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I tend to be pretty Conservative in my political beliefs. I love music especially metal. I also love outdoors activities like hunting etc. I have three dogs and I spend a lot of time training, trialing, and going hunting with them. I play guitar very well but not well enough for my liking. I ultimately want to play at least as well as Jeff Loomis. My favorite bands are Arsis, Necrophagist, Augury, Adagio, Martyr, Quo Vadis, Nevermore, etc. If you think I'm cool you can add me at no spam and no porn bots please.

  • Fullscreen not working on video sites....?

    I can't make any video online appear on the fullscreen. When I used internet explorer on youtube the search function will not work and when I use firefox the videos won't load and play. On other websites it plays the video but when I click fullscreen it only plays the audio... there is nothing but a blank picture. I have updated the adobe flashplayer and played with the compatability view button and neither has worked. What is going on and how can I remedy this?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • Not becoming the rebound guy, but still getting the girl?

    There is a woman that I have recently become good friends with. I've known her for about 3 months and I am absolutely infatuated with her. She exhibits everything I want in a woman. She had had a boyfriend and has recently split up with him. I know she likes me but earlier when I tried asking to just hang out she copped out saying she had mixed feelings about things and chose not too. I respected her wishes. Now that she has broken up with the boyfriend I am itching to make a move. But I do not want to be the rebound guy and I certainly don't need my heart broken. I really think this girl has everything I am looking for and it would be the biggest mistake if I rushed it and lost her because I was the rebound guy. I want this girl BAD. I know I need to give her space and time to make herself whole again. But what other tips and ideas do you all have that can help me make this work? I want to get this girl and keep her! Suggestions please! Essentially what I need to know is how can I keep from becoming the rebound guy and still get the girl?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can I file a lawsuit against someone on xbox live?

    I have recently been harrassed by somebody that has said that they have connections to activision and that they checked my xbox and found out that it was modded. The thing is that I just got the xbox sent to me from microsoft after my old one got the e74 error message. There is no way that a modded xbox could get through microsoft IMO. What would be the steps for me to file a complaint and lawsuit against this person who has harrassed me about untrue claims?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Been accused of modding xbox360?

    Somebody i added on my friends list said he has connections to activision and somehow checked my xbox and says I have a modded xbox. Problem is I haven't done anything to it. The original xbox i had got the e74 error message and i sent it in and got this new one that he is saying is modded. What do I do about this? I honestly think he is full of **** and I want to file a formal complaint to xbox about it but I don't know where to do this outside of the quick way on live which wont do anything. Help me out!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Bennelli R1 VS. Winchester SXR VS. Browning BAR shortrac VS. Remington 750.....?

    If I am going to beat my firearm to hell which one of these are going to keep working? Please rank them in order of preference. And any links to forums and such you have seen a similar topic presented please post that too. I am really looking into getting one of these autoloaders big time but I need to know which is going to last in the bush.

    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Quick question about Remington 750 and/or similar autoloaders...?

    Can you attach a magazine or are you stuck with 4 rounds?

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • i'm looking into getting an m14 airsoft gun. which comp. do you trust? CYMA, AGM, G&G, JG?

    i'm looking into getting an m14 airsoft gun. which company do you suggest to get this particular model from? CYMA, AGM, G&G, JG?

    3 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade ago
  • Would you take this trade?

    I get

    Marco Scutaro

    Bobby Jenks

    He gets

    Mike Fontenot

    Magglio Ordonez

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Should I drop Kelly Johnson?

    Johnson has been sitting on the bench for almost a week I haven't had any kind of production from him for longer than that. Looking at Thurston he's the starting 2nd baseman of baseball's best team at the moment. And he also qualifies for 2 other positions besides 2nd which gives me options. Should I pull the trigger or wait Johnson out?

    4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Should I drop Delmon Young for Hank Blalock?

    I love Hank Blalock he is by far one of my favorites problem is I believe he's been injured the past couple years. I've suddenly fallen in the hole to last place because all my players are pretty much not doing very well... I noticed Blalock was doing a bit better this year and seems to be making the most of his playing time and Delmon Young who is on my roster at the moment isn't doing as well. Do you think it would be a smart move to drop Young for Blalock?

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • what wins fantasy baseball?

    which stat do you consistently stack up on and consistently win your leagues?

    6 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • what exactly is a credit limit?

    is it the limit you can use for one purchase or overall the entire time you have the credit card?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • the atmospheres of distant planets...?

    often times i'll read or hear about the atmospheres etc. of distant planets (dwarf planets included) and often times they'll say the atmosphere is made of carbon monoxide or the ice is methane... problem is our telescopes can't even get pictures of these planets... so how do they know what everything is made up of?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Looking for some guitar based speed jazz?

    Looking for some actual jazz that the guitar is the forefront at fast tempos and in minor keys would be a plus. Can you think of anything to suggest?

    2 AnswersJazz1 decade ago
  • should we make future candidates for the presidency do something like this?

    should we make the future candidates have to submit a proposal of what they are going to do in office? of course there would have to be a committee to revise it maybe the house and senate? any similar ideas?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • the candidates you know who they are...?

    i'm tired of the fact that throughout history most of our leaders have lied and haven't followed through with what they say they were going to do... what do you think the punishment should be if they don't follow through with what they said they are going to do in the white house? jail time? explain why?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • what are some lesser known, interesting websites...?

    I know all the popular stuff myspace, facebook, youtube, etc.... I'm looking for some cool websites to entertain myself other than those... Music, Tech stuff, etc. Anything except politics... I've had enough of that for a lifetime lately. Post whatever you find interesting.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Why do you listen to popular music?

    Do you not realize there are much more talented musicians and vocalists out there than what corporate labels put in your face and you just love to eat up? Did you know that the music you listen to be it pop, rap, country, etc is all a bussiness and nothing more?

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Pay attention to the second question this time! Its the more important than the first....?

    I asked this before and nobody finished the damn question they just spouted off what president they liked... here goes round two....

    Have you ever liked a president? CONTINUE READING AND THEN ANSWER...

    Nobody likes a boss and every president has pissed numerous people off one time or another... what makes you think the candidates now are going to be any different in office?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Am I a dangerous, primitive fool in your book? ?

    I love firearms and my 2nd amendment right to own them.

    I love the outdoors and will do anything to conserve it for future generations.

    I love to hunt and i love eating meat.

    I don't mind that I'm not looking to get into a career making more than 60K a year.

    I believe that anybody can believe whatever religion you want as long as you don't put in my face and try to make me believe what you believe.

    I think homosexuality makes no sense and despite what you say it doesn't warrant marriage in my book.

    I think abortion is wrong and no matter what you say i won't change my thinking.

    I am stubborn.

    I love metal music.

    I like watching Versus and OLN and watch cars crash and people get trampled by bulls.

    I am politically incorrect.

    I am unenculturated and care not what you think.

    I hate popular fads and most celebrities in fact i view most of them as inept pieces of ****...

    Do I offend you? Am I dangerous to humanity? Do you fear me?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago