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Favorite Answers6%
  • What is your employer giving you for Christmas?

    As usual I am getting nothing, no bonus, no turkey (even though they got too many turkeys in, they'd rather mark them down and sell than give them to their hardworking employees), and they wanted us to pay for christmas lunch this year even though it comes from their deli and costs them very little. So I had to skip the lunch this year.

    6 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • What do you really want for Christmas this year and what are you expecting?

    I really want a Keurig coffee maker. So practical for someone like myself who makes one cup of coffee at a time.

    what do I expect? a giftcard from my mom and daughter for about 25 dollars.

    7 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • what are some cheap but tasty foods I can buy that I dont have to cook on the stove?

    I have a very low budget for food (50 dollars a month, sometimes 30 extra is there is a paid holiday in the month, so lets say 50-80 a month) and i've been trying to buy sensible food and cook things as i've got into the junk food rut. fruits and veggies are out as they are way too expensive so i've been eating things like mac and cheese, hamburger meat, frozen pizza, and hungry man tv dinners which I can eat for 2 meals) however all this stove and oven cooking that i've been doing has caused my electric using to go up and now i'm way above my 37 dollar a month electric budget, last month actually it went to 54 which is scary since I didn't use any ac last month. So this is not going to work and I need to prepare food in the microwave only to get my bill back down.

    I can't cook more than one item at once because I only have one cookie sheet and one pan and I have no storage containers to store food if I cooked everything at once to save power.

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • What can I do to get rid of severe heal pain that might have been caused by spending the day in wet shoes?

    for almost 2 weeks i've had severe pain in my heals. no cuts or sores, and I am on my feet all day at work as well as having to walk everywhere but i've always done that. When I take my evening walks, they don't hurt as bad but then i'm wearing comfortable shoes and insoles. when i'm home and get up in the morning or get up from sitting down, etc I can hardly walk sometimes. I'm in horrible pain at work, the shoes I have to wear are very uncomfortable and I can't use my heel gel insoles because they make those shoes too tight. I can't buy new work shoes for another 6 months as these are practically new although they did get messed up from being wet all day.

    I can't stay off my feet because of work, I can't afford any special shoes and going to the doctor is out. I'm not sure what to do but my feet are causing me alot of pain.

    3 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Why is gross pay always counted instead of net pay?

    I recently applied for some assistance and was approved as I am on the edge of the imcome requirements but because I made 32 extra dollars in sept because of labor day pay, apparently i'm disqualified, got the letter of approval but have not received aid which should have came about a week ago. someone calls me everyday but always when i'm at work, no message, no name, no return number (on my home phone answering machine as I no longer have a cell). I guess I made too much.

    thing is we can't spend gross and my net pay after deductions for ss, income tax, union, insurance, etc cuts my pay down 150 a month and it will be 200 less in january. you can't spent gross pay, why count it as income you have to pay bills with each month?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • Should I give up my health insurance or keep paying a credit card judgement?

    I'm in a situation where as of january 1st I will lost about 50 of my net income due to the social sec tax going back up as well as having to adjust my withholding back to one allowance ( I take my 2 allowances for 6 months of the year in order to supliment my paycheck, as a single person with one job, you can take 2 allowances on your w-4 of course I get very little tax refund, maybe 20 dollars as a result).

    I have a credit card judgement in which I have never received the paperwork or copy of the judgement but went to court so I know the amount. the company autocalls me every day even though i'm paying a small payment every month. there is no written payment agreement or anything.

    in january I either need to drop my health insurance which is 20 dollars a month (it's very crappy employer offered insurance and I cannot even afford to go to a doctor because of the 25 dollar copay, I have only been to the doctor once in my adult life, the day my daughter was born 20 years ago and then I went straight to a hospital emergency room, did not have prenatal care) anyway i'm fairly healthy as far as major issues but I do have alot of small health problems such as chronic pain, arithritus in my wrists, and very little strenghth in my hands, not sure what it is but I cannot even hold a pen and write legibly.

    anyway I have to cut one of these expenses out in order to have 50 dollars a month for food. I was thinking of only paying 10 dollars to the credit card judgement even though the interest alone is 25 a month, it will never be paid off, but with my current payment of 35dollars, it's going to take 50 years to pay off which really means never because i'll be in my mid 90's by that time and I doubt i'm have steady employment through then. I really don't care about the credit card being paid off, i'm more concerned about having medical bills and being sued for those. If I cut my payment down to 10 a month, then i'll be able to keep my insurance.

    I live in texas which is a non wage garnishment state, I recently had to close my bank account because I could not afford the new 7 dollar checking account fee, I live check to check , no savings, no house, no car, etc.

    Should I give up my health insurance and keep paying the card forever or just reduce it to the point that the interest will cancel out any payment and keep my insurance?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • Can the government actually "steal" my widowed mom's money?

    my mom and stepdad were married for 37 years. he passed away last december. they were always poor managed to save a little money from their hard work. my dad worked till he was 72. they had a few cds, most were in either both names or my mom's name. one was in my dad's name only, the money was both of theirs but for some reason they put it in his name. the cd was up for renewal and my mom went to the bank to transfer it over to her name. she took her marraige license, his death certificate, etc. they told her she would not get the money because she has no "proof" that he wanted her to have it. so apparently the government is going too keep it. my stepdad has no children (was not able to have children) and no immediate family, and they were never close to begin with even when they were alive. he had no will because he had nothing, no house, no car, etc, everything was in both thier names except for this one cd. mom is devasted and the 1200 loss is going to hurt her since she only gets 700 a month in ss. I could understand if they had to wait to see if anyone filed a claim but it's been almost a year and there are no claims, no children, all medical bills are paid (he had good insurance), no back taxes, nothing.

    Can the government actually steal my mom's money and what will they do with it?

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • Going to court tomorrow for old credit card debt, what to expect?

    I was sued by a credit card debt that was almost at sol in texas (2 months before) and the debt collector is the original creditor (debt has not been sold). I defaulted on it in early 2007 and paid small payments for a few months but could no longer afford to due to needed money for food and rent. They had threatened to sue me twice before but dropped it when I sent them a letter about my situation. Ihad not heard from them since mid 2008, then I got a letter from a new law firm last summer, and one letter back early this year, then they sued in early march. They will not communicate with me through the mail, call every day for months but don't respond to written response. They put in for a judgement against me a couple months back and set a trial date. I did repsond to the summons and go notice of the trial date. I tried to come to an agreement with them and even sent them a small payment for what I had promised to pay. They haven't even acknowledged the payment yet call daily, including this morning.

    I have to go to trial tomorrow and although I owe the debt I have no money to pay it and never will, can only offer 50 a month which will cut my grocery money down to 30 a month. I have no frills other than internet which is only 15 a month and is my lifeline since I live in isolation outside of work.

    Texas is a non wage garnishment state and anyway I make a little over 200 a week. My bank account has less than a dollar in it and I haven't had savings in over 4 years, I own no propery, rent an apartment, no car, no fancy items (furniture is all 6 years old and worth less than 2k for everything. Texas has a 30k personal exemption so i'm way below that. I will not be coming into riches in the future as i'm already middle age working a low paying low skill job that I struggle to keep due to some mental health issues that have got me fired from previous jobs as well as madated for therapy from this one. I went through some very hard emotional issues back in 2007-2008 and have only started to recover thes past couple years, this old debt does not help my mental state.

    I've got all my financial info including a years bank statements, several tax returns, as well as rent check reciepts, copies of utility bills (my 40 dollar electric bill shows that I can't even afford ac in the hot texas heat, my apartment is about 90 degrees all the time), as well as my paycheck stubs.

    There are about 30 other cases being tried with the same court tomorrow in which 6 are with the same lawfirm that is suing me. This law firm is known to be unbending and sleazy and files hundreds of suits in my county everyweek.

    I shouldn't have ran up the debt but after being stable for 14 years, my life changed and I lost everything and had to start over. about 1500 of the 5k debt (it was 5k when I closed the account in 2004) and I continued paying every month for the next 3 years which only got the debt down to 3.5 when I had to default, now it's back up to 5k due to interest) was for dental care I needed to have a couple teeth pulles as well as a root canal, I was in severe pain for months and had to get the dental care.

    And to add, our country is deep in debt spending money it didnt' have , billions vs a few thousand I owe, so i'm not the only person who has made bad decisions. I was a single mother (divorced) trying to provide for my child with no child support and much of this particular card was spent on her.

    7 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • Can a creditor get a judgement without me attending?

    I was served papers for a credit card lawsuit a couple months ago. I filed a response in time, twice actually, by certified mail and also made a trip down to the courthouse, stamped my answer and put it in the box in the clerks' office.

    I received a copy of a motion that the plaintiff is filing with the courts for a Nichil dicit judgment (I speak english so i'm not sure what this means other than nothing said or something about my answer not being sufficient to defend me. Anyway I was honest on my integoriees because you have to tell the truth or you can get in trouble for purgery, so I admited everything exept for a couple things that did not apply. so because they are saying I have no defense, can they just get a judgement without me? what was the point of me responding if i'm not better off that a default judgement?

    I sent a letter with the attached forms to the courthouse and then foudn that a trial date was set for july. Also got the letter from the court yesterday about the trial date. then I check the court info today and it says the plaintiff filed for a judgement, it says Judgement, and then final judgemewnt judgement nich hil not signed.

    I no I will lose but I would think I have a right to attend the hearing since I was notified by the court. can they just go ahead and get their judgement without even hearing me?

    And I have no money for a lawyer, so please no one say talk to a lawyer, I have no money and my life is just a day to day struggle to pay the basic bills.

    also this is a the original creditor who charged off the debt over 3 years ago. they have had 2 previous lawfirms trying to sue me but after I wrote them explainign my situation, they stopped persuing me whereas the lawyer they are using now has a reputation for being aggresive.

    I closed this card 7 years ago and continued to pay on it for 3 years but the interest was so high that very little balance changed and they've added so much to it now that's it's a lot more than I owed originally. it's a little over 5k. I was going to offer 10 a month in court (and that will be a great sacrifice as I only make a little over 800 and rent takes 600 of that, but it looks like they are going to leave me out of the whole thing. I have no money or assets, not even a car.

    I just want this to get out of the way, it is not good for my mental health as i'm on the verge of another breakdown if my stress doesn't go down. then i'll end up losing my job and no one will have anything.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What happens at a trial for credit card?

    I have been sued by the original creditor on a credit card 2 months before the sol ran out. I answered the summons and now there is a trial set for july. I know I owe the debt and had to answer the questions honestly that were sent as I couldn't deny then being that it is the orginal debtor and it's purgery to lie on the notarized papers. anway I've explained to the plantiff (this particular law firm is very aggressive and this card never offered any type of settlement, always demanded the full amount. I cannot pay anything as I make about 800 a month and 3 checks go to rent and then other for food and utilities. I cant even afford to run my ac and I live in texas where it's 100 degrees everyday. I am barely holding on at work because of stress and borderline personality issues. I had to attend mandortory counseling in order to keep my job and i'm having some serious issues again and the boss was suggesting I go back to counseling which would be at my expense so it's all I can do to keep myself undercontrol (i've had mental issues all my life).

    I have no assets, no car, less than a dollar in the bank because after all it all goes for bills, no savings, and no earning power, I work menial jobs and am older. I have no family that will help (they recently turned their backs on me because I could no longer afford to take them out for dinner every week). I am in deep depression and know that if the court orders me to pay some big paymentn or any payment as I cannot afford it, the only way out for me is to kill myself. I have been seriously thinking about this for months and cannot handle this stress. this card company hasn't been in contact with me for along time and at the last minute are trying to get money I don't have.

    What happens after a credit card trial?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been sued for credit card debt?

    I an in Texas and know they cannot garnish my wages. The debt was 2 months away from the sol so they got in at the last minute. I closed the card in 2004 and continued to pay till 2007, since then i've been living paycheck to paycheck with 75 percent of my income going to rent. I only make 214 a week and have no house, no car, 40 cents in the bank, no real assets, all furniture is cheap and 6 years old, old computer, no fancy electronics, etc. my debt is 5100 and they served me last night. I have 20 days to respond and I know I cannot win because yes I owe the money but i've chose to pay for rent instead of credit card debt. I have never had any real earning power in my 45 years as I have no degree or anything, just do menial jobs. I also suffer from depression and on probabation of some sort at work after a company mandated treatment I had to attend. It has not helped me and it's hard for me to get through the work days without falling apart or flying into a rage. I sent a letter to the orginal attorney represnting the card company (even though the card was charged off 3 years ago, the original creditor still owns it) back in 2007 when they threatened to sue and they dropped the collection process there was really no activity after that, however a new attorney took the case 7 months ago and has only contacted me twice just as an attempt to collect a debt. last communication was in january and then I just learned of this lawsuit a week ago. back when I defaulted I sent them a letter of my situation and 5 dollars, I did this for a few months but they were so aggresive that I found no reason to keep sending the 5 dollars, plus I couldn't afford to sent the 5 dollars a month as I was making 700 a month at that time.

    I am going to send a letter to this attorney with the response to the lawsuit explaining my situation. What should I say to them. I honestly have no money , no savings, nothing of value and I never will as I don't have an rich relative to inherit from, I don't buy lottery tickets, no way i'll ever be more than a low wage worker. in addition I have health issues like back injury as well as nerve damage in my hands, I have never been to a doctor in my adutl life except when my daughter was born, I can't even afford medical care.

    I simply cannot afford to pay this debt and no I cannot start a business in my home, I live in an apartment.

    7 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • When does death occur?

    :( my dad died early this morning (christmas) . we walked to the hospital to see him before they turned off the machines. he was hooked up to a breathing tube since last night when he was admited to icu, when his heart beat dropped off at the machine, his breathing machine was still working and he seemed to be breathing but the nurse said he was dead. i'm freaked out by this, why was he still breathing if he was dead or was it just the machine forcing air into his lungs?

    i have never seen anyone die before. he took sick 3 days ago, went to hospital yesterday afternoon, seemed a little better last night but the hospital said it had been a battle most of the night.

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How can I benefit from my therapy sessions when they aren't private?

    ok i've been mandated to see a counselor by my employer because I get stressed out alot (i've had stress and mild depression for years) and they think I have anger issues because I lost got upset in my own home and did something stupid. anyway I get upset at work often because i'm an older worker who has a child for a boss, and she has never been very friendly to me in the years that i've known here, even prior to taking the management position. I was looking forward to getting help for something i've suffered with many years (stress, anxiety, depression) however I had to sign a waiver agreeing that our sessions would be made available to the HR department as well as the store head manager. I attended a session but was afraid to really talk since my employement is hanging on whether i am cured in a few sessions or not. i'm afraid i'll lose my job if they find out how desparate and sometimes suicidal thoughts I have) and now the counselor says i'm not depressed and just have anxiety and advised breathing exercises. I work in a store with customers and cannot just stop to breath and count, and I cannot take a break to recover. I have several more sessions and I'm worried that I won't be curred and will lose my job.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what should I expect for a first visit to a phychologist?

    I have an appointment to see a pyschologist because my employer referred me due to my depression and some stupid coworker repeating things they heard me say and seeing me crying. I have been depressed for over 30 years so I don't think a few sessions are going to solve things. I am nervous because it seems everything that is said will be sent back to the counselor and to the hr department and my boss I know I must be careful when I speak, in other words I can't be honest or i'd probably lose my job. I do not believe in phychologists either as i've seen many people under treatment that are not cured.

    what should I expect and how long will the first session take?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what are some little things you do to stretch your paycheck, live better on a small paycheck?

    I order free samples when I can, free magazines, only take the bus to go to work, take advantage of the free samples at the market, date men with money that can help with groceries, etc. no cable, prepaid phone, etc

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What do you live in walking distance of ?

    I live in walking distance of the mall, movie theatre, ice rink, hospital, restaraunts, gym, starbucks, 3 parks, school, track, grocery store, banks, etc

    I don't live in walking distance of work though :(

    5 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Do you feel that having a relationship with today's man is a waste of time?

    I'm in my 40's and it seems men have lost their manners and very few are gentlemen anymore.

    The typical man my age is divorced with young children to support and an ex in the picture, expects to split the date bill, and really doesn't want to marry. He had children at an older age and is now tied down till he's in his 60's.

    I date only sugardaddy type men, as they know how to treat a woman. They pay for dinner, take me shopping, give me money and I don't have to deal with the drama in their lives because our relationship is just a mutual casual agreement, no hassles.

    And women usually end up alone anyway in the end weather they are single, married or in a relationship as men seem to die or become helpless earlier.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should I give up my freedom to move back with my parents because they say I owe them so much ?

    After living with my parents most of my life, lived with them 14 years after my marriage ended. In those years I didn't date, have sex or anything as my parents are religous fanatics. I lived with their rules because after all I was living in their home, even though I was helping with bills. 4 years ago I met a man and began an affair and they asked me to give up dating or move out. So I moved out on my own and my family and daughter who was mid teens turned their backs on me. I struggled alone and then they came back to me only to dump me again when I couldn't afford to give them money for christmas. They came back again and we have been geting alone for over a year. I am havning the time of my life now at 43 having my own place, privacy, being able to date, etc and up until yesterday I had a relationship with my family. Well yesterday my parents and daugther got notice that they were being evicted for pet deposit violations. THey had kept 2 cats and a dog and my mom refused to pay a deposit and hid them all these years and has finally got caught. The apt wants 600 or for them to get out now. My family is not goign to pay the deposit and is insisting that I move out of my apartment and move with them into another apartment and share the bills. They say I owe them the help after all they've done for me. My daughter won't even live in my apartment because I date but now that she is in need, she's all about us all moving in together.

    They are being thrown on in the next few days and I cannot just move out of my apartment without giving 30 days notice and I do not want to give up my place to crowd into a 2 bedroom with 4 people.

    If I don't move then i'm being selfish and I will lose my family forever and my daughter will hate me but if I give up my place and move with them, we will be fighting nonstop like we were before I left 4 years ago. Simply saying they want me to live with them and give up my lover and social life. I asked if we could try it for 6 months and they said no, it needs to be forever.

    I don't know what I should do

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Ladies, does you boyfriend buy you lotsa stuff or is he a tightwad?

    How does he spoil you? What does he do that makes you call him a tightwad?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you have a sugardaddy?

    What woman wouldn't want to have a man indulge and spoil her? why do so many people look down on the lifestyle, expecially those guys who are too poor to have to worrry about a woman chosing him as a sugardaddy?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago