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  • Husband is very anti social, and struggles with being confident around my family?

    I've been married for 5 months and I am an outgoing person. My husband is very anti social, and he was raised an only child. I am frustrated with how he acts in front of my family. He get nervous and clams up, and doesn't talk or when he does says something awkward that make my family uncomfortable. Example, someone will say hey how ya doing and he will reply dully I am here. And you realize he doesn't want to be there and he has made it obvious to everyone that he doesn't want to be there. We try to talk about it and I just get frustrated and so does he. My family is very close and talkative. Him being an only child he didn't grow up learning the social skills he needed. What do I do? This is the main problem in our marriage. I am sick of making excuses for his bad behaviour. He is really pushing me to let it go and I can't because my family is always asking what is wrong with him. I want them to see the funny, loving guy I love. Instead they see a nervous, unhappy, guy who shows zero interest in conversating with anyone. Serious answers only please.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Gastric Bypass, any succesful stories out there or horror stories?

    I am 41 and have plaque build up in my arteries, heart dr wants me to have gastric bypass due to being obese, but I am scared I won't make it through the surgery. Has anyone been succesfull with the surgery, what is the worse part? What kind of complications did you have? Need advice, I have to get this weight off, dieting hasn't been succesfull, and I scared of dying if I don't have the surgery, scared of dying if I do have the surgery. Serious answers only please.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can I die if I quit cold turkey abilify?

    I am on 30 mg of abilify, can I die or what are the side affects if I quit cold turkey, I also quit wellbrutrin cold turkey along with the abilify, I am afraid of the side affects but can't take the tired, weight gain and numb monotone feeling I have anymore.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I know if I am a lesbian, I am so confused?

    I am a 40 year old woman who was married once 20 years ago. I have a daughter and I love her very much. I have always questioned my sexual identity. There have been only a handfull of men that I have enjoyed sex with and even then I imagined I was with a woman. I have been with a woman once and it was the best sexual experience I have ever had. Still, I am attracted to men. I like thier attention, but I don't enjoy having sex with them. It doesn't help that I am on anti deprassants that affect my sexual satisfaction. I don't dream of being with a woman for a committed relationship, but I do desire them in a sexual way. Maybe i am just scared of what a committed relationship would do, I'd have to come out that I am gay and that scares me. But why then am I still attracted to men. Please be kind, I have no where else to go to ask these questions. Am I a lesbian or am I just curious.?

  • How do you sell Movie ideas in the U.S.?

    Please serious answers only. What is the protocal for movie ideas? Do you need to write an entire script or can you just pitch a one page idea for a movie and leave the script to the proffesionals?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I have no clue what to do!?

    So here goes, I love to write, I use to work for a couple different papers, but left that profession because it is so restricted creatively. I have several ideas for movies, how do you sell your movie ideas, do you have to write an entire script or can you pitch the idea and sell it that way? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Should I say I am suicidal just to get treatment when I am not.?

    I suffer from PTSD BPD and they say bi polar 2 but i disagree with the last diagnosis, for I am never manic. I don't know what to do, I almost died 3 months ago from a simple hernia surgery and since then my symptoms have flared up bad and I am not functioning well at all. Sleep all day awake all night eating everything in sight, cranky, mean, feeling down. I feel I need in patient treatment, but they won't take me unless I am suicidal. A couple of people have told me to tell Dr I am, even though I am not, just to get the inpatient help. Should I say I am suicidal so I can get treatment? Please help now, I want to go tonight, I want to turn this around and get functioning again.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Please help Im confused.?

    Ok. I don't know how to do the thumbs up and thumbs down thing or the ratings thing and When does the 24 hour period start, when you start to answer or from your last answer? Plus how to I get a picture in by my screen name. If someone could explain these to me I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I am BPD PTSD Bi Polar need help now!!!!?

    I have suffered from all this crap since I was 13 and never bought into all the diagnosis. I am finally relenting and admitting I can't control these mood swings, depression, ect... I am in a slump again, in the past my faith in God helped, now nothing is working. Yes I take my meds, effexor and still can't shake the blues, Ive done all the mental health stuff you're suppose to do, think positive, journal, get out of the house, excercie, still no help. Im not suicidal, but have lost all motivation. The Dr. is really of little help, and my counselor just listens offers no advice. I never hit the mania stage with the bi polar, I question still wether Ihave it. My mania symptoms are just insomnia. I am tired ofthis fight. I need real help. The onset of this was due to a hernia surgery when I went into septic shock and woke up in ICU and almost died. I had to pull out of nursing school I was halfway through. I had 2 years symptom free till then. What do I do Now?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Ok this is tough. I can finally admit I have mental illness, any advice?

    I am 36 years old. I was affected by depression in the early years of my life, probably in the fifth grade, age 10/11. On top of that I have had a auto immune disorder and deformed ankles and alot of surgeries, illness and so on. I had always thought that my chronic illness was to blame for my depression. I have sought Therapy for many many years. I reached a point two years ago that I began acknowledging that I alone could not handle this burden. I gave myself to Christ.For the first time in my life I went two years without a trace of depression or illness. SO last May I enrolled in nursing school, life was good.December 13th a hernia surgery sent me into into septic shock and in ICU.Later my surgeon said he had not expected me to make it at all. Split open 13 inches and waking up in ICU on a ventalator was traumatic.The last three months the depression is back. I am discouraged. I do not want this illness, how do I accept it? I had to pull out of school due to surgery. Im lost?

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Serious knee probs and no answers?

    18 yr old daughter has had knee probs last 9 years. Was told it was oscarshlater (cant spell it) and it has gotten worse instead of better. She has bruises on them all the time,they swell up, She can't stand for long time, can't play sports, or even a day at the mall with friends and she is in serious pain. She soaks in hot tub 2-3 times a day to relieve pain, Dr ordered Physical therapy, she went for a month, at times in so much pain she missed school. My daughter never complains about anything, goes to school when she has cold, ect, hates to miss, Saw orthopedic specialist and he has ordered more PT,. She does have flat feet, we got insoles made to correct that, still no relief, any help out there?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Am I being a brat? I am 37 have 3 sisters who all live near me.?

    I almost died of septic shock December 13th. I woke up in ICU and my entire family was their which I was gratefull. Upon my release from the hospital none of my sisters called and offered to help me and my 17 year old daughter. I was cut from my heart to my belly button and couldn't even bathe myself. then thursday a man tried to car jack me. I got beat up pretty bad, told my mom, and she told my sisters, they haven't even called to see if I am ok. I feel so bratty for being mad at them. If this had happened to one of them I would of called and offered to help them with shopping, bathing, whatever they needed. Am I wrong?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Are there cows in Hawaii?

    My daughter found out the cost of milk in Hawaii is about $8.00, she wants to know if there are cows in Hawaii?

    11 AnswersHonolulu1 decade ago
  • Deformed white cells now normal? Why?

    I was diagnosed with deformed white cells five years ago. White cells are an important part of your immune system. Due to the deformity I get sick easy, and in December had hernia surgery and went into septic shock and almost died. In fact the Dr. told me later he didn't expect me to make it at all. He said my immune system reacted like and AIDS patient, but I do not have HIV, AIDS, or any other illness other then deformed white cells. So it was assumed that my deformed cells is what shut my lungs down and why I lost my blood pressure. Because when they clipped into the infected tissue the infection flooded my blood stream and I quit breathing and my blood pressure went way to low. I woke up on a ventilator, and am trying to find out why this happened because till now we thought it was due to the deformed white cells, but now the white cells are normal. Happy that they are normal, I am terrified at why I almost died during a normal procedure? Anyone know?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Why do I get hit on non stop when I am out, but can't find a guy to date?

    When I go out I get hit on, I am tall, blonde, and been told I resemble anna nicole, however, all these guys want are sex, they see the boobs and their eyes never leave. Why can't I find a guy who wants a relationship? Help I am frustrated. I am 36 and ready to settle down.

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • To make him want me, I have to see him, the city I am in is to big for bumping into?

    one another. It's been a week. How long to wait befor I call, or shall I drop by one evening get him bothered then leave? I know it's mean, I know it's immature, but I guess I am stooping to his level, what comes around should go around right?!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • So I've lost his attention How can I get it back, after all he pursued me originally?

    Same story one night stand turned into month long stand, and now he is not calling. Want to get his attention, so I can drop him like a hot potato, any suggestions

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • I met a great guy. He rarely calls. Whenever I see him he says "call me" does he mean it or is it BS?

    The guy I met I told many times I am not into a one night deal, he programmed his number in my cell and my nb in his cell. The first two weeks were great, now after I gave him tickets to his faveorite bank a week ago I havent heard from him. He said Thanks alot youre going with me arent you? Then he said call me. I said I am tired of calling you, you call me. That was a week ago. What is up? I really want to talk to him. What do I do.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago