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  • Now what, no one can figure out what is wrong with my husband.?

    We literally have $50.00 in our bank account and at least $10,000 in medical debt and NO answers!

    Here are his symptoms:

    Severe pain in the kidney's.

    Blood in his urine.

    History of kidney stones :he has some small ones sitting in his kidneys right now, but they aren't moving. The urologist said they don't cause pain if they aren't moving so we know that isn't the problem.

    Eating red meat makes it hurt worse, it will put him into tears and that is hard to do.

    Laying down makes it feel better, but within 5 minutes of getting up it hurts again.

    They had him on morphine, when he would take it, it felt like he was being poisoned and it would make his kidney's hurt worse.

    Weight Loss (about 30lbs.) in the last 5 months.

    Sometimes he gets a burning sensation in his stomach and on his tongue.

    He has high blood pressure, Scheuermann’s Disease (degenerative disc disease in his back since age 13), and a couple of herniated discs in his lower back and he is only 30 years old.

    Tests they have done:

    Multiple CT scans

    Bloodwork (I don't know what kind for sure)


    Scope of his stomach

    Had his gallbladder taken out

    1 MRI

    HydaScan before they took the gallbladder out.

    Ultra Sound

    Even had his heart checked out with an Echo and EKG.

    And I could be missing some, but this has been going on for over a year now.

    We are out of money, and it seems like he is dying and there is nothing we can do about it!

    Can anyone out there give me any idea of what he might have wrong? I know it's stupid to ask this on the internet, but at this point there is nothing else we can do.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone know computers and installing older programs?

    I have an older photo editing program, Adobe PhotoDeluxe 3.0. It came with my camera years ago. I LOVE this program, it worked fine on my old computer. On my new computer it had a couple of issues, but I could still use it.

    For some reason when I got DSL it stopped working completely.

    I uninstalled it and tried to re-install it but it won't even install. Can anyone tell me why it would do this and if there is anyway around it? I really need this program, it is the only one I have found that is simple and does what I need it to do to make custom charms.

    I have tried others, but they are complicated and they don't let me manipulate text with my cusor.

    I would be ever so grateful if someone can help me with this, you can also email me.


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can a phone co. charge you more for using your internet?

    I have Netzero for my internet and my phone company is ACN.

    ACN has charged me an extra $50.00 this month for "High Usage Charge" meaning I used my internet to much?!?!

    It's my phone line, I pay $50.00 for it to begin with, how can they charge me extra? That would be like charging me extra if I talked on the phone all day.

    (We are switching companies because I HATE ACN, but I do not want to pay their stupid fee, it's ridiculous!)

    Can they do this, and what can I do about it?

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to find someone with just their email address?

    Okay, someone has used my debit card online and the company has provided me with the persons email address. It was for an ebook so they don't have the persons physical address.

    I will be contacting my bank obviously, but I was wondering if there was a way to find out who this was from the email address? I don't know how this person got my debit card number. Also, do I contact the police about this, is there anything they could do?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can you save a ringtone to your sim card?

    I bought a ringtone awhile ago and would like to change phones, is there anyway to save it to my sim card so I can use it on my other phone?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Would this be considered Pre-Existing to a Health Insurance Co.?

    My husband has been having terrible headaches for about 10 months now w/ other symptoms.

    He has been to our family Dr. many times but there has NOT been a diagnosis. Our Dr. wants him to go to a Neurologist but we needed to wait till we got health insurance.

    We finally have it as of this month, but found out that the pre-exisiting is a 12 month waiting period. But it also says a pre-existing condition is something that has "happened" in the prior 3 months to the insurance effective date.

    If he hasn't been in there for his headaches in the last 3 months but had gone in prior, does that "count"?

    So is there anything we can do, or should do? No one know's what is wrong with him because we haven't been able to afford to "check" into it further. It's ruining our lives.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Why don't the stars in constellations burn out?

    We see "shooting stars" and "falling stars" so much that it is some what common, but why don't the stars of constellations burn out?

    Will they some how last forever?

    23 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • How long can stress or worrying delay your period?

    I should have had my period on the 4th or the 6th at the latest.

    It's still not here. I have been stressed to the max about it and was wondering how long stressing can delay it, if it is stress.

    I have taken two pregnancy test, one on Tuesday and one this morning and both were VERY negative.

    (I would like to insert here that I am an adult and am married so I don't need a lecture on not having sex, lol)

    I'm just wondering if it's possible that my period could still come or is it more likely that im pregnant and it's just not showing up yet?

    My periods are pretty much right on time always, I do have endometriosis, but this has never caused me to be late.

    (I would also like to insert here, lol, that I do not have health insurance, so I can't just run off to the Dr. when I'm not sure if there is anything wrong or not).

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used or heard of the DRX9000 for back pain?

    It's says "Treatment of chronic back pain without surgery".

    I was wondering how it works, and if anyone has used it and did it do anything for you?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Anyone with MS, how did you find out you had it? What were your symptoms?

    I would like to know what were your symptoms and how do they test you to see if you do have it?

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • We did a CT Scan of the brain, do we need an MRI?? Would it help, and what could it show that a CT wouldn't?

    Okay, we don't know what is wrong with my husband and I keep asking questions on here because I don't know what else to do. So please bare with me :o)

    My husband has been having terrible headaches since September. The Dr.'s can't figure out what is wrong with him. Today he feels really weird, really week, a little sick to his stomach here and there, and his arms and legs kind of hurt.

    For the past week he has pretty much had one constant severe headache. Today his head hurts, but not as bad as it has been.

    We had a CT scan of the brain done last November. The Dr. was quite a jerk, so I don't know if they even looked at it good, all he said was "there is no mass or tumor, go home and drink some gatorade".

    Would it be a waste of money to get an MRI of his brain?

    What could it show that a CT scan didn't?

    We don't have health insurance, so as much as I would just like to do it, we are already in debt about $10,000 trying to find out what is wrong with him.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What could cause SEVERE headaches, that are NOT migraines?

    Im looking for ideas here because the Dr.'s haven't been able to figure out what is wrong with my husband.

    This has been going on since last September. He will get headaches pretty much everyday and only get maybe an hour break during the day when the headache isn't as bad, but is usually still there.

    They pretty much always start in the back of his head on the sides and travel upward. There are sharp pains along with the severe headache.

    He does not get sensitive to light or sick. He pretty much always has neck pain with the headaches.

    We do not think these are migraines, but have no idea what is going on!

    Today he pretty much wants to die because it is so bad. He says it feels like his head is going to explode.

    Can anyone please give me some ideas of what the heck could be going on??

    10 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • For the love of God, is there a Dr. that can give advice?

    I don't know how much more of this we can take!

    My husband has been having HORRIBLE headaches pretty much everyday since last September. He also gets neck pain along with the headaches.

    We don't have health insurance and are in debt about $10,000 in Dr. visits, ER visits, MRI's, and still have NO answers!

    The Dr. said he has slight narrowing of the neck, but he doesn't think it's severe enough to be causing this. He also said he has some inflammation of the sinuses and put him on Nasonex. He has been on that for about 1 1/2 months and no change.

    He is on Methadone for a back disease that they still aren't for sure what it is. Something like degenerative disk disease. He is also given Percoset and Soma's. NONE of these touch the headaches, at all.

    Our Dr. recently gave him a "headache" medicine. I don't know what it is called, it says "BUT/???/??" not a full name. These don't help either and make him sooooooo tired.

    I am at my wits end and I know he is beyond his!

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is promethazine/codeine, Tylenol?

    My little girl has strep throat and was prescribed promethazine/codeine cough syrup, but her throat is still killing her. I didn't know if I could give her Tylonal with this and I won't till I know for sure.

    I can't call the Dr. because they are closed. I have looked up the medication online and it doesn't say it has Tylenol in it, but im still not sure.

    Anyone know?

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Playing Gameboy Color Games on Gameboy Advance?

    Okay, I know the Gameboy Advance says you can play Gameboy Color games on it, but when I was looking up some of the Gameboy Color games the cartdridge looks small.

    How do they fit into the Gameboy Advance?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, im used to my DS and just bought the Advance for my daughter. I would like to buy some older cutesie games for her, but want to make sure they can work before I do!

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What are my rights when it comes to hospital discrimination?

    Here is what happened.... My husband had been having bad headaches for about 2 months. Then he started getting dizzy spells, hot flashes, neck pain and wierd pains. He has a degenerative disk disease in his back and is prescribed Methadone for pain and has been on it for about 2 yrs.

    On Nov. 4, he was almost passing out, his head and neck were killing him. I thought he was dying, so I insisted that we go to the ER even though we don't have health insurance.

    We got there and he started having like amneisia, and didn't know what was going on. His blood pressure was 169 over 112. The ER doctor came in and was really nice at first. Then as soon as we told him what medications my husband takes (methadone), his attitude changed. They did a CT scan of his brain and didn't find anything. The Dr. told him to go home and drink some Gatorade.

    We think my husband was having a stroke, and they did NOTHING, and I think it's because he is on methadone. To futher prove my thought, I received....

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Digital Picture Frame, is 640x480 resolution good for one of these?

    I want to get a 9" digital picture frame for my parents for x-mas. I have been reading reviews on different ones and alot of the smaller ones (7" & 5") people are saying the pictures look like crap. The resolution on these is about half of the 9".

    I can't find any reviews on the 9" so I was wondering if anyone knew if this resolution would be good.

    I have never seen these in person and don't want to get my parents something that is crappy. Nor do I want to pay $150.00 for something that "plays" crappy photos.

    Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Health Insurance In Utah, How To Find The Best Rates??

    Im trying to find some good health insurance that won't kill us finacially. We haven't had any for about 4 years now and I don't even know where to start. My husbands work offers it, but it's almost $600.00 a month and there is no way we can afford that.

    Does anyone know where to start with this??

    Im not looking for state run health insurance, he makes to much to qualify for any of that, even CHIP just for our daughter. Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can a regular X-Ray show a bulged disk or do you have to have a CT scan?

    Just curious. And if anyone knows, when they do a CT of your brain, do they usually go as far as your neck area, or do they stop before then?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • $271.00 minus 40% is what, lol?

    Im having a major brain fart right now and my brain is not thinking correctly, lol. Im figuring out some hospital bills and need to know if im right on $271.00 minus 40%. If I pay the amount in full, I can deduct 40%, so I want to make sure I get it right, or I will have to pay the whole $271.00.

    Thanks, and sorry for the dumb question, lol!

    11 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago