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I am just an ordianary guy with varied interests. Yahoo! Answers is one of my favourite sites not only because it allows me to share what I know with others, but also because I benefit from others' knowledge about things that I don't know. And most importantly, it is a great place to find really nice friends. Everyone gains something or the other from Yahoo! Answers.

  • What should I do to debug an error?

    After connecting to the internet, whenever I double click on the Yahoo! Messenger icon at the bottom, a box with an "Error" message appears.

    The contents of the message are "A Runtime Error has occurred, Do you wish to Debug? Line: 463. Error: Unterminated string constant."

    Clicking on "Yes", brings me to another window titled "Just-in-time Bugging" and with the content saying "New instance of Microsoft Script Editor".

    After clicking on "OK" in the aforesaid box, I am brought to the actual Debugging Window. From thereon I am unable to proceed further, regarding the actual steps to be taken to debug. A glance through the "Help" topics haven't been very helpful for me either.

    I want to know specifically what debugging is and also a very simple step by step approach to go about with debugging. I'm not a techie. So please use day to day terms to the maximum extent possible and tell me simply how to get the debugging done successfully.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago