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I am a wife and mom. My daughter is 6 years old. And my son is almost 3. I work from home.

  • How do we all contact Yahoo! and get answers regarding not opening attachments?

    Obviously, we are all experiencing the same problem regarding not being able to download or attach attachments. I am not going to wait and try later like some people have said and I'm not going to upgrade. How do we contact Yahoo! directly and/or why won't they notify us with some type of announcement, answer to our questions, an e-mail of some sort, or something? Any ideas?

    3 AnswersAttachments and Photos9 years ago
  • Is there a stomach bug going around or is it just excitement or change in routine?

    My daughter started kindergarten almost two weeks ago. Last week, she came home sick due to tummy ache (which resulted in diarrhea) but she ate and played well after about an hour of being home. My son is 2 1/2 and has had diarrhea for the last week too. He plays normal, no fever, eats well. I haven't changed their diet. However, because I work at home, my kids used to stay up late and sleep in late. Can waking them up early now cause stomach problems? I'm in Southern California; does anyone know if a stomach bug is going around? I'm making an appointment this week with the pediatrician for shots and my son having allergies (maybe related to the dysentery?). Any similar stories or advice? Thanks! I'm doing all the things for the kids to make the diarrhea stop like bananas and pedialyte and it slows it down but hasn't stopped yet.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I'm confused about who pays for replacing the carpet?

    We've lived in our apartment 6 1/2 years and hope to move soon. We are in California. We have two kids (5 and 2) and they have helped with the carpet looking pretty bad. It is more than just wear and tear. So, I understand that if it is only wear and tear, the landlord won't charge you and most landlords will most likely replace the carpet. However, am I to understand that if the stains are my fault (which they are), they can charge me for the stains even though following the rule of wear and tear they were going to replace the carpet anyways? I just don't understand that even if they were going to replace the carpet, they can make me pay for some of it. So, should I try to get the carpets as clean as possible even if they are just going to rip it out? My landlord will keep my deposit no matter what. She'll come up with some reason to keep the money but I just don't want to be charged anything extra and I think the carpet is what she'll get me on. Please help!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Guilt regarding thank you cards; send them or forget about it?

    I got married over a few years ago and sent out some thank you cards but never finished writing all of them so I didn't send them. My daughter's 4th birthday was last year. She's 5 now. I never grew up writing thank you cards and I'm a chronic procrastinator but I have extreme guilt for never sending these thank you cards. I would like to turn over a new leaf this year and make things right. Would I look foolish to send the thank you cards now and should I add a note that I'm trying to turn over a new leaf or this is my new year's resolution and I want everyone to know how much they are appreciated for always being there and giving us such nice gifts or is it better to not do anything since most people have probably already forgotten about it? I have had other occasions, baby showers, other birthdays, etc., that I sent out thank you cards in a reasonable time but on these two occasions, it still bothers me that I never finished them. So, what do you think I should do? I already have enough guilt so don't beat me up too bad.

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • "Out of the mouths of babes"; what did your child say today?

    Just now my daughter was watching the carnival episode of Team Umizoomi from Nickelodeon and came up to me and said, "I've had that pink candy before" (referring to cotton candy). I said, "It's really sweet, isn't it?" She said, "Yes, and it's soft and squishy like dogs." I couldn't help it. I laughed. Too cute. I would have never thought of dogs and cotton candy being soft in the same way. So, the question, here's your moment to brad and all of parents love to brag, so what is the cute thing your child said today?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do you controll and discipline successfully a strong-willed child?

    Another poster had asked, why do some parents allow their children to run around restaurants like idiots. Below is my honest answer. Since I'm putting myself out there, here it goes. What are the techniques, parenting skills, and methods you use to successfully teach your young child (under 2 years old) how to behave? I want more answers than just it's always the parents fault or lack of parenting skills.

    Here's a link to the question (not sure if I did the link right):;_ylt=AkSek...

    My answer:

    When I had just my daughter, I was on your side. My daughter would sit politely and eat. Now that I have my wild son who won't sit still, I give up once in a while and let him run around our table, or if needed, followed by a family member, or we take him outside to run around on the sidewalk or in the lobby or something. I sometimes just want to eat a little bit of food before it gets cold; I'm only human and since I don't get out much, I wish I could enjoy my meal just once in a while. My son is 21 months old and I do teach him but he's still a boy. He threw a spoon the other day over towards another table with an elderly couple eating dinner. They gave me the dirtiest look ever. I immediately apologized to them and then I kept correcting my son and trying to figure out how to teach not to do this but since he's young and stubborn, I'm having a hard time. I used to think I was a great parent when I had just my daughter. Now, I realize that girls are much different than boys and that my daughter was just really a good baby. I'm now that mom at Target that everyone looks at and wonders "why can't she control her son." I used to be the other mom staring at that "bad mom." I now relate and know that those "bad moms" are really doing all they can. However, with the restaurant situation, my husband and I are trying to avoid restaurants for now and do take our son out to keep him from disturbing others.

    Edit: I'm open to suggestions. I work very, very hard at being a good mom and constantly providing structure, rules and discipline for my kids. We go to church and they know right from wrong. My son is 21 months which I think is still very young. My daughter is 5 so obviously she would never be running around a restaurant. I'm constantly correcting my son, telling him not to throw things and I'm not a "very young mom" (I'm 31). I'm educated and I work from home doing legal proofreading for the courts. I would very much appreciate "positive" and "polite" advice from those. Regarding the "boy" thing, I grew up with a sister and was always around girls. My mother-in-law says that our son is just like how my husband was at that age, very active, to put it kindly. I never want to be rude to others around us and do our best to control our son or take him out as I said. I always give a big tip to the servers if my son makes a mess and/or I clean up the mess to the best of my ability before leaving. With my daughter, I am always complimented on how well behaved she is and how she always says please and thank you. So, obviously, I'm doing something right. Thanks!

    Edit #2: I don't want to be attacked but I know I'm putting myself out there so, every parenting technique I try and used successfully with my daughter, is not working with my son. Boy excuse aside, he is a strong-willed child and if he was a girl, he would still be strong-willed. I've tried and continue to try time-out, light spanking (not to provide pain but an action to go along with the "no"), verbally correcting with a firm voice, providing positive distractions, and removing him from situations altogether, etc. So, I would love some other ideas. I'm with him 24/7 and try to not let an opportunity for correction, direction, and discipline to go by because I know that if I'm not consistent, how can I expect him to be. I know I'm not alone in this boat by talking to other moms too but I am more than willing to listen to real tips and advice, not just that it's always the parents' fault.

    So, once again, if you have the answer, please share it with me: What is your favorite or best method for teaching your young, strong-willed child to behave?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do I download an "Inline Attachment"?

    I received an e-mail from a client who is sending me an 80-paged text file as an "inline attachment" embedded into the e-mail. I would prefer to download the file separately and open it using another program and I am unable to. What am I doing wrong? I don't want the inline attachment at all. I want the little icon so I can download the file. Please help!

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos1 decade ago
  • Should my mechanic get away with charging me twice for dropping the gas tank?

    This is a really long story but the short version is about 9 months ago I took my 2002 Ford Escape in to my mechanic (family friend and usually great) because the idle was a little off and the engine light came on. After taking it in 4 different times, they replaced some part (that in my current mental state I can't remember what it was) which my father confirmed needed to be done irregardless and cost me $450. About two months ago, the car didn't start correctly and so I took it back and they said there was water in the gas tank, so they dropped it and cleaned it out. On this last Saturday, the car wouldn't start and I had it towed to my mechanics. He had it yesterday to diagnose it. I called and talked to the head mechanic who said it was indeed the fuel pump which the AAA guy had thought it was and when I asked the price, he said the owner would call me back. Well, today, I called the owner to find out what was happening and he told me the car was done and that it was $600. I never received an estimate or was asked for my approval to proceed with the repair. The owner is usually very courteous and ALWAYS asks me first before doing the work. I feel robbed. I feel I shouldn't have to pay for the gas tank to be dropped twice in such a short period. I only drove the car for a short distance today and the problem that I complained of 9 months ago seems to be gone now, finally. I felt my previous complaints were somewhat ignored and they were just trying to find ways to fix the problem but they themselves admitted the diagnostic tests would not direct them to the exact problem and they didn't know either. I picked up the car and the head mechanic told me not to pay anything today and come back tomorrow to talk to the owner. Any mechanics out there, please give me advice, should I have to pay for the gas tank being dropped again? I also wasn't given the choice if I wanted a Ford fuel pump or an aftermarket fuel pump, which the owner usually gives me, is this right? If you have more questions I left out, please feel free to e-mail me. I will be talking to the owner tomorrow. Thank you!

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain this whole "server" thing in WOW to me?

    I play World of Warcraft. I pay the $15 each month for my account. So, therefore, I don't belong to a "server" right? I just pay Blizzard to play WOW. Why do so many people talk about servers? Aren't those private and illegal at the same time? Aren't they missing out on the whole experience? I just don't understand it all. Thank you.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How do I become a Scopist?

    I am currently a proofreader for court reporters which I love but if I could become a scopist, I could make more money. Do I have to take a class? Do I have to buy Case Catalyst? Is there a way I can borrow some else's software to install the program without it being illegal since I was told that Case Catalyst is about $3,000? I have a BA in English and I also do other work from home including medical transcription, bookkeeping, and word processing, for some quick examples. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • Would you pay money to have someone else shop for the party supplies and give them to you?

    I need to make extra money and I'm a really great shopper and know how to find all the deals. Do you think there would be people out there who would pay me to sort of create a "party in a box" where I would go out and buy all the decorations and party supplies in whatever theme they selected for their child and then I would deliver it to them (obviously locally) for a fair fee? I'm just wondering if this would be worth my effort. I think it would be fun and it would save busy parents a whole lot of time and energy like if they told me "Susie's favorite color is pink and she loves Disney Princesses" and I would get all the party supplies (plates, favors, pinata, etc.) and bring it to them and I would charge a fee besides what I actually spent so I could make a little money. Any one have any ideas on how to make this work?

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Should I apologize for my husband?

    Okay, I'm obsessing a bit here but on Saturday night it was my husband's uncle's birthday. We were originally going to be there at 7:00 but due to a fire in the apartment building, we were told to not get there until after 7:30. My husband wanted a bite to eat and I had asked him to call his family first and make sure that was okay. He didn't do that and we didn't get to the party until after 8:00 p.m. and everyone was waiting for us to eat the great food his mom had cooked. I felt so embarrassed and stupid and mad at my husband for not communicating better. I have asked him to apologize to his mom and he won't. It still bothers me and I think I should apologize on my husband's behalf to his mom. His mom and I are very close. This isn't the first time that my husband has not communicated well and it results in me getting upset. So, what do you think, should I talk to his mom and apologize? Also, should I just communicate and coordinate with his family since he won't so we don't have any mistakes again in the future?

    17 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • When will I stop feeling hormonal and having headaches?

    My baby is almost 6 months. The last few months I feel like I'm getting PMS with headaches, mood swings, migraines, body aches, tired all the time. I haven't had a period since my son was 8 weeks because I'm exclusively breastfeeding. I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes. Eventually, I feel I even out and I'm back to being myself but then it's like the cycle starts all over again and it's PMS City and I can't control my emotions and get easily frustrated. I'm basically looking for support or suggestions and want to know: Can anyone out there relate?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are some good free things to do in Escondido, CA?

    I'm going to the Lawrence Welk Resorts in Escondido, CA and I wanted to know some free fun things to do that locals would know about. I have a baby so I'm not interested in going to San Diego Zoo, Sea World, or LegoLand. I was thinking more of a cute parks, or a little petting zoo, or something fun for my 3 1/2 year old daughter to do. Are the ostrich farms fun to visit? I can't do wine tasting because I'm breastfeeding. Thanks in advance for any help.

    7 AnswersSan Diego1 decade ago
  • My sister was dating a loser and wants to get back with him. How do I stop her?

    My sister (call her Jill) is 27 years old and met this guy at a dating website. We'll call him Jack. The relationship seemed perfect and they fell in love and he bought her a ring after a few weeks (not quite 2 months) and it seemed like a match made in heaven. Well, to make a long story short, Jack is super jealous, has anger problems, and within a few weeks has cursed my sister out, broken her phone, yelled, screamed, blamed God, said he hated her, etc. They've broken up 3-4 times in the last few months. The last time, my sister ended it because he wouldn't take ownership of his irrational behavior but just this weekend he started calling her again and they are talking. Last time they said they were talking they started dating again. He's now saying all the right things and she "believes" him. I've told my sister that she's too good for this jerk and deserves better and she's wasting her time. How can I get her to see the real picture and leave this guy for good?

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Should we bring back "chastity belts" for the young girls out there?

    I have a daughter but she's only 3 1/2 years old. I plan on raising her right and teaching her to not have sex until she is married. However, since there seem to be so many young teenagers out there having sex and getting pregnant; hence, all the "am I pregnant" (preggers, prego, pregnate, pragnat) questions, I think the chastity belt should be brought back and placed on those girls. Does anyone agree? Anyone have any witty or creative ideas for distributing and enforcing chastity belts? (Please consider that this question is a little "tongue in cheek.")

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do I compress and e-mail large pdf files?

    I have WinRar and I already zipped the pdf files and some I can send one at a time but I have one extremely large file I need to send by e-mail. How do I do this? Please give me great details ASAP. Thank you.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can I use tampons now, I had my baby 8 weeks ago?

    My baby is 8 weeks old and I've been exclusively breastfeeding. I stopped the postpartum bleeding at about 4 weeks and had nothing since now. I'm pretty sure it's a period and I've only been using pads but can I use tampons now?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this a period already, my baby is only 8 weeks old?

    After I gave birth, I had the postpartum bleeding for about 4 weeks and spotting the 5th week. All discharge completely stopped. Now I'm bleeding again and it feels like a period (it's a little lighter than pre-pregnancy). I'm exclusively breastfeeding. With my 1st, I didn't get a period until the 4th month even though I exclusively breastfed with her and I skipped a few periods here and there for the 15 months I breastfed her. Can I already be having a period this soon and, if so, is it okay to use tampons again (I'm still wearing pads)? Thanks in advance for your personal experiences and answers.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is my 3-year-old's speech really a problem?

    My daughter talks a lot & tells us stories but she still has trouble pronouncing certain words. We've been working with her but she cannot say certain consonants. The worst example is that she says "oof" or "uice" instead of juice. Her name is Brooke and it sounds like she is saying "book." When you ask her how old she is, she used to say "eeee" (couldn't say the "thr" sound) but now she says "thee" with a little bit of the "r" sound in their sometimes. My mom's friend and a stranger at a park (who was a teacher) said I need to get her tested. Are they right and I should be worried or will she just naturally grow out of this? She isn't in daycare because I work from home and her only interaction with kids her age is at the park. She has an appointment with the pediatrician in two weeks and I will ask him for his advice then but I wanted to hear from professionals or other moms who can relate. Should I really be worried. She does get frustrated when we can't understand her.

    19 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago