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  • Hail Damage to Garden...?

    I have some tomato plants and squash plants that were damaged by a fairly intense hail storm. Tomato lost some leaves but appear all right, the squash however have several stems that were broken. Any advice on how to save the squash plants, i.e. is it best to leave them alone, trim the stems right below where they broke, or trim them close to the ground. I think they should regrow since they have a good roots by now, just wondering what the best thing to do now is?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Can someone help me end a legal debate?

    I am debating someone on a hypothetical issue (from a TV show actually) and I just don't have the time or patience to do the necessary research to come up with the answer. If someone (US Citizen) is arrested for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (or any law really) in a foreign country and tried in the United States by a US jury, how is that allowed under the Sixth Amendment requires they be given a trial by impartial jury of the State and district where in the crime shall have been committed. Under a strict reading, the foreign country is the State and district where the crime was committed, so you would have to have the trial there. I know that it does not violate the Sixth Amendment, but the actually legal reasoning is what I am looking for. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • DVD player disc error?

    This is a follow-up to this question I neglected to mention that the problem did not start when the DVD player was first purchased, it worked fine initially. Also, I have discovered that it will play some store bought DVDs, but not others. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • DVD player disc error?

    The players says disc error when store bought DVDs are put in, but strangely plays copied DVDs correctly. Any thoughts on what the problem could be?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Did you guys know that the same batteries Dell used...?

    that exploded were also used by just about every other major computer manufacturer, including that much heralded Toshibas? I just wondered if anyone else out here knew that, because I keep hearing over and over and over again how Toshibas are better for this reason, even though they used the same batteries, and did a recall of there own. And since NO ONE uses the batteries anymore, why do people keep bringing this issue up over and over and over again?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Does this make any sense to anyone else?

    I have seen people ask about Dell laptops, and an answer I continually see is "Don't buy Dells the used to use exploding batteries, buy a Toshiba instead." Now there are two things about that I don't understand, firstly, Toshiba issued a recall because they were using those same exploding batteries made by Sony, so recommend them over Dell? And secondly, why the heck does it matter what either company used to use, neither uses them now. Can anyone else make any sense of this logic?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Anybody know what an atomic hard drive is?

    I usually tend to stay up these things, but apparantly I have missed this development, another person asked a question in reference to them earlier, just wondering if anyone had any links to some information about them.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • A question about DDR, DDR2, Dual Channel and Dual Core CPU...?

    This actually a question about a question. Somebody asked a question, I gave an answer, someone else said my answer was wrong, his was chosen best answer and I commented on why I thought mine was right. Now I'm wondering who was right. So to any computer experts out there, which of us is right, here is the question;_ylt=Am_OA...

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • GPU overclocking question..?

    just a basic question, I am using an ATI tool to overclock my card and I keep getting 1 artifact, but no more than that. The temperature is fine so my question is can I just ignore one artifact and go higher or should I stop, and if I can go higher how many artifacts is too many. Only people with actual OC knowledge need answer.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Probability question...?

    This is really a card game question but since no one there knew the answer I figured I'd ask it here. If 4 cards are dealt from a standard 52 card deck, what are the chances that the 4 card hand will contain at least one Ace and at least one 2. Also, what is the formula for figuring the anser out.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Question on poker odds.....?

    In Omaha Hi/Lo, what are the odds of being dealt a starting hand with an Ace and a 2 in it? If you are unfamiliar with Omaha, there are 4 cards in a starting hand. I would also appreciate the mathematically explanation of how to figure this out.

    3 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Does anybody here use

    The rates look really good I was just wondering if the service is good, anybody out there use it and if so what are your thoughts on it. (This is not Vonage, the site is

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • What could be the problem.....?

    Okay so my friend has asked me to look at his computer. The computer is coming on and everything, but absolutely nothing is coming up on the screen. I tried switching out monitors, but that didn't work, so I am assuming it is the video card. I have basically two questions, first is there any way I can be sure it is the video card BEFORE I have him go buy a new one, and second, if it isn't the video card does anyway have any other ideas as to what the problem might be.

    11 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to connect a bluetooth headest to a non-bluetooth cell phone.?

    I have a bluetooth headset for my computer, is there any way I can use it with my cell phone which does not have bluetooth? Is there some type of adapter for my phone I can buy?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans2 decades ago