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  • Is a Intel M faster or comparable to Intel Core 7?

    Hi. I play a lot of zynga games which are major memory hogs. My current laptop with an Intel Core 3 and 4 GB memory isnt cutting it anymore. I found one laptop online that has an Intel I-Core 7 and 8 gb memory but another brand (thats on sale for less) has 8 gb of memory and an I-Core M 5Y10 processor. I generally understand that I Core 5 is better than I Core 3 and I Core 7 is better than I Core 5 but I dont know much about these Intel Core M s. are they closer to an I Core 3 or I Core 7 in terms of speed? I need to majorly upgrade from my current laptop s I Core 3.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Which is better/faster in terms of hard drives: 128G mSATA SSD or 320 GB HDD? I dont store a lot of songs or movies on my laptop.?

    I play a couple flash heavy zynga games and just want to play my games without constant crashing or plug in lagging. Right now my current laptop has Intel core 3, 4GB memory and 320 GB HDD. The newest laptop/ultrabooks Ive been looking at recently all seem to have an I5 or I7 Intel Core so that will be upgrade and I figured an 8GB Memory would be good (compared to my current so-so 4GB) but Im confused about the Hard drive and how if affects memory hogging flash games. One newest model dell laptop i think would be good has 8gb of memory but with a hard drive of 128G mSATA SSD whereas my 2 yr old laptop has the 320 GB HDD. So if I get this dell with the SSD, am I gaining or losing regarding the hard drive? Right now my laptop just cant keep up with me having 2-3 browser windows open plus one of my zynga flash games. I get constant lagging plug in pop ups or crashes. If I get this laptop with the Intel core I5, 8GB memory and 128G mSATA SSD, will that stop my crashes and slow responses? (and if the processor and memory are really good, how much does the hard drive play into things like internet and flash games?) Like I said, i have on my current laptop less than 50 songs, a few word docs and thats about it. I dont store movies or videos or have hundreds of files. any advice regarding hard drives for heavy web surfing and playing flash heavy games from zynga?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • What does it mean when u get the message on your cell phone "UID's on your phone are unstable." ?

    I have a droid incredible. The phone has been acting up a lot past 3 months. Ive had it spontaneously reboot several times and lost all the apps on the phone. Luckily they were all free ones but I had to go back each time and re-download them and then put them on the phone where i like to see them. But tonite was the first time I ever saw this particular message. I guess my phone is fried. I just dont know why it's acting like this. It often happens right around the time the battery dies. It rarely happens on a fully charged battery. But Im not sure what this UID thing means. I guess I will have to go into verizon store tomorrow. I lost all my contacts and I cant remember my gmail account stuff since i dont use that account ever. I just created a gmail account for this phone to access the app store. But I guess Im trying to figure out what happened to my phone. I have a case for it. Ive dropped it on my carpeted floor in my house but Ive never dropped it on concrete or gotten it wet. Its never been abused so I dont know why it flips out every 2-3 weeks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How do you make yahoo mail default email?

    I'm trying to make yahoo email my default email provider so that when i click on "contact us" links on websites, yahoo email will pop up. i have downloaded the yahoo toolbar as some people recommended. on the yahoo help website it shows a picture of part of the installation phase showing a window where u can check off making yahoo mail your default. I have downloaded the yahoo toolbar 4 times today and this window never pops up. i have also gone into internet options section of all browsers and something has changed. under IE tools, there is no longer a place to make yahoo my default email. that is gone and isnt there anymore. right at the top it shows where to make my default browser and homepage but underneath there is no longer a tab for selecting making yahoo email the default email. i dont know how to fix this. from google chrome to IE to firefox, clicking on the tools then internet options tabs does not give me a place to make yahoo email my default email. i dont know how to fix this. right now on IE it is very weird, when i click on tools and then internet options there is a tab labled "internet programs" but when i click on that, it takes me to the microsoft windows settings and there is no place there for setting default email programs. i must've changed something in the past on this computer because Ive never had my settings be like this before. ive tried clicking on the "internet programs" but that takes me to a list including browsers. when i click on one of the browsers, it gives me option to "change defaults for this program". when i click on that, there is a list of protocols and extensions. i am never taken to anything with a list of default email programs. i just dont know what has gone wrong here. I used to have no problem with older versions of IE and chrome to click on tools and then internet options and just selecting yahoo as my default email but like i said, internet options isnt labled that way anymore. can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong here. and please read entire posting because it gets very frustrating when i list the things i have already tried doing that didnt work only to read answers that suggest trying things i've already tried.

    2 AnswersPreferences and Settings8 years ago
  • Which is best netbook for farmville?

    My guilty pleasure is farmville. It is a flash based game from zynga. I am currently looking at new netbooks to improve my experience with the game. Firstly, I prefer netbooks (10-11 inches) because I need something light that is easy to carry around in my backpack and take to work with me so I can play on my breaks. I dont want a tablet because the only version of farmville you can play on those is the mobile app version. Here's what I have currently: Acer Aspire D255, CPU Intel Atom N450 1.66 Ghz/512 KB cache, Memory 1 GB, Storage 160 GB. Here's my main question: What affects the crashing and speed more for farmville type games? Is it the processor or the memory? I heard when a game uses up massive memory, like farmville, it can make the browser crash or freeze if the laptop/netbook doesnt have a lot of memory). I have a small budget and found an acer (A0722) with a slightly slower processor (I think) but big upgrade in memory and hard drive. I found at wal mart an acer that has an AMD Fusion C-60 dual core processor 1.0 Ghz/1MB Cache but has a 4GB memory and a 500 GB hard drive. Will I see less flash plug in crashing/freezing and faster game performance if I buy this new acer? I mainly use my netbook for web surfing, the occasional U tube video and email besides farmville. I dont use it for much else. Basically, I get constant flash plug in crashes and/or freezes with my current netbook whenever I play farmville. It doesnt matter if I use IE9, chrome or firefox. None of them seem to be able to handle the massive memory suckage from farmville. Im still learning about pc/netbook specs but from what Ive read it is really memory that affects flash game performance the most. So if I switch from a netbook with 1 GB memory to one with 4 GB memory, will I notice any real improvement with my game experience? (Im look at acer because of budget reasons mostly. also, I cant find any netbooks under 11 inches in most brands that have memory above 1 GB.) Your opinions are welcome. But like I said, im not interested in tablets or massive 15-18 in. laptops. Just looking for a semi-fast, portable netbook that I can play farmville on. So what are your thoughts on the Acer A0722 over my current netbook?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • How do I get administrator rights for spybot?

    I downloaded spybot last night. I suspected I had the facemoods and hijacker on my computer and I was right. Anyway, after the scan was over, it said to remove them that I needed to scan again with administrator rights in order to remove. Here is the problem, i went to several help sites online and most said to right click on the spybot icon. I have a netbook with a touchpad. I dont even own a pc mouse. How do i get administrator rights for spybot when i cant right or left click? all i can do is click and each time i do it pretty much goes straight to a regular scan. Is there another way to get access to administrator rights. any advice on this is welcome.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Help! I am having issues with google chrome!?

    No matter what i do, google chrome keeps reverting back to the default strict safe search. I am not even trying to watch porn. I am just trying to watch the mitt romney sketch from this past saturday. i dont even seen how that would be considered something that needs to be restricted anyway. I am a 38 yr old adult female and no matter what i do, google chrome keeps defaulting to strict search. I have gone in a dozen times and changed it to moderate or no restrictions but when i then go the snl/nbc website and click to view a sketch, it comes up as the page being blocked. i have gone in and changed search settings and saved them only to have them revert back to the strict retrictions. i am an adult female and sole user of this laptop.i should be able to view any website i want. why when i lower restrictions on the search it wont save them and keeps reverting back to the most restrictive search? this isnt fair. Ive changed the settings a dozen times and they just wont stay changed.

    2 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • Receding gums - what should I do?!?

    I noticed a few months ago my gums receded quite a bit (over a few week period). I now have spaces between a lot of my bottom teeth and in between the the top of my front teeth. I never used to have spaces in between any of my teeth. my gums are now this weird dark pink and are a little puffy along the gum line. i don't know what to do. I have asked my dentist about it the last 3 visits and i just cant get him to take it seriously. He says he doesn't notice a considerable change but I do. My gums are half as long as they used to be and i have all this space between my bottom teeth. I can actually see where the gum line was because of the two different shades. My dentist says i have nothing to worry about it because he says he doesn't notice any inflammation and since my roots are not exposed im fine. he says if there was any recession it was very minor. i used to trust my dentist but now i don't know. i should not have all these gaps in between my bottom teeth. I am so worried. this cant be good. they haven't receded any more in the past couple months but my mouth does not look normal. neither my dentist nor his assistant say they notice anything. should I find a new dentist. I am starting to no longer trust my dentist's opinion. He says if I want anything done to my mouth i my only option are gum grafts which could cost me thousands of dollars. I have never had any issues with my gum line before this summer when do to a crazy work schedule i skipped brushing my teeth 2 days a week bc i was in such a hurry working 2 jobs. I haven't skipped any brushings since this summer but i think the damage is done. should i find a new dentist and is there anything I can do? I really hate the small gap near the top of my 2 front teeth and the gaps in between some of my bottom teeth. They were not there 6 months ago. I just cant get my dentist to take me seriously. He keeps laughing it off and saying that he doesn't notice any recession and the gums look fine to him. But i know my own mouth and I think he is so very wrong. But he is the professional and I don't know what to do. All I know is that my gum line is much shorter and there are gaps in between teeth that never had gaps before. will a new dentist take me seriously? what should I do? Are gum grafts costing thousands my only option? Is there nothing else?

    5 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Where to meet friends?

    I live in the kansas city area. Im 36 yr old woman and ive realized recently that the past few years as many of my friends have gotten married one by one and had kids that ive become a bit of recluse/homebody. I go to work and come home and thats about it. Ive tried maintaining friendships with my married friends but they are always too busy with husbands and kids. even when i reduce my invites to once a month or so I still get turned down. I dont know any single people my age. It's not that im trying to spend every waking minute with my married friends - I cant even get them to commit to dinner and a movie once a month. It's always a bad time for some reason or another. They all say they're too busy with soccer practice, ballet practice, cheerleading, recitals, etc. with their kids. Over time weekly outings got reduced to monthly and then 2-3 times a year to now vary rarely seeing them except maybe once a year. I really want to get out more and am looking for friends that are single (male or female) with no kids or if they are married with kids, are allowed out of the house once a week for dinner, movie or concert, etc. Im not sure where to turn. There are hundreds of dating sites and yes, im looking to get out of that rut too but right now i want to concentrate on making friends. My whole life my friends were just whoever i was stuck with: classmates, roommates, sorority sisters, etc. but as i reached my mid-30's my friends slowly drifted away because of moving, kids, husbands, etc. despite my best efforts to maintain the friendships. But one can only extend so many hundreds of invites over and over and get turned down before u realize that it is nearly impossible for single people to maintain friendships with folks who are married with kids.The husbands and kids (at least for my friends) take up 99% of their time and they never seem to have time for anyone or anything else. I thought women were allowed to maintain balanced lives even married with kids but I guess that's not really the case despite what u are lead to believe. where should i go to find friends? Im not religious. Im a relapsed, agnostic catholic who likes animals, reading, movies, pop culture, farmville, top 40 music, plays, musicals, politics (leaning liberal) and museums. are there places for non religious singles to meet each other? every time i ask people for advice on this they direct me to these evangelical church groups which is not my cup of tea at all. these groups kinda scare me as nearly every evangelical person I meet cannot accept me for who i am and instead spends the whole time trying to convert me to their religion. Im a bit of a homebody. In fact, I just realized this sunday evening i spent the whole weekend in my house and didnt leave it once. Lately i only get out to go to work and back and sometimes do errands like groceries, etc.. i really need to make friends. any advice? (I get along with people fine. I chit chat with most of my co-workers and they seem to like me but once I realize they're married with kids, i usually dont even bother inviting them anywhere since my experience with married friends has been so lousy the past few years.) PLEASE NO SARCASTIC COMMENTS LIKE WHAT A LOSER I AM. IVE ALREADY GOTTEN THOSE AND AM RE-POSTING THIS QUESTION LOOKING FOR SINCERE ADVICE.

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • Could I have hypothyroid?

    I have complained for years that I always feel tired and have to pace my errands and other activities. (I am 37). For years I though it was depression & at times have been on anti-depressants which kinda helped a little with mood and outlook but energy levels, weight gain and dry skin issues remained (which i hear are symptoms of hypothyroid.) A few months ago my workplace was having this wellness check fair thing. I signed up and paid extra for the thyroid blood test. i know there are different types of thyroid blood tests but mine was called TSH ultrasensitive. It said i was 2.53 mcl/ml which was in the normal range. are there other kinds of thyroid results? could this result be wrong and could there be other tests like anemia that might explain my constant fatigue? I have been tired constantly for several years and it has kept me from an active life. i gain weight easily, have to spread out errands through the whole week due to lack of energy and just feel lethargic overall. i am probably still experiencing some mild depression and probably could stand to be back on anti-depressants but i dont think mild depression fully explains my fatigue, dry skin and weight issues. should i see one of these endocrinologists? and while i do have insurance, i am worried what a battery of tests will cost. I have to pay co-pays.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • What is the difference between farmville friends and suggested friends on the farmville gift page?

    I think it has to do with last time playing and frequency playing but Im not sure. any thoughts?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Where to meet friends?

    I live in the kansas city area. Im 36 yr old woman and ive realized recently that the past few years as many of my friends have gotten married one by one and had kids that ive become a bit of recluse/homebody. I go to work and come home and thats about it. Ive tried maintaining friendships with my married friends but they are always too busy with husbands and kids. even when i reduce my invites to once a month or so I still get turned down. It's not that im trying to spend every waking minute with my married friends - I cant even get them to commit to dinner and a movie once a month. It's always a bad time for some reason or another. They all say they're too busy with soccer practice, ballet practice, cheerleading, recitals, etc. with the kids. Over time weekly outings got reduced to monthly and then 2-3 times a year to now vary rarely seeing them except maybe once a year. I really want to get out more and am looking for friends that are single (male or female) with no kids or if they are married with kids, are allowed out of the house once a week for dinner, movie or concert, etc. Im not sure where to turn. There are hundreds of dating sites and yes, im looking to get out of that rut too but right now i want to concentrate on making friends. My whole life my friends were just whoever i was stuck with: classmates, roommates, sorority sisters, etc. but as i reached my mid-30's my friends slowly drifted away because of moving, kids, husbands, etc. despite my best efforts to maintain the friendships. But one can only extend so many hundreds of invites over and over and get turned down before u realize that it is nearly impossible for single people to maintain friendships with folks who are married with kids.The husbands and kids (at least for my friends) take up 99% of their time and they never seem to have time for anyone or anything else. I thought women were allowed to maintain balanced lives even married with kids but I guess that's not really the case despite what u are lead to believe. where should i go to find friends? Im not religious. Im a relapsed, agnostic catholic who likes animals, reading, movies, pop culture, farmville, top 40 music, plays, musicals, politics (leaning liberal) and museums. are there places for non religious singles to meet each other? every time i ask people for advice on this they direct me to these evangelical church groups which is not my cup of tea at all. these groups kinda scare me as nearly every evangelical person I meet cannot accept me for who i am and instead spends the whole time trying to convert me to their religion. Im a bit of a homebody. In fact, I just realized this sunday evening i spent the whole weekend in my house and didnt leave it once. Lately i only get out to go to work and back and sometimes do errands like groceries, etc.. i really need to make friends. any advice? (I get along with people fine. I chit chat with most of my co-workers and they seem to like me but once I realize they're married with kids, i usually dont even bother inviting them anywhere since my experience with married friends has been so lousy the past few years.)

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • My netbook is set to use mouse only?

    Somehow recently I accidentally set my netbook to use mouse only. I can scroll around with finger but I can't open anything up. Nothing will open up. But last nite it was fine with mouse. I used to be able to switch back and forth between mouse and finger scroll but now I cant. How do I get it back where I can use both? I haven't yet bought a netbook mouse. Only have access to one at friend's. Where do I go on pc to get it off mouse only lock? I need to be able to switch back and forth.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I accidentally deleted administrator account?

    My main screen of netbook had administrator and guest. I'm only user. Somehow I deleted administrator off main log in screen and just guest remained. But I think administrator was still there but wouldn't appear on main screen. In trying to restore administrator I somehow deleted guest. Now log in screen says guest but when I click on it it says "acct deleted" and now I can't even get into the netbook at all. It just says "acct deleted. Contact administrator"

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • I accidentally deleted administrator account?

    My main screen of netbook had administrator and guest. I'm only user. Somehow I deleted administrator off main log in screen and just guest remained. But I think administrator was still there but wouldn't appear on main screen. In trying to restore administrator I somehow deleted guest. Now log in screen says guest but when I click on it it says "acct deleted" and now I can't even get into the netbook at all. It just says "acct deleted. Contact administrator"

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • I accidentally deleted administrator account?

    My main screen of netbook had administrator and guest. I'm only user. Somehow I deleted administrator off main log in screen and just guest remained. But I think administrator was still there but wouldn't appear on main screen. In trying to restore administrator I somehow deleted guest. Now log in screen says guest but when I click on it it says "acct deleted" and now I can't even get into the netbook at all. It just says "acct deleted. Contact administrator"

    2 AnswersPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • I fell for a FV scam?

    I clicked one of those fake farmville posts for items that arent really available for posting in farmville. It was the fake irish cob foal scam. ever since my fb account has been glitchy, slow and full of ads all over the place that cant be reported to facebook or removed. these ads dont have the normal x by them for reporting that u usually see with faceboook. my game feed is full of ads now for mind quiz that I also cant report or remove. this crap started popping up in my fb account with a few hours of me clicking on the scam farmville posting from a neighbor so i think the two are likely related. aside from sending an email to facebook and farmville is there anything i can do? I never had a huge 1 inch by 1 inch ad at the top center of my profile before today and I never had ads in my game feed/news stories before. I really think the two are related but Im worried facebook and farmville wont do anything. what should I do?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of ads on facebook?

    Suddenly today I have triple the number of ads in facebook. I really dont know what happened but I dont recall downloading any spyware or bugs. I used to get a column of ads along right side of screen and I could tolerate that. But suddenly today, out of the blue, I started getting these huge block ads at center top of screen cutting my profile info in half. These ads never appeared in this location before and I dont know what to do. Many are by smarter lifestyles. I never ever had ads at top center of the profile page before. There is no opt out option. also, my game stories/news feed has been overrun with ads for this scammy mind quize and smart date thing. I have heard both are scams that if u sign up and take the quiz or join the smart date thing, your cell phone gets charged all these fees. does anyone know why I suddenly have ads all over my entire profile page and game stories and everywhere? Overnight the number of ads on my facebook account tripled and I dont know what to do. I have to scroll down very, very far to see my game stories/news feeds because these ads are so large and take up such a huge part of my screen. I dont even have a facebook account anymore practically - it is nothing but ads all over the place. can anyone help me?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • How do I limit the feeds/wall posts I get from farmville only friends in facebook?

    I already know if I dont go into great detail, I am going to get all kinds of advice on how to limit my privacy in facebook. I already know how to create special groups and limit what those groups see. Here is the problem: All these new friends I added just for farmville keep bombarding me with stupid stuff unrelated to farmville. My only choice is to accept all their stupid updates and wall posts about what they had for dinner, etc. or block them completely. When their stupid wall posts come into my page, I remember seeing a little X by their name and if you hit it, it said something like "Block Tammy". I only want to block non-farmville stuff from Tammy. Like I said, I have a special farmville only group I created all my new farmville only friends are in this group and my privacy is tightly controlled so they see hardly anything on my wall/page. Short of begging them to limit their privacy on their pages and put me in a special group, is their nothing I can do to limit what junk they post on my wall/news feed. I am not worried about privacy issues. I have that under control. I just dont want to be bombarded with non-farmville stuff from these people.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago