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  • How long should I cook thin sliced, boneless pork chops?

    I'm just going to pop them in the oven. They're marinating right now. How long should I cook them and at what temperature?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • What do I do about the baby raccoon outside my apartment?

    It's VERY little and has been laying in the 95 degree heat all day. It's breathing but not really moving and I'm worried about it. We haven't touched it but I want to know if there's anything I can do to help the poor little thing. Anyone have any advice??

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I need some legal advice regarding landlord/tenant rights?

    I'm a tenant and the realty corporation that I rent from is constantly turning the water off in multiple buildings. They always say it's for routine maintenance but whenever the water is shut off, even if only for an hour, when it comes back on it takes HOURS for the water to run clean. It's undrinkable and impossible to bathe in. Next week, they're going to have the water off every single day and said they should be finished by April 25th. I have a four year old and we can't live like this and they're offering nothing more than a trite apology. What are my rights??

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • At my wit's end with my son's school!!?

    My son is in preschool. They provide breakfast and snacks and parents have to pack the lunch. Pretty standard. One of the things they told us on the first day is that they won't heat anything up, everything has to be cold and if a child doesn't finish their lunch, they'll put it back in the fridge so nothing spoils. Well since August, I have had to have endless talks with his teacher and helpers about not leaving his lunch out. I've had to throw away probably at least $100 or so worth of food because they just put his lunchbox back in his cubby with perfectly good food sitting in it. Sometimes they'll put it back in the fridge and my son almost always ends up eating it so it never goes to waste. I've talked to his teacher so many times about this and I've even spoken with the director of the school. I think my next step will to just start keeping a tally of the food that I've thrown away, how much it's worth, add it up at the end of the month and ask them to deduct that from his tuition. I doubt they'll go for that but I'm so sick of this and I don't know how else to handle it. Thoughts? Suggestions?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How to be polite when people are WAY too intrusive?

    I was born with a disability that has resulted in me having surgeries on my leg from the age of 4 until this past May. I'm 31 yrs old and I live with constant, daily pain and I will most certainly need more surgeries in my life. I walk with a slight limp and it's something that I'm INCREDIBLY self conscious about. I hate that I limp and I can't do much to change it. What makes it worse is when people point it out to me. Just this morning, a complete stranger said, "You're limping". I never know how to respond. I KNOW I'm limping! You don't need to bring that to my attention. It's my damn leg! And why is it ok for people to be so rude? Would it be ok if I responded with, "Yes and you're balding and overweight"?? Sometimes people even ask me why I'm limping. I don't want to get into my whole medical history with people and I never know how to respond. It's one of those things that instantly makes me feel awful and just want to find someplace to go and cry. What's the proper etiquette in dealing with nosey jackasses???

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Anyone out there gotten the Keratin hair treatment?

    If so, how did it go? What was the process like? I'm considering it but I've done very little research. I know it's supposed to last for a long time but how does the hair not end up getting curly - especially after washing - at some point??

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Should I buy a turtle as a pet for my 3.5 yr old son?

    I'm fully aware that I'll do the majority of cleaning, feeding, etc but would this be a good idea as a pet? I had one when I was a kid but my mom did most of the cleaning so I don't remember what it was like to care for it. I try to avoid pet stores at all costs, where else could I go to buy a turtle?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Gift ideas for a preschool teacher?

    I need ideas for a holiday gift for my 3 year old son's preschool teacher. His preschool is affiliated with the local college so all of the helpers are students. There are about 12 of them who all work part-time with the kids. Should I get each of them something as well? That could get a little pricey. Thoughts??

    7 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Any tips on writing a memoir?

    Don't really know where to start. Looking for opinions from writers or anyone who has attempted to write a book.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Has my friend's boss gone too far?

    My friend works in an office and today her boss went through the internet search history and saw alot of facebook and time wasting sites. So he's cracking down on the internet usage which is understandable. As an extra step though, he's making employees check their cell phones at the door when they come in so they can't text during the day. I'm sorry, but this seems a bit extreme. Is this crazy to anyone else?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • how do I start over after a break up?

    I've been in a relationship for 4 years. My boyfriend and I had a child together and lived together. For 3 of those 4 years, I've been a stay at home Mom with no income. We never married because my boyfriend was against it (part of the reason we broke up). I'm living with a disability that I was born with and that requires alot of medical care. In fact, I'm currently recovering from a surgery that I had 2 weeks ago and can barely walk. Our lease on our apartment is up in Sept. We're still living in the same place technically (we don't share a bedroom and most nights he sleeps at his office). We're trying VERY hard to keep things amicable for the sake of our amazing 3 yr old son. However, I'm TERRIFIED of moving on. I have to somehow find a job, a car (we've only had one for the past 3 years) and a place to live by September. Add to that the complications of living with a disability. I have no money, I don't even have a bank account and I just don't know how to even begin. I'm really looking forward to getting back into the workplace and new beginnings and being independent but the "getting there" part is terrifying me. I don't have a degree and most of my job experience has been clerical which doesn't usually provide enough income for a single mom. I need advice or a leg up or something. I just don't know where to go from here. If you want to judge me, go ahead, just please don't put it in writing. This is one of the toughest hurdles I'll have to get over (and I WILL get over it) and I just need support and a little bit of guidance. Thanks guys! :)

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Graham cracker crust for a pumpkin pie?

    I have a pre-made graham cracker crust to use for a pumpkin pie. The recipe calls for an unbaked pie shell though. Will this work?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What's the etiquette on helping someone move?

    My sister and her husband have moved 3 times in the past two years. Their reasons aren't usually valid, they're usually impulsive decisions. One year, they moved because their landlord didn't allow dogs and they got one anyway so they had to leave. Everytime they move, they need as much help as they can get because they're so disorganized. They're moving this weekend and need help. I had hip surgery a few months ago and I'm still recovering so I said I couldn't lift boxes but I'd gladly watch their two daughter to which my sister responded, "Or you could clean or put things away.". This seemed incredibly rude and arrogant to me. I'm tired of having to help them move. Isn't there some kind of rule of etiquette that if you move around alot, you should expect help with each move? Someone help me out here!

    14 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What are the best kind of flowers/veggies to plant when you live on the 3rd floor of an apartment bldg?

    I want to start a small "balcony garden" with my 2 yr old son but I live in an apartment so my options are limited and I've also never done this before. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Who is "R.A.B." in the 6th & 7th Harry Potter books?

    I've read all the books and I just finished reading the 6th one again for a refresher before the movie comes out. At the end, it references "R.A.B." but I can't remember who that is and I can't remember where they revealed it in the 7th book. I don't want to read the whole 7th book just yet and for the the life of me I can't remember who that is. Someone help!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago