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  • Ok , here are the provisions in the Bill now before Senate what do you think?


    Authorizes enhanced border security measures, including the addition of a 370-mile, triple-layer fence along the border.

    Authorizes President Bush's plan to send 6,000 National Guardsmen to the U.S.-Mexican border.

    Bars those convicted of felonies or three misdemeanors from becoming legal residents or citizens.

    Punishes employers who hire illegal immigrants with a fine up to $20,000 and three years in prison after an electronic verification system is established.

    Guest workers

    Creates a guest-worker program that would allow workers to work in the country for three years and be eligible for a three-year extension. The number of temporary-worker visas would be limited to 200,000 per year.


    Establishes a three-tiered path-to-citizenship program, which divides the 11 million to 12 million illegal workers in the United States into three groups:

    Illegal immigrants here for more than five years could gain their citizenship after working for six years, learning English and paying a penalty and back taxes.

    Illegal immigrants here from two to five years would have to return to an entry point and apply for a guest-worker program.

    Workers here less than two years would have to return to their countries of origin.


    Declares English the "national" language of the United States.

    Also declares English the "common and unifying" language of the United States.

    8 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Why are we viewing the building of the wall between the borders as keeping people out?

    After reading a few articles about the Mexican goverment and their feelings about the proposed wall that is now in front of the congress I have to ask, would this not be a good thing for the Mexican people?

    After all would this not put pressure on the Mexican government to make jobs for the people who could not get over here to work?

    They (the mexican government) has for years depended on the Americans to deal with their people.

    I think increasing border patrol, building the wall, making it hard to become legal would all benefit the Mexican people.

    Don't you Mexicans agree?

    7 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Did any immigrant legal or illegal work on the clean up of Katrina? If so did you know you replaced others?

    The reason I am asking this is because i just came from a very heated discussion over the reasons some illegals were brought in.

    And for those of you that think it is because Americans didn't want to do the job I have this to say.

    I had family from a community badly hit. They with many others did go back to work and do whatever they could.

    After all it was their town distroyed.

    After being hired they worked thier asses off and then were told they were needed no more.

    Why? It wasn't because they didn't need the jobs thats for damn sure.And it wasn't because they wouldn't do the shitty work.

    It was because contractors could pay illegals alot cheaper wages.

    They even bused them in.

    So before you get on your high horse and start pointing fingers at Americans you better stop and think.

    Sorry for the emotion in this, I usually keep my head in a discussion but this really got under my skin.

    4 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • The March Is Over. Now What?(for the American Citizens)?

    I first want to say I am very proud of my country and it's people. We have shown that this March of a very emotional subject went as all protests should. Peacefully.

    It has shown the world what America truely stands for.

    Now the fate of immigrants falls into our hands, the hands of the American people.

    We listened to thier voice and it is up to us to bring OUR decision to OUR government.

    Be wise in your decisions. The power of the people comes in numbers and votes.

    Contact your Senators, your Congressmen, your President. Make your voice known. Flood them with letters, emails and encourage your nieghbor to do the same.

    We the people, means far more than we the illegals. Because not only do we have citizenship. We have one thing they will never have, the right to vote.

    10 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • What would happen if the people from Mexico put all this effort into a march there?

    I am not being sarcastic, it just seems to me if you love your hertiage and you should it is quite beautiful you would want to make the changes in your own country. If all the millions of people did this would they not have to listen?

    11 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • To Build or not to Build? Do you think we need a wall to keep illegals out?

    BOULEVARD, Calif. — As immigrants and their supporters prepared for a massive boycott on Monday, opponents of illegal immigration went to work building a border fence meant to symbolize their support of a secure border.

    About 200 volunteers organized by the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps of California began building a 6-foot barbed wire fence Saturday along a quarter-mile stretch of rugged terrain in Boulevard, about 50 miles east of San Diego.

    Tim Donnelly, the group's leader, said volunteers ate apple pie and hot dogs as they worked on the fence, which was connected to an existing 12-foot-high fence previously built by the federal government.

    The volunteers wanted to send a message to Congress that the government should block entry to the United States and not grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, Donnelly said.

    17 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • How many know of any illegal aliens?

    I think it is time to stop bickering and do something about this problem.

    The new Department of Homeland Security is the proper authority to whom to report the presence of

    illegal aliens,

    non-immigrant visa violators, and

    green card holders who have been convicted of crimes.

    To report an illegal alien, look up the nearest existing field office and ask for the (BICE) Investigations Division or the "Enforcement Office." If you cannot speak with a Special Agent from the Investigations Division, ask to speak to a Deportation Officer from the Detention and Removal unit. Make a report over the phone or go in person.

    You are performing a vital public service by doing this. Officers in these divisions are obligated by law to make a written record of your report.

    14 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Why has this come down to Americans against Mexicans?

    Have we all fell down and bumped our heads? I am American born and raised. I have generations who fought in all the wars here and I have a deep appreciation of our country and our rights.

    But,,,have we all forgotten the due process of this country? If we would turn all of the frustrations we have over this immigration reform over to who needs to change it instead of who is wanting to change it, we would accomplish so much more.

    I am not mad at the Mexican or the Italian, or the Saudi, ect.

    I am pissed at the government for allowing this to get this bad.

    So lets put blame where the problems started and are controlled...The power of the people lies within the system, make them work out a solution.

    14 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • How do I fund Illegals? ( A question from my answer board)? provided to children of illegals,prenatal care. healthcare, social services, tuitions, the list goes on and on.Illegals are costing tax payers 10 billion dollars a year.

    Can you say your not?

    8 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • What Do You Actually Think This Boycott Will Prove? Or Better Yet, What Is The Point?

    As an American who pays taxes, and funds most illegals I have to know just what it is your trying to prove. That your being treated unfairly? That we as Americans are lazy? That you have a right to be here illegally? That we don't have a right to protect our borders? Please humor me....

    17 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago