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  • Gurl Trouble comics?

    If anyone remembers, has these "Gurl trouble" comics starring Clyde, Zooey, Lulu, Samantha, Ben, and Rita. They're not on the website anymore but I was hoping someone may have saved their comics or something?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Blue screen of death! Can't get into safe mode but need to do system restore!?

    I'm trying to get rid of a virus on my computer by doing a system restore. I have a Dell Windows XP with Vista built in so I don't have a repair CD.

    I've tried to start my computer from safe mode but I keep getting the blue screen of death with the standard error message and the technical info below:

    ***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x80537009, 0xF7A48508, 0XF7A48204)

    I should also mention that while I can log in, the desktop and start menu do not load and eventually my computer just logs off itself.

    I downloaded a system repair disk but I don't know how to use it without accessing the start menu. Please help!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Fairy tales from around the world?

    I remember visiting this site awhile back and it was devoted to fairy tales from around the world, not really focused on the Grimm Brothers or Hans Christian Anderson though I think those stories popped. I remember there being an English fairy tale about a man marrying a mermaid and Scandinavian fairy tales and Native American fairy tales. I remember the color of the site was a brown background with green buttons for the links but I don't know if that's changed. Anyone know something like this?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Name for a character?

    I'm writing a character that falls into the archetype of the sexy femme fatal, a bad girl essentially. I'm hoping for names that mean "evil", "bad", "serpent" or "snake" but any will do. If you have any last name suggestions, go ahead and include them in your answer.


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you graph a vertical line on a calculator?

    I have a project in which I'm supposed to graph a spiderweb and I'm using a TI-83 PLUS calculator to draw it but I don't know how to make a vertical line on it. Anyone know how?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How do you write this equation?

    a. Find a linear model representing the height (in feet) of a skyscraper when given the number of floors.

    How would this equation be written in slope-intercept form?

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Best Books of All Time ALA Book List?

    Does anyone have a copy of the Best Books of All Time from the ALA? They included one book from every year and the first book on the list was Catcher in the Rye followed by The Outsiders. I think the latest book was 2004 or 2005. Some books on the listed: Tangerine, When She Was Good, Holes, and Go Ask Alice, I think.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to hold an open casting call?

    I need some actors for a short film my friends and I are shooting during the summer. We've already gotten some of our friends cast but we need more people.How do I put the word out that we're holding an open casting call? What info do I put? Where can I put it up? How do I audition people?

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • How do I lose stubborn belly fat?

    I have this small pouch of belly fat right that I want to lose so I can look good in a bikini. I've tried sit ups and other ab exercises but that little fat won't go away. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Which society would survive longer?

    I finally got to reading "Lord of the Flies" and it got me thinking, "How would different would the book be if the characters were girls? Would they survive longer?"

    So in your opinion, would a society of 5-13 year old girls survive longer on a desert island than boys? Or would both boys and girls together on a desert island survive best?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Imperfect or preterite?

    Do you use the preterite or the imperfect in spanish when you use the phrase "casi nunca"? I know you use the preterite for "nunca" but what about "casi nunca"? "Casi siempre"?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What do you do when your dog dies?

    My dog is getting old and is well into his seniority. He's healthy, has plenty of energy, but I want to have a plan for when he dies. He is the first pet I ever had whose disposal does not involve a toilet. I don't know what to do if he dies. My questions are:

    -What do I do with the body in terms of storing until I can cremate or bury it?

    -Should I bury him in a pet cemetery or cremate him? There are not a lot of pet cemeteries close by where I could visit his grave often but cremation seems too cold. I don't want him to be stuffed, either. What can I do?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • For those who have read "He's Just Not That Into You"...?

    This question's for those who have read "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.

    Since reading the book, how has your attitude/habits about dating changed? Do you re-read the book every once in a while? Do you apply the things you learned in the book in your dating life? Do you even believe in the advice given?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Occupations in Annie Hall?

    For anyone who has seen the Woody Allen film "Annie Hall":

    What was Alvy Singer's occupation? Annie Hall's? I thought Alvy was a comedian but it doesn't fit in the crossword I'm doing. Help?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • What is the net charge...?

    This question has me stumped on my homework. I don't remember talking about it in class but maybe some of you can help me out:

    "An atom has 5 protrons, 6 electrons and 8 neutrons. What is the net charge?"

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch the French movie Hellphone online with english subtitles?

    I've already seen the French version without the subtitles and it was great. Unfortunately, my friend and I don't speak very much French so it was hard to follow the movie. Does anyone know of any websites where I can watch Hellphone with subtitles WITHOUT having to sign up for an account or pay to watch? I live in the US and the film has not been released here and I'm not sure it will. Please help!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who wants 10 easy points?

    I have a song in my head. First person to guess right and star my question gets 10 points!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • U.S. History help?

    I'm doing this assignment which is a crossword puzzle and I have yet to find some of them: 1.Who opposed liberalization of colonial government in America. (Loyalists are not the correct answer. 13 letters, 4th to last letter is 'e') 2.Loose union of 13 states. (23 letters, 4th to last letter is 'e') 3.Britain tried to seize stored colonial gunpowder. (19 letters) 4.Idea that the colony is to help the mother country by providing a market etc. (12 letters, 4th to last letter is 'L' 5.Name of the list on colonist's grievances against the king. (25 letters, can be more than 1 word) 6. What helped the British pay for the debt from the French and Indian War. (8 letters, 2nd letter is a 't')

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem?

    Hey there Delilah

    Do you know what I've been missin'?

    It's those soft and simple kisses

    My darlin' used to give me

    but that's all different know cause that's not the life i live

    Hey there Delilah

    You know you aks me how

    things can change in one short day?

    Well I don't know

    So let's just sit down

    and watch the world go 'round

    Hey there Delilah

    I've missed you so much

    I know I haven't kept in touch

    But doesn't best friends forever

    mean we can get together?

    Hey there Delilah

    I'll be back in the city

    So maybe we can get together again

    I know I haven't been the bestest friend

    but I was hoping we could meet

    In thta cafe ont hat oen street

    and things could go back to like they were then...

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago