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Lv 43,440 points


Favorite Answers11%

I'm a 25 year old. A mother of a 2 year old boy. I'm a lesbian. I'm an actress. I have proudly served my country in the NAVY for 5 years. Music I love: The Used, Matchbook Romance, My chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Senses Fail, Tool, and lots of others. Movies I love: Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Vantage Point, 27 Dresses, Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Juno, Stop Loss and a few others... Ummmm...I'm a smartass at times, but I love to really answer questions in an effort to really help someone. It helps me to remember that I'm not alone in the world and that my efforts in the military weren't in vein. Gay Pride!!!!

  • crazy in love but she lost it really fast why?

    I am in love and probably always will be with my ex girlfriend. We had been together for almost 2 years and she one day just fell out of love with me like the heck does somebody just fall out of love like that? it doesn't make sense to me...please help!!!

  • Male dog question?

    Can a male dog who is not neutered get sick or infected if he does not or is not allowed in some way to ejaculate? I'm concerned for my dog because he seems to hump everything!!! Should I stud him out for his better health?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • LGBT is the best!!!!!?

    So, first off, I want to formally apologize to all of you guys here. I was very rude earlier to some of our brothers and sisters in this forum and they didn't deserve any of it. I guess I just got kind of caught up in telling off the trollers and haters that I offened a couple of our respected members. So his is a sincere apology from the bottom of my heart. Love you guys, hope I'm still cool with everyone. Especially sorry to user for the love of Micheal, you are an amazing poet and a very strong person for putting me in my place thanks for that but also sorry for wronging you.