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Military Wife.#2 baby 2/5/2010
My husband and i are both in the military but i recently got out on honorable discharge on in april of this year 2009. We have a 10 month old baby boy which we are so excited about having our next one since we just found out on may 29 that i'm pregnant and due feb 2010. I love to answer questions but whats really sad is how people have the nerve to send private email insults to me just because i answer the right questions. but i guess thats life right. anyways enjoy!! you might get an answer from me. lol
I have been bleeding non stop since the depo shot?
Hi I have been bleeding non stop and my obgyn even said it can last for another 4 months and just stick with it. I can't just go through this because its horrible. The first time i took the depo shot 3 years ago, i didn't bleed even once. Im going to be going to the hospital tomorrow since im in class(medical assistant). Does anybody who has tried the depo shot and HAVE BLEED, know how to reduce it. Thank you.
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago36 weeks pregnant with baby number 3?
Please no rude answers ok like with my last question 3 years ago when i was pregnant. I have my appointment tomorrow morning at 10 was wondering why even after i drink water i still get the contraction with hard belly after laying left side. How do i get comfort and also baby dropped two weeks ago and i'm only 1cm dilated as of last week so does this mean labor is coming soon. Had my daughter at 38 weeks and son 39 weeks 2 days. Thank you
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoPlease only people who have actually got paid doing online surveys etc?
Hello i've done one online survey two years ago and stopped when I ended up receiving only 20 bucks to be exact. Only people who have done a specific website and how quick is payment sent. A reliable website for online surveys
2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agoWell my 22 birthday was three days ago and i have two young kids?
Ok so two young kids great wonderful husband, wonderful parents and parents and law. The only thing is sadly I feel like I have it in me to want sex but tried everything to help with my LIBIDO.anything but nothing helps. What can help me please to try get in mood for my husband tonight. Feel so bad.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes anyone know any home made cookies or treats..?
Hi my husband and I have a big 2 in a half year old son and 9 month old daughter who are so amazingly wonderful kids and so blessed but we would like to make them some cookies for halloween but without too much sugar but still delicious. Already my son has sugar and an egg in his hands ready to practice the baking. Lol any help or suggestions for recipe of good cookies
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoanus birth??? stupid answers are accepted here as well?
i had two vaginal quick births which im so thankful but my husband and i want another one but this time for the baby to come out my ***. Is it posible and will it hurt
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy husband and i want his name on the birth certificate especially since we are expecting a baby in 4 months..?
but we now have a 13 month old son who the suppose to be father put his name on the birth cerfiticate even though he's noth the father and at that time my husband and i weren't together so dna shows the man isn't the father and his name is to be removed but my husband wants to know how to get his name on the birth cerficate especially since my husband is the father no matter what
2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agohello ladies ok. i'm dark skin and so is my husband. isn't it normal for babies....?
Isn't it normal for babies, as soon as they come out after being born, that they are extremely light it being i'm dark. I say this because i'm dark skinned but my first son came out extremely white and my husband and i are expecting another one and he is joking but wants to do a dna test when the baby is born all because he thinks since we are dark the baby isn't suppose to come out light. is my husband an idiot for wanting to do this. also we live in the deserted and i have no car or phone to even contact anyone for him to assume i would do something like cheat.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agocan someone get in trouble for tampering with dna paternity results?
i ask this because my baby daddy has alot of money and is his lawyer and him are bad people people the picture he took wasn't him but was someone else who took the dna test for him. what do i do? the court ordered us to do paternity but on the picture of him, it wasn't him but someone else
5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agomy husband and i are hiring a lawyer tomorrow because my baby daddy had his twin take a dna paternity?
ok my baby daddy had his twin take a dna paternity test instead of him showing our baby wasn't his because i'm smart and ordered a chain of custody which sends me his photo taken when test was done including all the info and come to find out it was his twin and not him!!!! how much trouble can he get for this and how do i retest
3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agocan someone tamper with a dna paternity, like if they have a twin and the twin uses his dna...?
my husband don't think its possible but i do. couldn't someone let their twin test for dna paternity and pretend to be other twin and results come out different? just curious because we are expecting and may be having twins.
3 AnswersBiology1 decade agohows everyones day today?
mine has been shaky this morning but got so much better so just curious how everyones day has been today. And what did you do today
2 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade agohello. ok i'm very dark skin and my son will be a year next month but is very light and people mistake him...?
as hispanic. my question is will and when will he get darker because my husband and i are both black but our baby is sooo light
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agohow would i get my husbands name on the birth certificate because i had my so called baby daddy put his on it?
and at that time my husband and i weren't married but now we decided we want my husband to be on the birth certificate and also the child isn't even my baby daddys says DNA test even though i believe they tampered with it so how can i have my husbands name on the birth certificate instead of baby daddy.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agowhat is the percentage of dna paternity test being wrong and why did it say he was the father the second time?
i took it why did it say he was the father the second time when we did testing to see if he was my sons father but first time it was 0%
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agohi all. ok. i let my husband go through my phone all the time...?
but do you think its fair that i went through his phone and told him and then he got extremely mad at me for it? please let me know if you think its right for him to be EXTREMELY upset saying i don't trust him all because i went through his phone once when he goes through mine ALL THE TIME. do you think he's hiding something?
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agohello. my husband and i have a 10month old and wanted another one so just found out last week...?
I'm 6 weeks pregnant. He's in the army and i just recently got out and everything but i had a miscarriage in feb which really hurt my husband and i so this baby is so precious to us. But i don't know why with this one, i just feel sad a bit. Don't get me wrong, i'm so happy to be pregnant, just feeling sad. Is this normal?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agohello. ok kinda a sex question. but i'm pregnant and my husband and i were wondering...?
why ever since we found out last week that we are having a baby, i've been extremely wet down there which he loves lol. but this is our second baby and yeah i was wet but not like this and also more turned on lol. i was just wondering if this was normal lol and also theres alot of great benefits. anyways congrats to all ya'll also expecting!!! i know some of ya'll may say some mean stupid comments but oh well, i'm pregnant!!! so i'm happy.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoGREAT news. found out my hcg level is 456.60 and my period was suppose to be tomorrow....?
my husband and i are SO EXCITED to be expecting, again. We have a son already but oh man we are so happy. Ok my question, which i'll ask my doctor tomorrow because they off now, is that a high hcg level and does that mean i'm having twins or is it just a good level
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agohas anyone ever gotten a positive using one of the early pregnancy test that say 5 days before period?
because i'm due for my period in 4 days and am curious if those early pregnancy test, like First Response and EPT, which i have both, would be able to detect it if i used it tomorrow morning
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago