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Lv 42,799 points

it's National Security

Favorite Answers10%

I come here is search for an attempt to understand society and it's point of views on particular issues. this will result in giving an approximate estimation of how far we have come and how long aways we have until we can call ourselves a sensable society....nahhh! XD...thats partly true but really I just like Polls and Surveys, they come up with the weirdest and most outragous questions and answers...its too fun to leave...and I sometimes like some poetry.

  • If you had the chance to....?

    Take over the World...What Kind of ruler would you be.

    or If you are the kind who is too nice to do that, would you be a rebel against tyranny or would you go along with it?

    (yes I am bored...did I spell that right?...whatever...if I did spell that wrong...all of you who have a problem with that....go chew a dirty sock or something.)

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Been around (or at least 2/3) the Y!A world?

    I tried out different categories and such, answering questions that I felt I had an answer to.'s just not the same as P&S...I can't stand least now.

    everybody as a meaningfull ans serious question with a serious answer.

    where's the fun

    where's the randomness??????

    my real life is serious enough!

    *sigh*'s nice to find the reason why I didn't leave P&S before.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think that skill might be involved?

    when throwing a punch?

    I've had a few people talk like it is not a big deal.

    but I do believe there is some skill involved in throwing a jab or a straight right.

    not only skill, but a good sense of balance and flexability as well.

    any man can be strong, but it still takes skill, practice, and training to throw a truly fast/ and powerful punch.

    as an amature boxer I've learned that there are many joints and muscles used in the process of throwing a punch.

    but I could be wrong...what do you think?

    6 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • mood swings...or maybe worst?

    I've had problems like this since I was 12, one minute, I am a happy, confident, talkative nice guy...then next I become monotone, dark, cold, and easily aggrivated...of course it's not constantly switching back and forth, but it does come without warning.

    I fight with myself a lot lately. somteimes contradicing my own choice that a half-hour ago, I was 100% ready to do. I've been getting strange thoughts, some that may seem...more strange than usual (sorry for being so vague, but I believe it best to spare you the details).

    I've also had an ongoing series of nightmares...which I have grown used to lately...certian things that most would be jumping out of sleep with a heart racing have been my common dreams. I don't know if that might be related to it or not, but it does seem significant.

    it could be mood swings...but for what and why?

    and if it's not mood swings...then what is it?

    18 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How many violations does it take to get to the center of being deleted?

    it's my second one....and not a very reasonable one at that.

    so I'm starting to they do the three strike system...or do they just have a red button that Yahoo people have their hand hovering over when making the decision to delete you or not.

    and sometimes it seems like it's just a machine doing the dirty work don't you think?

    I mean...there are a lot of people getting wrongfully deleted, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • "what color is your blood!!!!"?

    as much as I enjoy hearing it out of humor...does it really make sense to say it?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • got a problem?

    it's like a nasty bacteria spreading, I'm just wondering if anyone else notices the troll problem in P&S is starting to be.... to say the least "noticeable".

    I know I might attract trolls but I need to see if this might be just part of the usuall small rise in profane idiots, or could P&S be falling in the same ugly troll pitt as General cultures & groups did.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many more decades will it be before?

    we can REALLY put this whole racism thing in the past...or at least the majority of it. I'm looking for realistic answers (although the question itself is sort of unrealistic), because I already know it's going to be a while until then.

    This doesn't mean in can't happen, many people have valued the idea that we can all be free from such ugly things. there are many people who I know that just simply wish that we can stop wasting time with this pathetic name calling and work together as humans towards a better tommorrow.

    I would like to know your opinions...does it seem possible for a change for the better within the present generation ?

    or do things look so rotten to the point that our grandchildren will still be quarreling and feuding over such trivial matters.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If you discovered that...?

    God did not exist...would you really want to tell anyone?

    I'm mean, if you managed succefully attack the idea of god at every angle with a perfect, unbreakable conclusion that he did not exist...would you?

    to do that would be to breaking down a foundation that has been going on for thousands of years, not to mention the effort of vertiue and morality would drop.

    I have a god father who has been baptised a couple years ago, he was once a man who would party, drink, and do whatever it takes to get the next dollar bill, legal or not.

    and now he's married to a woman he truly loves and cares for, he works an honest wage, he no longer drinks, and he goes to church everyday.he has changed...

    I'd assume that religion has saved my god father, so would you still tell him and several other people who have redeemed themselves in such a manner, knowing nothing good could come from it?

    or maybe somthing good can come from it, please tell me what it could be if you have an idea.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • what is God to you?

    is he a being of pure perfection or could he be as human as us?

    could God have a sense of humor, or does he have "plans" for all those comedians whoever have used him in a joke?

    how much do you think he contribiutes to this earth?

    is he really watching over us day and night, or does he takes shifts with buddah? jk :)

    these are just random questions to give you an idea of what I mean, the only question I'm look for an answer to is the the first one: what is god to you?

    I would have posted this question in philosophy or religion, but I'm looking for some more interesting responces,

    so what better place than polls and surveys right?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you Answer only a number of questions?

    to avoid getting a low percentage in best answers?

    I do...I won't let it go any lower than 7%

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you move freely like the wind...?

    or do you stick to one section on Y!answers.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do most men...?

    ....have the sexual fantasy of girl on girl or threesome with two girls?

    I do like this fantacy (and hope to fulfill it one day), but I have no exact reason why (I wouldn't be able to give a direct answer).

    And why don't women feel the same way about guys???(Frankly I'm glad for that...)

    Can anyone give me an idea?

    p.s: just in case some of you are quick to report me; look.......'s just a question, I'm sure many of the more mature people in Answers have heard of this fantacy before.

    so please don't pull out the pitchforks just yet okay?

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • tell me what you think.....?

    ....about this poem....I really wanted to express my long strech of nightmares that I've had for 3 years.

    I lay shaking like a cold gust of wind

    but the air lay still as I grew ill

    no will to die but my mind will not deny

    the fact that it as cracked...

    in darkness...with only a weak florecent light

    only making my insanity close in tight

    upon my frail heart...the stone floors

    make my blood cold ever more for I feel

    that I am conealed in this box of a room

    doomed to live my nightmares but I never dared

    to sleep for my heart would beat in my chest and my lungs

    would heave and the crimision liquid in my veins would freeze

    death seemed almost bliss but a split mind missed this

    ideal so I stay in this cell with I eyes peeled

    begging for morning to be my savior once again...

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What if you could...?


    Breath underwater?

    Read peoples mind?

    ...yeah I'm bored out of my mind...but I would like to know what you would do, would you help people in some way?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think you are capable...?

    to kill?

    I'm just curious, I don't expect any of us (here) are...but who knows...

    like today, one guy was attempting to bully me, and he continued to push me (both literally and metaphorically), so I fought back, turns out this guy wasn't as strong as he posed, and even when He was down, I still wanted to hurt him.

    it felt strange, I just wanted him...I don't think dead but I wanted him to feel the pain through the adrenaline...I wanted him to REALLY be hurt, I have never felt this way in my life.

    I don't condone violence but there I was beating this man until my friends pulled me off, and even then I was trying to wrestle them off so I can have at him some more.

    i'm usually calm about these things, I don't take punches personally because I'm an amature boxer, taking a punch is part of the business.

    So what would make me want to see this man bleed, what triggered it?

    I've been bullied before, what makes this any different?

    why did I want his pain???

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Activist groups???

    DARE,ONE,peace core (or somthing like that),NAACP, Womens Rights, Gay rights,Enviormentalist ect...

    I'm seeking a group that may represent a majority of these values, I'd like to also know about other activists who are attempting a posotive impact on our world and society in a different criteria.

    I'm hoping to start a group that would not only support these values, but will be part of these values.

    If all of these groups worked under one organization, I believe that a change could come for our world as we know it.

    I'm only 18 and I have a lot of plans (personally and societywise) for my future, I'm hoping to do somthing later on like this group once I gain enough money and man power.

    first I have to know who is who if I want to know where to go next, so help me if you can, I would greatly apprieciate it.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • make a move?

    so god help me in this gym class there is this girl i see and she is confusing the hell out of me!!!

    I don't know if she likes me or if she just happens to be around me all the time.

    okay look...everytime I get dressed for gym, and we have to wait for a coach to open the doors, i've sat at different spots everytime and she manages to be at every one of them, she doesn't say anything though (no eye contact....nothing), so is she following me around, or is it coincadental, and if she does like me, how do I break the silence without looking like a creepy guy or somthing.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • when it comes to black girls and white men?

    I have a sister and her friends right, they all have or had black boyfirends, and for some reason they all decicide to gang up on me about why I have a hard time dating other black girls.

    of course I denied that accusation then I threw one back at them. "why don't you date white men?"

    they quickly came up with the top three stereotypes:

    1.)small penis

    2.)too dorky

    3.)too soft (nice)

    I've realized then why they asked me the question in the first place, because they assumed I fit the #2 and 3 stereotype (and are questioning #1).

    so basically the question is, why do a number of black girls (my age group of course 18-20) feel that they can't or won't date a white guy (or an Oreo in my case).

    They also say because White men don't play "the game" which is basically a maze of deception that is supposed to prove a girls love for her man if she stays,

    frankly to me it's just a fun thing for a jerk to do to his woman to have power and control. sad really...

    17 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What do you think?this is just a poem I wrote off the top of my head.?

    I got the idea while arguing with my english teacher about the rules of poetry. although it's has only a little to do with the actual poetry itself.

    You say you don't

    But I know more than whats true

    you love the words that make your vision

    blurred into a view of a wild hue

    instead of pulling away your eyes

    they stay infused with my gaze

    as the words grazed by your heart

    you say you are too smart

    to fall in love

    but you see it, when you read

    I watch as your eyes bleed

    golden tears of a realization

    that a poetry is the very definition

    of what you thought you could never get

    out of me...

    to me poetry is as irrational,good,bad,optimistic,and horribly sad as love.

    kind of soft point of view for my type (Macho, but it's true.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago