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  • Can I watch the lackland AFB graduation via online streaming?

    I can't be there for my son's graduation tomorrow. I heard there may be a way to watch it online but am having no luck finding it.

    Military8 years ago
  • Looking for the name of a really sad 70's country song?

    Back when I was a kid there used to be this song on the country station my folks listened to about a guy who played baseball and every game his blind dad was in the stands listening to the game announcer. Then one day the kid had his best game ever but his dad wasn't there. Turns out his dad died and the kid was happy or something because it was the first game his dad got to "see"

    Anyone remember the song name or the artist?

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • I am moving. What is the best way to move my 55 gallon tank and not lose fish?

    It's a well established tank with about 40" worth of fish in it. I am moving it about 90 miles and cannot take all the water with me. What are my options?

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How do I adjust the belt tensioner in my 2000 Jeep Wrangler?

    I need to change my serpentine belt. How do I change the pressure the tensioner puts on the belt so I can remove and replace it?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does the current 11% approval rating for Congress make you Democrats wish you voted in a different bunch?

    11% is pretty bad. And please don't make excuses for them or try to blame this on the administration.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • God bless George Bush and Dick Cheney...?

    Do you agree?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Potential computer virus/trojan?

    I just started a virus scan by McAfee and as it was running 6 little windows popped up each one stating that each .exe file was not a valid Win32 application. When McAfee finished it had no mention of any of these executable files on its summary. When I try to navigate to the file on my C drive I cannot find it based on the file path.

    For example


    If they aren't valid exe programs I want to remove them. How can I find them? I tried using Search. Nothing. Did McAfee remove them automatically?

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Sick Angel Fish?

    I have a pretty good size Angel Fish that is probably 2-3 years old. I inherited from my ex wife who had him in a 5 gallon tank that you couldn't even see into it was so green. I nursed him back to health and have had for a year now. When I fed them yesterday he didn't eat which is unheard for for him. Today he was face down at the bottom of the tank and when I moved him a little he swam around with no control(on his side, upright, like having no balance).

    Any ideas what could be causing this? 30 gallon tank, regular water changes, I monitor my water quality, no new fish for 6+months.

    One odd thing I need to mention. He is a Zebra Striped Angel. From his mouth up to his dorsal fin along the top is kind of a rusty color. I just figured it was natural. I added a white Veiled Angel about 6-7 months ago that was completely white, but I noticed it has developed this rusty color along the top as well.

    Any help is appreciated. I don't want to lose Bubba after all he has gone through.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is rioting and destruction of private property legitimate political protest?

    Or should those who engage in this type of temper tantrum be locked up for a long time and made an example of?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Violent protests continue in France after Sarkozy's election...?

    If a Conservative president is elected in '08(and don't be lazy and answer it will never happen) is this how Liberals will react? By throwing a temper tantrum?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I really guess it does matter where you work...?

    A teacher was fired from a Catholic College for leading a discussion with students about VA Tech where he pointed his finger at a few students and said "Bang" before another student pointed at the teacher and said "Bang" to illustrate that if one of the students was armed there was a good chance the shooter may have been stopped before the death toll got so high.

    I understand the no free speech in employment argument, but is this more inappropriate than Ward Churchill's comments in class about the "little Eichmans got what they deserved" in a discussion about 9/11? Will this teacher receive the same support that Churchill got by those who loudly defended Churchill's right to make inappropriate comments to his students?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • OK Conspiracy Theorists...?

    I'm not going to go into any of your crazy examples of proof that the Bush Administration planned and executed 9/11. Answer me this. If there is such irrefutable proof that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush Administration why hasn't the Democrat controlled congress jumped all over this proof to get this administration not only impeached, but jailed?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Gun control advocates here is your chance to change minds...?

    Lets just overlook the Constitutional Rights issue for a moment? Is it possible to put the genie back in the bottle? So many of you keep saying that if we outlaw guns the problem will go away, but you conveniently overlook the millions of illegal guns that are already out there and the millions more that will now become illegal because so many legal gun owners will refuse to turn their formally Constitutionally guaranteed firearms, now becoming criminals as well.

    So here is your chance. 10 points to the best answer on how gun control will actually solve the problem. (keep in mind that countries with gun control have a higher rate of violent crime than the US).

    Good luck

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Harry Reid states the war in Iraq is lost...?

    This on the heels of his denouncing the the Supreme Court's upholding the decision on partially birth abortion, which the same Harry Reid voted for in a move of incredible hypocrisy.

    At this point is there anything he won't say to make political points? Does anyone still listen to the man?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Democrats...?

    I really don't mean this to be insulting so if you take it that way, well...

    In the last campaign I didn't really see any Democrat candidates running on any issues other than "I'm not George Bush". Now that the President is winding down his last 19 months and will not be running again what issues will Democrat candidates be running on this time around?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dodgers placed Jason Schmidt on the DL and...?

    At 1-3 Zito is off to his best start. Was it a good move letting Schmidt go and signing Zito?

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • OK, I have to ask this about gun control...?

    I have read over and over today about how gun control will solve the problems of gun violence. How many of you actually think that there is a huge number of deaths by firearms?

    Lets look at the numbers a little(CDC statistics) -

    -There were 11,920 firearms deaths(non suicide) in 2003(last year that total statistics were available, 2004 should be out soon).

    -That is equivilant to 4 per 1000 people in the us or .04% of the population

    -The overall death rate for '03 was 817 per 1000 people so gun deaths make up .005% of all deaths in '03

    -While there are a measurable number of home accidents included in that figure it is primarily homicide that makes up the total which means that the vast majority of the .04% of those killed by firearm were done so by someone NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW!

    So, do you still truly believe that making guns illegal is the solution or do you actually want to discuss what the real problem is?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Algae Bloom?

    I have has a strange algae bloom in my 10 gallon tank that I cannot get a handle on. Any other time I've had excessive algae I just did some extra water changes and it got under control but this time its different. First the algae is really dark green and mostly growing on the rocks. If I go two days before doing a water change it starts to turn the water green. I thought it was being caused by a buildup of waste under my undergravel filter plates so I removed them and thoroughly cleaned the gravel with hot water until there was no sign of algae(I seeded a small bag of "Bio Balls" in one of my other tanks to replace the bacteria). I thoroughly cleaned the sides of the tank and inside of the filter. The algae must have come back from the water I had the fish living in while I cleaned the tank.

    Can this be fixed by the standard off the counter algae control products at the pet store or do I need a specialized product and if so where do I find it?

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Allright smokers, I'm on your side but...?

    A study shows smokers are less productive. I've seen them congregating out on the smoking area while I toil away. I've seen people start to smoke for the extra breaks. Why is it ok for you to feed your habit while other addicts must keep theirs outside of the workplace? Is it because smoking is legal? Then why shouldn't an employer be able to restrict it like personal calls or emails?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago