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Lv 620,477 points

Princess: Pets Are Forever

Favorite Answers9%

I love to travel to Europe and other countries around the world. I also Love all kinds of animals - and like helping those in need. I am a Silver and Gold Medalist from the Congressional Award and have been doing a lot of Public Speaking for People and Animals in need. I love Trains & doing cross word Puzzles, Movies, Going to the Movie Theatres, Swimming Pools, Museums, Playing the Piano and answering peoples questions during my spare time as well as spending quality time with my Pets and Family. My Favorite Days of the Year are always the holidays because it always allows me to reunite and spend time with all of my loved ones and look back at out great memories together. I also like learning about other cultures and Foreign Languages. I am a proud Supporter of the ASPCA and the Humane Society. I also consider my contacts from Yahoo! Answers to be part of my family as well. So Feel Free to add me as one of your contacts and I will Happily add you as my Contact as well ! :)

  • What's usually expected To Occur at A 10 Year High School Reunion, and is it Worth going to the Reunion ?

    Yesterday I received an email from one of my Former Classmates from High School - who used to be the Vice President of my Class and with whom I used to Be in the "Peer Mediation" and "Public Speakings" Programs.

    The email Stated That The High School Reunion is expected to happen on June 26th From 7pm - 11pm. However He hasn't Decided where the reunion is going to take place yet . And After looking at my calender in my opinion it looks like he should have sent out the invitations a bit more early in order to be able to have everything prepared for that certain day. But Then Again I Could Be Wrong. I would definitely be amazed to find out that he was able to have everything well planned and prepared by that date. I have also asked my eldest Brother who already went to his "High School Reunion" back in 2000 if I should go and what he said was "Nope, Don't Go - Because It's not Worth It" and "Your just going to Get irritated by your former classmates who are trying to find out where you work and how much money your making now"

    Basically what I am Trying to find out is :

    1.) Is It Really Worth Going To A 10 Year "High School Reunion" ?

    2.) Do You Have To Pay Any Money Or Purchase Any Tickets In order To Go ? If So Then How Much Would it Usually Cost ?

    3.) Am I Supposed To Wear A Dress and High Heels When Going ? Or Am I Suppose To Go Casually ?

    4.) Am I Supposed To Take My "High School Year Book" With Me When Attending The High School Reunion ?

    5.) Am I Supposed To Take My Drivers License with Me For Identification Purposes ?

    6.) Do You Consider High School Reunions To Be Fun Or Boring ?

    7.) Should I Expected to See Any Of My Former Teachers There ?

    Or If You There is any other kind of useful and helpful information that you could give me then I would Greatly Appreciate It - Or If You've already Had you High School Reunion and can tell what your reunion was like then that can also be of great help to me as well.

    *No Bad Comments Please*

    Thank You So Much Everybody ! :)

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • If you had to Pick a Movie that touched your heart & Is Actually Based On A True Story Which would it be why?

    For me the True Story that has touched my heart, ever since I 1st heard about it and still till this day is "Hachi ; A Dogs Tale" Basically because the movie shows us that a real bond between a Human Being and any kind of animal can form at any time. And it shows us how Loyal any pet ( Dog, Cat ETC..) can be with their owners - and how they are absolutely will to go to bitter end in order to wait for their owners to appear. It also show us that our pets are always there for us and are never ever willing to give up on us . Especially when watching the movie you are actually able to see and feel what really happened from "Hachi's" Point of view. Also it shows how there are some people like the professor's wife can be so cold hearted by not wanting to give the dog a chance to move in and be a huge part of the family.

    Also the movie itself reminded me about my Female Husky mix that I used to have who used to do almost the same thing before she was killed by some people that broke into my house & and whom I greatly love and miss so very much - But that's just me ! :)

    But which is your preferred movie that's based on a true story ? and :

    1.) In What Way Did your chosen movie Touch Your Heart ?

    2.) What Do you like about your Chosen Movie that touched your heart and is Based on A True Story ?

    3.) If you could live through that same particular experience as the person in real life did - Then Would you ? Why Or Why Not ?

    4.) If you could, Then what would you change differently about what had happened then in real life?

    5.) What would you have done for the person or animal who lost their best friend ?

    Thanks Everyone ! :)

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Where I can Find the Piano Sheet "Goodbye Theme" From Hachiko A Dogs Story By Jan A P Kaczmarek?

    As some of you guys know My heart has been greatly touch by the True Story Of "Hachiko" The Dog That would Faithfully and loyally wait for his owner in Japan At A Train Station and even after his masters death he still waited 9 more years Until his own death at the station.

    Sometimes I tend to play the Piano during my spare Time. Right now I am trying to look for the Piano Music Sheet Called ( "Goodbye - Theme - From - Hachiko - A - Dog - s - Story By Jan - A - P - Kaczmarek ) As its called. If I'm not mistaken I believe It is mostly know as the Opening Music theme that you would hear when ever you put the DVD Disk in and the main menu of the Movie "Hachi A Dogs Tale" appears and then the theme of movie starts playing .

    1.) Where Can I Find This Piano / Music Sheet

    2.) Whould I be able to get a copy of this Music Sheet or is it Prohibited ?

    3.) Does "Best Buy" sell any Soundtrack CD's That are Based On the movie "Hachi A Dogs Tale" ?

    Thank You So Much Every One ! :)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • "Gordon Ramsay" VS "Jaimie Oliver" - When it comes to the Following which one is Better?

    For me it is quite difficult to decide between these 2 because I like them Both LOL! I never Miss any of their Programs !

    But in your Opinions Which of these two would you Pick when It comes to the Following :

    1.) Between Gordon Ramsay and Jaimie Oliver - Whom would you like to take cooking lessons From ? And Why ?

    2.) Which of these 2 do you think is the most successful in the Cooking Business ?

    3.) If Gordon Ramsay Invited you to participate in a new season of "Hells Kitchen" Then Would You ? Why Or Why Not?

    4.) Which of these 2 would you like to see Cooking for you at one of your Family / Social Gatherings ?

    5.) What Do You Like About Both Gordon Ramsay & Jaimie Oliver ?

    6.) If You were interviewing them - Would you then ask them both what do the like about each other ? Or do you think that it may spark a Verbal or Physical fight between These 2 ?

    7.) Between Gordon and Jaimie who do you think gives out the Best Cooking Tips - Or Cooks Better ?

    8.) How Would You React If Gordon Ramsay Snapped at you after making a small error on the Camera ?

    9.) Which of these 2 do You Think Is Better ?

    10.) If you Could Then For Whom Would you be willing to work For ? And Why ?

    11.) Why Are Some People So Rude To Jaimie Oliver ?

    13.) Eventhought that it has been A While since I've Seen Jaimie Oliver On TV do you think that he should do A Show that is Similar to Gordon Ramsays Hell's Kitchen ? Why or Why Not ?

    14.) If Jaimie Oliver invited you to cook with him then Would You ? Why or Why not?

    15.) If both Gordon & Jaimie were in a Cooking Competion against each other whom do you think will win ?

    Please Tell me what you Guys Think ! Thanks Everyone ! :)

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What Do you think about the New Movie that has Just come on DVD Named : "Hachi ; A Dogs Tale"?

    For Anyone who Greatly Adores Animals - There is a new heart warming movie that the Company Of "Sony" has just released out on DVD and is really selling like crazy at the "Best Buy" store which is actually based on A True Story that really happened in Japan called "Hachi : A Dog's Tale" The movie stars actor Richard Gere who plays A College Professor who takes the train to work and home every single day and who forms a strong bond with an abandoned Akita Dog - who always waits for him patiently at the exact same time every day at the Train Station. Until the Professor dies one day at work and never comes back.

    And Trust me - There's more to this story on the "Wikipedia" Website Just Type in "Hachi" and it will tell you the whole story and even show you a real picture of the dog

    However this movie has really touched my heart and has reminded me about my Husky Mix that I used to have a strong bond with before she passed away.

    Any Way I guess my Questions are :

    1.) What would you do if you found an abandon dog at the Train Station that you always took to work or school every day and you started to form a very strong and unbreakable bond ?

    2.) How would you react if you noticed that the dog always showed up at the exact same time every single day that you arrived at the Train Station and always waited greet you ?

    3.) How would you react if you saw a Dog Form a Strong bond with someone and always waited at the exact same time for that exact same person to Go and Come back from work at the same train station ?

    4.) How would you comfort the dog if the person who the dog was waiting for had died one day - or for any other reason would never be able to show up at the train station ?

    5.) Why is it so difficult for some people to have a lot of love and understanding for animals - and make them fight for money and yet abuse them ? Even though that animals give us humans unconditional love and forgiveness .

    6.) How would you react if you had a College professor who bonded with a stray dog at A Train Station ?

    7.) If You Could then would you - Make a Holiday in Memory of "The College Professor" or "Hachi The Dog" ?

    8.) If You Could meet the Real Professor or the Real dog the would you ?

    9.) Who would you rather meet the Real "Hachi the Dog" or the "Real Professor" ?

    Basically in my opinion teachers should talk about this story in schools all over the world so that it can teach everyone that the Values of Loyalty, Trust, Friendship, Understanding and Love are very important in life and it is what really makes us stronger

    Please tell me what you think. And No Bad Comments Please . Thanks Everyone ! :)

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Happy Holidays To Everyone With lots Of love and Warm Wishes ! :)?

    To Every one at Yahoo ! answers, and My Sweet Contacts !,

    I wish all of you A Great and Special Merry Christmas this year with all of your loved ones, and may all of your Christmas Wishes Come true !


    Princess Pets Are For Ever ! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Is it true that if your not married or have had sex before you hit you 30s, that you're A Failure in life?

    I am just curious about this because I have heard this quite often from some people who have said that :

    "If A Man or Woman is not married or has had sex with anyone before they've reached their 30's, Then that makes them a failure in this Life Time " If so then in what way ?

    Even though that I am 28 years old, Back in High School there have been quite a bit of Guys that have shown interest in me. However I did want to get in to a serious relationship with them because I was a bit worried that I would have ended up experiencing the same thing that my mother did with my Irresponsible, Abusive and Cheating Father. Which thank God I don't have anymore contact with.

    So really because of that I have decided to stay Single . However I have been hearing from a lot of people especially from some of my Friends That :

    1.) If A Man Or Woman is Not married by the time They've reach Their 30's then that makes Them A Failure in Life.

    2.) If A Man Or Woman has not Had Sex with anyone by the time that they've reached your 30's then that also makes them a Failure in life

    3.) If so, Then How does this make them a Failure in life ?

    Really this is new for me -

    Because is'nt it really up to the person to decide for themselves when they are ready to go out with anyone or have sex with anyone ? Or am I the one who is wrong ?

    Tell me what you think and what you know about this - No bad Comments Please. Thanks Everyone !

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Where Did "Paddington Bear" Really Come From?

    When I was a little girl I remembered how much I loved to Read books and watch short films about "Paddington Bear" Even though that now that I am 28 yrs old, I still like Paddington Bear. However not too long ago believe it or not, as childish as this may sound to some of you who read this. We saw an advertisement about Paddington Bear on TV and all of the sudden my eldest brother just came out and

    Said "Did you Guys know that Paddington Bear Really originated from Peru ?"

    and then a disagreement occurred within our family to the point that we did not sleep until almost midnight because we were trying to find out where in the world did this bear really come from. We even place bets against each other in which the person who loses will have to give the other person $50.

    Now as Far as my understanding I have Always known Paddington Bear To Be a Bear that is From England

    My Eldest Brother who is 38, and Mother on the Other hand Thinks That this bear was created by The Peruvian.

    Can Somebody out there really tell me where in the world did this Bear "Paddington Bear" Really Come From ?

    Because as far as I know "Paddington Bear"Was Really Invented by the British, Not the Peruvians.

    Or Is my eldest brother the one who is right, and I the one who is wrong ?

    Am I going to be the one that is going to have to pay my brother the $50.00 ?

    Or does it look like he is going to have to be the one who needs to pay me the $50.00 ?

    Please tell me what you think. No Harsh Comments Please.

    Thanks Everyone ! =)

    4 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • If Somebody wanted to work In a U.S. Embassy Overseas Then what major would they need to Pick in College?

    Can somebody please give me some information about this. I have a friend who wants to work in a U.S. Embassy Overseas and the Countries that she said that she would like to work in are either England, Ireland or Scotland and Probably Italy or maybe even in Japan. But she does not know where to start .

    1.) Does Anyone know what Major She Would Have To Go After ?

    2.) How Long Does it usually take to achieve a major like this ?

    3.) Which Major is better Criminal Investigation or Working in A U.S. Embassy Overseas?

    4.) If she does Major in this then, does that mean that while working in one of these embassy's then would she be able to earn a citizenship in one of these Countries ?

    5.) Would you say that a major like this is dangerous - Since My Friend will be away from her country (America) If she does major in this ?

    6.) Which one would you say is best - Either working as a "Forensics's Investigator" or working in an "American Embassy" overseas ?

    7.) Which one Pays Best ?

    8.) Another thing she would like to know is "What are the kinds of benefits that these 2 Majors Have to offer ?

    As Crazy as some of these questions may sound to some of you who read this - Can you please give me some honest and helpful information So that I can give to my Friend . I would greatly Appreciate it !

    Thanks Everyone ! :)

    3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Is It true that Dalmatians Are Violent Dogs?

    I am Just curious because this is something that I have heard from my both of my older brothers - they had said that once there was a person who tried to act friendly with a dalmatian by just patting the dog on the head and that all of the sudden the dalmatian just bit the person in the face to the point that the woman bled from her face and she needed to be rushed to the Emergency Room Because of how bad her injury was.

    And Since I have always wanted to have one since I was 7. However I am not sure if I should pick another Breed. So really Before I get one ( A Dalmatian ) I am still trying to find out as much information about Dalmatian's as I can, Such as :

    1.) Is it true that Dalmatians can easily bite Their owners or other people in their faces if they get to close to them ?

    2.) What kind of health problems do they have ?

    3.) Are they friendly with people and other animals ?

    4.) Would they Be the right Choice or would you suggest that I get another kind of Dog ? Such as ( Bull Terrier, Beagle, Huskies, Chow Chow, Sharpei etc... )

    5.) Do they make perfect pets ?

    6.) Are they very aggressive and Violent ? If so then in what way ?

    7.) Would you recommend them to anyone ? Why or Why Not ?

    8.) Are Dalmatians Really Deaf from Both ears ?

    9.) Which ones are best males or females ?

    10.) Are they really Aggressive like Pit Bulls are ?

    So Really If any of you could please tell me what you know about the Dalmatians and be able to provide me with as much helpful information as you can to all of my questions, ( So that I will be able to know what I will be getting Myself into ! ) I would Greatly Appreciate it !

    Thanks Everyone ! For All Of Your Help ! =)

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What Kind Of Holidays Do The British, Irish, and Scottish Celebrate?

    I am still trying to learn a bit more about England, Ireland and Scotland. And I am quite fascinated with all 3 countries and have a lot of love and respect for them by the way. I am just Curious though as to :

    1.) What Kind of Holidays do these 3 Countries Celebrate ?

    2.) What time of the year do they usually Take Place ?

    3.) Do they have any kind of Traditions ? If so then What are they ?

    4.) How are they Celebrated ? and Would you say that it is somewhat similar to some of the Holidays that are Celebrated here in America?

    5.) If Not then What Is The Difference ?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If You Had To Choose Between Going to Visit England, Ireland or Scotland which one would you pick and why?

    As some of you already know, About 10 years ago My Eldest brother had taken me to visit England as a Birthday present to me when I was back in high School. Every One in England were so nice, heartwarming and very helpful to the point that they would always advise me and my to be careful while going out at night and also told us where were the best places to go ahead a visit. The trip went so well The trip went so well to the point that I started to Fall in love with Both the Country and Culture itself. So basically the trip to England was Worth it ! I have also started to have the same admiration for both Ireland and Scotland as well. To the point that I also want to go and visit them as well. I guess what I am trying to ask is :

    1.) If you had to Pick between these 3 Beautiful Countries - Which one would you choose To go and Visit ? And Why ?

    2.) What is it like up there in Ireland and in Scotland ?

    3.) Where are the best places to go and visit in these three beautiful Countries ?

    4.) Do you think that I Should go and visit England Again For the 2nd time ?

    5.) Or do You think that this time I should go ahead and Visit Either Ireland or Scotland ? If so Which one and Why ?

    6.) Is there anything that I should know of As far as Visiting Ireland and Scotland ? If so Then What ?

    I am a bit afraid to ask the next question - But I am going to ask it any way - Just so that I'll know (So Please Don't anyone take this the wrong way - And please don't think that I am trying to be Rude, because that is not suppose to be the case )

    7.) Are the Irish and Scottish as friendly and heartwarming as the Brittish ?

    Please Tell me What you Think . I you could please give me helpful answers to each of my questions that would be perfect ! So that In that way I would be able to choose which one of these 3 gorgeous Countries I should choose to visit next year !

    Thanks Everyone ! =)

    10 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • What Do You think about the Band "Tears For Fears"?

    Even thought that it was more than 20 years ago, I remembered how much I grew up and Preferred listening to their music when I was just a kid, way back in the 80's. Rather than listening to "Sesame Street" Songs and Children's songs when I was a child. Since then they have always been one of my favorite bands. Probably Because my brothers and I always liked to listen to them as well and still have all of their CD Collections today. And especially how we were quite surprised when we heard about the bands break up and reunion - Since these 2 Singers grew up together, and if I am not mistaken I believe these 2 Singer's "Roland Orzabal & Curt Smith" Met in College and Formed a Band called "The Graduates" Before they became "Tears For Fears " and their success had just taken off since then.

    1.) Any way what do you think about this band ?

    2.) Do You Like or DisLike Them, and Why ?

    3.) Were they one of your favorite Bands in the 80's ?

    4.) What was your favorite song from this band ?

    5.) What do you think about their Songs that they have written and performed over their years of success ?

    6.) Do You Think they are still Successful Today & and do you still like them ?

    7.) Do You their song / albums are pretty good ?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What Do You Think About Actor Cillian Murphy?

    Personally he is one of my favorite actors I especially love his blue Eyes they look gorgeous - But then again that is just Me.

    1.) Do You Believe he is a Great Actor ? If so then what are the certain things do you like about him ?

    2.) Ladies Do You Find Him Attractive ?

    3.) Guys, what do you think about him ?

    4.) What Don't You like about him and why ?

    5.) If You Could work with any actor in a movie - Would you be willing to work with him ? Why or why not ?

    6.) What do you think about his movies ?

    7.) Do have a favorite movie with Cillian Murphy in it ? If So Then Which one ?

    8.) Do you think that he should have pursued his 1st goal of becoming a Lawyer ? Or Do you believe that he is perfectly fine where he is as an Actor ?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What would you do if it was night time all year Long ? and how would you react?

    I have always thought about this for quite a while have questioned myself about this. Especially since I am the type of person who enjoys the Night time - because it is more relaxing for me and because ever since I was little I have always liked to sit back and watch the stars and especially the moon. So having to go through a whole year without any sunlight would probably be surprising for me - but not be a problem for me because since the sun is the one who provides the light for the moon anyway. Now as far as the mornings are concerned they have always been very hectic, loud, busy and stressful for me. So going through at least 1 Season or 1 Year worth of Nighttime for 24 hours might be a strange experience not only for me.

    But if you feel if you were told or if you found out on your own that the world was going to go on for 1 year with the moon but not the sun ? - and that the only way to see the sun was only by seeing it's light reflecting from the moon ?

    So really what would you do if something like this were to really happen sometime in the Future ?

    Would you accept it and keep going on with you life just like any other day ?

    Would You Panic and start going to church and pray non stop ?

    Would something like this put you in so much fear to the point that you would not feel safe anymore ?

    Would You prefer to a whole year's worth 24/7 with the Moon ? Or would you prefer for the Sun and the Moon to stick with their normal schedule ? If So Then Why ?

    Or do you feel that if something like this were to happen in the world - that it may cause problems in our society or world, if so then what kind ?

    Would You Be Prepared to live a life like this ?

    Or do you Believe that this would cause harm to our society ?

    Please tell me what you think about all of this and what you would really do if something like this were to happen in the future ?

    Star Me if you love the Moon, & Stars especially the Nightime ! :)

    Tell Me what you guys think !

    Thanks ! :)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it Normal To have Great Fear of Hospitals and Mental Institutions?

    Is it normal to have a lot of fear of Hospitals & Mental Institutions ? The reason why I ask this is because ever since I was a little girl I have always been afraid of hospitals not only because they are full of germs but especially for the fact that in most hospitals regardless that that they look after the sick usually behind closed doors away from the patients loved ones they are sometimes abusive - especially in front of the patients family members. Sometimes when a person is sick they would just look for another patient who has the same blood type for the sick and as an excuse they would tell the other patient "Oh I just need to take your blood to see if your fine" - But really they are just taking the blood to give it to some one else without them knowing , while making them more sick .

    And Usually when they come into contact with an Epileptic - Instead of looking at their chart and files and asking questions about who their Neurologist is - They would be very abusive and just assume that they are "Drug Addicts" and they would be both Physically and Verbally abusive with that certain Patient. Instead of just taking the time to learn more about the Patients and trying to find out what else they can do to help them.

    Now as For the Mental Institutions They scare me - because last year my Cousin Put his Mother ( My Aunt) who has Alzheimers Disease in a mental institution because he said he had no idea what to do with her - and that he just did not want to give her to anyone in the family because he did not trust us even though we promised to take great care of her - He then Denied us Access to go and visit her at the Mental Institution, Which they were very abusive with her by , Slapping her, pulling her hair if she did not make her bed ect. And while visiting the mental institution it scared me because not only did it look like a prison but ( I don't know how else to say this ) even that they Nuerological problems for me the patients looked like Zombies and were horrified of almost every thing - they were also denied to wear their clothes execpt for their Pajamas & Slippers. At the same time I Felt sorry for them because of the enviroment that they had to live in and because of how some of their family members just abandon them and gave up on them. For some reason after leaving these places to go back home I started to feel very uncomfortable and afraid of these places.

    But please don't get me wrong , I want very much to overcome my fear of these places and hope that these kind of abuse in these particular places would end & that Doctors, Nurses and other people who work in these places would be stripped of their licsence and put in jail for life !

    I guess what I am trying to ask is :

    Is it normal to be afraid of mental Institutions & Hospital ?

    Why are most of these places so abusive with the patients and hide certain things from the Patients loved ones ?

    What would you do if one of your cousins did this to one of your Uncles or Aunts ?

    Just because I am afraid of these places doesnt mean that I am going crazy does it ? I hope not!

    What would you do if you were in a situation like this ?

    What would you do if you saw a Doctor or nurse withdrawing blood from your loved one only to give it to another patient ?

    What would you do if you saw A Doctor or Nurse Abusing one of your loved ones or another Patient ?

    Please, Be Honest And tell me what you think . Thanks ! :)

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What Kind of Animals Do you Like & How many Pets do you Have?

    I Personally love all kinds of animals especially exotic Animals .

    I currently have a total of 8 Pets ;

    1 Double Yellow Nape Amazonian Parrot

    1 Cocketiel

    1 Basset Hound

    1 Box Turtle

    4 Cats

    Now if it was legal then I would probably have either a Panda, Zebra, Giant Tortoise, Kangaroo, etc.

    What kind of animals do you like or would love to have as a Pet and Why ?

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you found out that the person that you are dating is hiding something from you?

    I am Just curious. What would you do if you had been dating a person for either 3 months or more and you had just found out that they had something like Asthma or Epilepsy ( either from someone else, a or family member , friend or if they told you them selves or they just had a seizure or asthma attack in front of you unexpectedly ) Then would you stay devoted to that particular person ? Or would you just leave them at the drop of a hat ? - and what Would You Say or Do ? Would you keep dating them ? or just Little by Little start to drift away from them ? Would you keep in contact with them ? Would you quietly date someone else behind their backs ? Or would you still stay in love or devoted to them no matter what ? And Why ?

    Tell me what you think and Be Honest ! Thanks !

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it true that the British & Irish Don't get along with each other if so then why.?

    This is something that I 've heard from my brothers along time ago. However they never really told me why. Is it true that the British And Irish don't get along even though they are right next door to each other if so then why ? ( Because this was something that was never taught to us back in high school - I have no Idea why )

    And with which countries does England and Ireland Get along with ?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to have a lot of respect and admiration for a country that neither you or parents are from?

    The reason why I ask this question is because Even thought that I am from America , State of Virginia. Since I was about 17 years old My eldest brother took me to visit the United Kingdom every one was nice in England during my visit. However as crazy as this sounds I felt like I have been There before and eventually I started to Fall in love with the country and Culture of England ( I am planning on going back again some time this year) and I am feeling the same way right now with the Country of Ireland Even though that I have never been there before I have done some research on Ireland and its culture and that has also grasped my attention and admiration , I am also planning on going to visit Ireland sometime Next Year. And I have also notice that not only am I attracted to guys that are from America but also to guys that are from England and Ireland - But don't get me wrong I still love my Country ( USA ) with all of my heart I 've always have and I always will ! I guess what I am trying to ask is :

    Does it make me a traitor to my own country by having a lot of love for 2 countries and cultures that neither me nor my parents are from ?

    Could I have been from one of these Countries in my Past Life ?

    Is it wrong for an American Woman to not only be Attracted to American, British or Irish Guys but to also date them either one of them ?

    Do Any of you find this kind of wrong if so, then why ?

    And why is it that when I information with my brothers their faces just turn red and hide their faces under their sheets or hands ?

    Please Tell me what you think - and Please be honest ! :) Thanks !

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago