappointing teams of the NFL season?

    My top 5 surprising teams:

    1. Baltimore- I had them finishing at 5-11.

    2. New Orleans- I had them going 3-13 this year.

    3. Chicago- I had them finishing 6-10.

    4. Tennessee- I had them going 3-13.

    5. San Francisco- I had going 3-13.

    My top 5 disappointments:

    1. Washington- I had them going 12-4

    2. Pittsburgh- Had them at 12-4

    3. Miami- Had them at 10-6

    4. Detroit- Had them at 7-9

    5. Dallas- Predicted them to go to the Super Bowl.....oh well. Had them at 12-4.

    19 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago