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Well I'm 21 years old just had my first baby. Alittle boy named ERick D'Wayne. I live in Ontario, Ca with my hubby . Mostly I just work and take care of my baby. I enjoy Yahoo Answers to give advice and mostly get advice. You can also contact me thru myspace

  • What do I do?? Hubby is talking to other women?

    I was going thru my hubbys phone last night he has a sidekick so I use it for the net sometimes. Well I came across a couple of textes to his friend asking him "where the hoes at" and :Let me holla at one of them" and "send me a pic". Plus he has numbers with no names under the call log that he talks to for like 5-10 mins at a time, but the numbers aren't saved.

    We just had a baby 7 weeks ago and personally I can't deal with cheating I think its the most degrading thing someone can do to another person.

    His response: Its not like that I didn't even talk to them, etc.

    He went to work last night and came home and tried to make up and as his wife I kinda gave in. But I lost all trust in him, and dont want my little boy to grow up like his dad. I told him I dont want to break up our family we worked so hard to have but right now I can't even look at him with out crying. Any advice??He says he hasn't cheated it was all talk. But isn't talking cheating too....HELP!!!!

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I was due on halloween and still nothing, any advice to move it along?

    I was due 10/31/07. My dr wont induce until Nov.7, He says just walk and have alot of sex, but I have been doing that for like a week and a half already and I'm still only 2-3 cm. He told me not to do the castrol oil so I haven't but have you heard of it actually working..Any advice would be nice.

    Right now my tummy is all tight and walking is uncomfortable, I did the cleaning thing on Tuesday my house is now spotless. Today I've been really tired. Does this sound like it will happen soon.

    Any advice would help..( This is my first baby too)

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks and now stretch marks, anyway to stop them?

    I used Coco butter everyday, and now all the sudden at 36 weeks I have stretch marks. Its not the stretch marks that are bothering me its the pain they cause? Why do they hurt so bad, And how can I start to slow the process down so I dont get anymore? Any advice will help. It just seems the coco butter isn't working anymore.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • With black and white babies when do they start to actually start to get more "color" to their skin?

    I'm white and my hubby is black and we are about to have our first child. The thing is I have seen some pictures of one of our friends mixed child and he is white, no sign of black in him. Just wondering when they actually start to get "color" to their skin? Personally with our friends kid I would doubt it if I was the dad, because even the hair is straight and brown.

    Any insight would be nice.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How did you feel at 33 weeks?

    I'm exhausted, have headaches, feel sick to my stomach at times. Is this all normal? I still work full time, but once I get home I relax and go to bed early but still i'm tired in the morning. Also this weekend my stomach looked smaller like lower somehow. Also I feel theses little sharp pains. This is my first child so I'm kinda clueless so any advice would help.

    P.S. the dr said at 36 weeks he is putting me on leave but until then what can I do?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Milk while pregnant?

    I know we are supposed to drink alot of milk during pregnancy, but has anyone felt sick after drinking milk? Its like everytime I drink my milk in the morning I fell sick like I'm going to throw up. Is this normal? All my tests have come back good. I see my dr today but just wondering if anyone ever felt this way? FYI- I'm 32 weeks with my first.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't California ever get hit with Hurricanes?

    We are right off the coast but I never here about them coming our direction? Just checking not that I want one just wondering why.

    Thank you

    16 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • 31 Weeks pregnant ?

    I'm 31 weeks with my frist baby and things are turning for the worse.. my back hurts, my tummy gets tight sometimes to where I can't eat, Headaches. And the worst thing is I feel like I'm going to start my period, you know the uneasy , irrated, tired, etc.

    Is the all normal? He also moves all day long, even when I'm trying to sleep.

    What can I do to make it easier for the next 9 weeks?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and heartburn?

    I'm 30 weeks pregnant and I have had heartburn since yesterday. I have tried the Tums, Milk, Bread, Pudding, Jello and nothing seems to work.

    What else can I do? Also what does having heartburn mean while pregnant? Something wrong?

    This is my first baby so any advice would help.

    18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Preparing for the first baby?

    Ok I bought the set that has a car seat and stroller, but people are telling me that I should get the next step up for the car seat because he will only fit in that car seat for a couple of months. How long did your baby stay in the first car seat? I'm just trying to prepare as early for everything as I can.

    Also on the high chair when do you start to use it? Should I buy one now or wait?

    Diapers- how many should I get in advance?

    First baby, and I just want to have everything ready, and not stressing.

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is a muscus plug?

    I keep hearing about people losing it. What is it?

    I'm 29 weeks pregnant with my first and no one not even my doctor has talked to me about this.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How big should you be at 28 weeks?

    Everyone keeps telling me that I'm small for being 28 weeks. I have seen some other women that are about my due date and they are bigger. What is normal? Im starting to get worried that maybe my baby isn't growing right. I have some pictures on my myspace . I just keep hoping that the next months I will grow more, isn't that when u grown the most? any advice would be nice. p.s. I see my doctor on Monday what questions should I ask? ( first baby clueless)

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I get my hubby to understand what I'm going thru while pregnant?

    I'm 6 months pregnant. Tired, stressed out and an emotional wreck. We have been distant this week due to I'm uncomfortable, sex is hard to do ( which I want it all the time but its just not worth it anymore) He doesn't sleep in the bed anymore because I move to much to get comfortable. He asked me today what he does wrong, I tried to tell him that I just want more help emotionally he thinks that he does give me good emotional help ( which he does but right now I want more ) I get angry because he can go out and have fun and I can't ( is that wrong) its not like he goes clubbing but he goes to his cousins house for a couple hrs here and there, he still is able to drink, smoke etc. I feel he shouldn't be able to because I can't anymore and WE are pregnant.

    I know alot of men are confused when the wifey is preggo but I'm confused too..I see him trying to make me happy but I just want more and more..

    First Child- Married 3 years.

    Any advice please!!!!!!!

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I help my hubby understand what I'm going thru?

    I'm 6 months pregnant. Tired, stressed out and an emotional wreck. We have been distant this week due to I'm uncomfortable, sex is hard to do ( which I want it all the time but its just not worth it anymore) He doesn't sleep in the bed anymore because I move to much to get comfortable. He asked me today what he does wrong, I tried to tell him that I just want more help emotionally he thinks that he does give me good emotional help ( which he does but right now I want more ) I get angry because he can go out and have fun and I can't ( is that wrong) its not like he goes clubbing but he goes to his cousins house for a couple hrs here and there, he still is able to drink, smoke etc. I feel he shouldn't be able to because I can't anymore and WE are pregnant.

    I know alot of men are confused when the wifey is preggo but I'm confused too..I see him trying to make me happy but I just want more and more..

    First Child- Married 3 years.

    Any advice please!!!!!!!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Second guessing??

    I was told on my 18 week ultrasound that it was boy..but they couldn't give me a picture. I dont want to do the 4D because I want what my baby lookd like to be a surprise but I keep secound guessing the fact that its a boy because I dont have the prove in my hand,..I saw the weewee but some people say it could be the cord..but the doctor wouldn't tell me it was a boy if it wasn't true right??

    I'm 24 weeks now and going to the doctors today you think if I ask for another ultrasound he will give me a picture this time..? Kaiser seems to be picky about this kind of thing.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are you a single parent?

    I'm pregnant right now with my first. My hubby and I seperated for a while then got back together to work things out and raise our child together. But lately he has been being very controlling and saying some hurtful things to me..And I was just wondering how many single parents feel it was a better choice to raise the child alone. I'm thinking aboout doing it on my own, I can do bad enough by myself than have someone else helping me feel bad. I just dont want to regret it..I want my child to be happy and me to be happy but my hubby is getting so mean and I dont know if its my emotions or what but I feel so hurt that I would rather leave and have my baby on my own. Any Advice?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Restroom question for pregnacy?

    Kinda gross but just trying to see if its something I need to go to the ER for..When I got potty (#2) blood is everywhere..I mean the water turns red when I wipe the toliet paper has blood..Its bright red, and doesn't bleed after I go just when I'm going. I'm 23 weeks with my first and I have been going thru this completely blind. Any help would be nice..I have my appt on the 9th should I wait or go in? What is it?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My father asked me for money?

    He asked me yesterday and I told him I'd let him know, but I'm broke too..I'm pregnant and have bills and food to pay. I paid my bills and went to the doctor yesterday and have enough money for the gas for the week, until my hubby gets paid so we can go food shopping..

    The thing is why would be ask me, and why do I feel so bad about not having it. what should I say to him..I dont want him to think I'm just saying no.

    Any advice on how to handle this?

    He is a grown man...42 I'm 21 pregnant with my first baby and my hubby and I barely pay our bills on time..

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Anyone elses hubby do this?

    Ok I'm 20 weeks pregnant and when me and my hubby had sex last night he kept asking me if it hurt , was I ok, and when I wanted to get on top he was like no let me do the work. LOL also when I wanted to c*m he was like ok but let me do it slow so it wont hurt or move the

    This just started, Before everything was normal, but now he is so gentle. Also we used to have sex everynight, until Saturday he was let me give you and my baby a rest. I find it cute but at the same time frustrating..I have tried to tell him that its ok, but he is sure that something will happen..

    Could it be that my tummy just start to show big time like 2 weeks ago, he keeps telling people that the belly showed up over night.

    Anyone else have this "problem". ( I think its cute but wierd)

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone elses hubby do this?

    Ok I'm 20 weeks pregnant and when me and my hubby had sex last night he kept asking me if it hurt , was I ok, and when I wanted to get on top he was like no let me do the work. LOL also when I wanted to c*m he was like ok but let me do it slow so it wont hurt or move the

    This just started, Before everything was normal, but now he is so gentle. Also we used to have sex everynight, until Saturday he was let me give you and my baby a rest. I find it cute but at the same time frustrating..I have tried to tell him that its ok, but he is sure that something will happen..

    Could it be that my tummy just start to show big time like 2 weeks ago, he keeps telling people that the belly showed up over night.

    Anyone else have this "problem". ( I think its cute but wierd)

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago