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Favorite Answers10%
  • Taking canned fish over seas?

    I am going to the Philippines and I would like to take some home made canned smoked salmon from here (Anchorage) to the Philippines.

    Is that possible?

    Thanks for everyone"s time.

    3 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • My Fiance would like to be married in the Philippines, but...?

    I have heard that its easier for her to get her K-1 Visa and get married in the United States. And that is whtat I'm doing now. My question s is there a ceremony we both can perform in front of her family, but also not mess up her status for getting her K-1 Visa? I am taking my fiance away from the only family she knows and I will do anything to make sure that there is nothing I will not do for her or her family. Thanks for all your help.

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How to lose weight, while working two jobs?

    I work two jobs, one job is a pretty physical job and I work about 35 hours a week there, and my second job I do a lot of walking, but I also sit for a lot of the time as well. I am taking a GNC vitapak that really helps me get through the first 10 hours of my day, but get drowsy around 930pm-1000pm. I eat healthy as I can throughout the day starting with breakfast, Oatmeal and a piece of toast with peanut butter or Raisen bran with an apple or orange. Lunch consist of Turkey sandwich with cheese sticks and celery sticks with peanut butter orSoup of the day at a local market with a wheat roll. At dinner time I eat at my second job, They use a lot of salt in their food so I try to eat more of the veggies instead of their meat dishes. I don't have a lot of time through out my day to work out, but I need to get rid of this belly I have.I am already very tired from working two jobs which I need to do, but I don't want to look like a guy who looks like a slob at 33. I need help!!

    Diet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Anyone missing Bob Marley right about now?

    I miss his ingenuity for music and his compassionate ways.

    Happy BDAY brotha'

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why are people freaking out about America's economy?

    It seems to me that anyone living outside of USA is happy to see the financial woes of the American Economy.

    Don't people understand that if the richest country in the world goes under that it will take the rest of the world with it?

    Domino effect people.

    What should American Foriegn Policy be future look like.

    Of course, you can't please everyone, so lets try to be realistic here.


    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • I quit a full-time job with out turning in a resignation. How do I complete future applications?

    I quit this job because of various reasons, but the main reason was the vindictive negative environment that I wasn't used to. It made me sick working there and I got fed-up one day after the owner went off on me over the radio, that I had to have with me at all times. So I quit, instead of filling out a resignation and waiting two weeks. Stupid mistake that I have to live with

    I've been out of work for 3 months since then. When I fill out my applications, I put down all the necessary information, but when I get to the part that says "May we contact" I usually check no. With a few of them I put yes.

    In my interviews I try to be a candid as possible when asked why I left my last job, I usually focus on the positive side of the job I last held and that I'm seeking a new direction in my career.

    I have the feeling that my boss (owner) is blacklisting me to my future employees.

    How do I proceed? On my application and in interviews?


    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I can't access one of my yahoo email accounts.?

    I can not access one of my yahoo email accounts. I can access that account and set my password, but I just can't access and view my email for some reason. It keeps saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

    I have no problem accessing my other yahoo email account though.

    Any reason why I can't gain access to one of my yahoo email accounts?

    5 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago
  • Should ANWR be open so that we can solve the recent oil inflation?

    If we opened ANWR, would that solve or at least slow down our recent rise in gas prices in the future??

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events2 decades ago
  • Who would take a trip to Alaska and why?

    People are always fascincated by the beauty of Alaska's wilderness, the Wildness of its nature and endless landscapes.

    Would you visit Alaska and why?

    8 AnswersOther - Destinations2 decades ago