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Favorite Answers12%
  • What do the rings of Saturn look like when I am standing on the surface of Saturn?

    If I were standing on Saturn (near the equator) what would the rings look like? A smear of gas? Little moons? Dots of light? Would I be able to see the Milky Way? Would there be lots of shooting stars (meteors falling from the rings)?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why didn't my yellow maple change this year?

    Usually the yellow maple in front of our house changes to bright yellow and is fantastic looking. For the past two years it has not changed. Early in the fall (late Sept) the leaves turned brown and dropped off. By mid Oct it is completely bare. At this time in the rest of NC, the maples are in full color and gorgeous. We had plenty of rain this year. Last year we had normal rainfall.

    I live in the piedmont of NC.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • My 85 year old mother unresponsive periodically - just out of it.?

    Every few months she will have one day where she is unresponsive. These days are characterized by her sleeping unusually late. Moving and speaking very slowly. Acting as if she is concentrating or involved in actions beyond what is in the room. Yesterday she got up, came into the living room, picked up the newspaper and began writing intently on the front page. The writing looked like normal words and normally formed letters but the words were gibberish. She would not answer questions (like 'do you feel cold?' 'are you hungry?") She was running a low fever (a few degrees). With lots of coaxing we were able to get her to take her morning pills and some Advil to reduce the fever. She ate a little food and was able to get herself to the bathroom without a problem (both with and without her walker).

    The next day the fever is gone and she is weak and tired but is cognizant. She does not remember the day before.

    Her health is relatively good. She takes an anti-seizure medicine and something for her delicate digestive system (acecol I believe) and over the counter allergy meds. Her Drs don't have any answers for us.

    She's been having these spells every few months for the past two or three years.

    My question to yall:

    Could the fever indicate that she's fighting a 24 hr virus and the unresponsiveness is a result of dehydration from the fever?

    Is she having mini-strokes? I've never heard of fever and strokes being connected? She is experiencing some memory loss - although the Drs say her memory is fine and the amt of loss is normal for someone her age.

    Is it some weird epilepsy that is always accompanied by fever?

    Thanks for thinking this over.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago