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  • toy suggestions for my 10 month old?

    My two older sons are both in sports. One of them competitively. We are often on the move and some weekends we spend a good portion at soccer tournaments. I would love some suggestions of toys that would be easily portable for our 10 month old. They would need to be small enough that I could easily throw it in the bottom of the stroller since my husband is in the Army and often gone and I only have two hands. Thanks for any advice you can offer!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What type of spiders is this?

    We found a spider that looks like this outside our home in Kentucky near the Tennessee border. We were just wondering what it is.

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • Fort Campbell housing and basic info?

    We may be PCSing to Fort Campbell and are trying to get more info then what we had before we came to our current duty station. We are curious if anyone knows what housing areas are closest to 5th group's location? We would be applying for E-5/E-6 housing that has three or four bedrooms?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • breatfeeding question?

    okay ladies I am struggling! I was having milk supply issues and starting taking fenugreek to try and help that. THEN I got sick. I couldn't breastfeed because of the medicine I was on. I tried to pump but it really wasn't helping. I am now better and not taking medicine any more. I have almost NO milk now. I really want to get back to breastfeeding but I don't know how to improve my milk supply enough at this point. He was having issues with latching so I was pumping mostly before. ANY suggestions would be of great help.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What baby carrier do you prefer?

    We just had our third son and I need a baby carrier to help tote our newborn around. I would like something that will be comfortable for both me and my son. I have looked at the babybjorn and the jeep version. Any thoughts on either those two carriers or other options would be great!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I am 37 weeks pregnant and had my membranes stripped?

    Hi everyone. I am 37 weeks pregnant and had my membranes stripped on Friday. I lost my mucus plug slowly over the last couple of days since then and am feeling a lot of pressure. I have also been feeling lightening pains. I've been having contractions all day today but irregular and have had very bad back pains all day. What is the deal? Am I coming close to labor or is this just my body's reaction to the procedure. I was 2 cm dilated before the procedure and this is my third pregnancy but obviously every pregnancy is different. Any in-site would be helpful. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What did you feel like towards the end of your pregnancy?

    Okay. First I am 31 years old. I am pregnant with our third child but don't remember what the end of my first two pregnancies felt like (each child is spaced out four years). I am feeling SO warn down and having a ton of pain in my back as well as generally just feeling sick and yucky all the time. I am only 33/34 weeks along but I just feel horrible. Did the rest of you feel the same way for the last couple of weeks? I delivered both of my boys two weeks early so I am just curious if I will deliver my unborn son early. I am not looking for medical advise by the way. Just curious how others felt. Thanks in advance to those that want to share their stories.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • tubal ligation right after birth?

    I am going to get my tubes tied when I have my third child. The birth will likely be vaginal. Does anyone know how painful the recovery is? What the recovery time is? Any advice or impute would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Difficulty with my child returning from parental visitation?

    My son is 9. I have been divorced from his father since he was 2. I have been having issues with my ex trying to get him to take a proper role with my son. I have always organized the visitations because he wouldn't. I have gone out of my way to make things easier on my son. My son recently returned from his summer visitation angry at me saying I was the reason why he didn't get to spend more time with his father during the visitation. I was unaware that his father took his vacation in July so my son really spent the entire visitation with his step-mother in their house doing nothing. My ex said nothing when I asked him about the dates I suggested for the visitation. My son is now also saying that I was at fault for the divorce even though I left because my ex was abusive verbally and near abusive physically. I don't know what to say to my son without telling him the reality of the situation. I really don't want my son to be in the middle of this. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • possible duty station change due to hardship case (Army)?

    My husband is going on orders for a remote tour for a year. I am currently 4 months pregnant, unfortunately in a high risk pregnancy. Having him gone is going to cause a major issue as I have been in the hospital 7 times already and we have two other children. Is it possible to get a duty station change due to harship? This isn't a deployment by the way..and yes we have been through deployment so no nasty comments. I realize the needs of the Army come first. I am really just trying to figure out what our options are. The Army has only given us about two weeks to prepare a plan and he hasn't officially received a copy of his orders. (long story) Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is the Army Regulation that has to do with obtaining orders for ETS or PCS?

    My husband is currently re-classing and we are coming up on the end of AIT. We are having issues getting our orders to start preparing a move for our family. So far they are saying that they have until 1 month before graduation before we can even push the issue. We don't even have our assignment so we could at least know where we are going. Next week will be the month mark. Does anyone know the regulation that governs obtaining orders for PCSing. If it matters my husband is a E-5.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Infidelity in Marriage? Women's responses only please...?

    Okay ladies this for those of you that had a spouse cheat on you...

    Your husband cheats on you and the two of you reconsile. Did you find it difficult to move on in your marraige without bringing up the infedelity everytime the two of you disagree or fight?

    My husband and I were debating over this last night. I said that if the guy seemed truly sorry that it would be easier to move on in the marriage. He thinks that is unlikely. So what do you have to say about it? By the way no judgements...and if you don't want to answer don't worry about it.

    By the way no offense intended but this is a question for husband and wives not girlfriend/boyfriends. Thanks in advance ladies.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Infidelity in Marriage? Men's responses only please....?

    For those of you that have cheated during a marriage and were able to reconsile with you wife. Were you able to move on in your marriage without it being brought up during fights or disagreements? Or did you find that it was brought up anytime there was a rough patch.

    My husband and I are having a debate about this and just curious what you all would have to say about judgements just curious. Thanks in advance.

    Just to make it clear though this is for married couples not boy friend/girlfriend relationships.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding question?

    I am 13 weeks pregnant and doing some research on breastfeeding. I have had to baby boys previously. Both of them I tried breastfeeding and I eventually had to stop and move to formula. I would like to try and breastfeed this baby but have a question and could use some experienced advise. I have flat nipples which caused a lot of problems with latching on with both of my boys. No matter what I tried nothing seemed to help. I saw on the internet that you can use medela shields to help combat this problem. Has anyone ever used the medela shields due to flat nipples and had success??

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion of Pat Tillman's mother writing a book about the cover up of his death?

    This is not a question for argument just curious of people's personal opinion. I am especially interested to hear the opinions of current military personnel?

    11 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does having hyperemisis gravida kinda steels pregnancy thunder?

    Since 6 weeks I have been violantly ill. I have been in the hospital 4 times for dehydration. This is my third and last child and I really wanted this to be really positive and be able to enjoy my last pregnancy. HOWEVER, being this sick makes it so hard to really enjoy. Has anyone else experienced this or is it just me? I feel so sad that I am not more happy right now. My doctor finally put me on Zophran so I am hoping that is going to help. So anyways just looking for some thoughts and experiences....thanks in advance

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Severe Morning sickness?

    Okay..So I am 9 weeks pregnant. For the past three weeks I have been having very severe morning sickness. I have been in the hospital three times, two of those times I stayed overnight. My doctor doesn't want to give me meds to take at home except phenergan. Phenergan isn't working. he basically said I may just have to keep coming into the OB area of the hospital everytime it gets really bad. I have two kids and my husband is in the military so honestly this is causing a major issue. I am depressed because I can't keep up with everything or really take care of the kids like I want to. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Severe Morning sickness?

    Okay..So I am 9 weeks pregnant. For the past three weeks I have been having very severe morning sickness. I have been in the hospital three times, two of those times I stayed overnight. My doctor doesn't want to give me meds to take at home except phenergan. Phenergan isn't working. he basically said I may just have to keep coming into the OB area of the hospital everytime it gets really bad. I have two kids and my husband is in the military so honestly this is causing a major issue. I am depressed because I can't keep up with everything or really take care of the kids like I want to. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ovulation question?

    I got a positive OPK this past Friday the 21st and then a negative the next day and since then. My CM was consistant with ovulation on Friday and Saturday, but my CM has not dried up. Is that normal? Or does that mean I have not ovulated yet and am still fertile? My temps after Saturday were elevated. Sorry just confused by the CM..

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago