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I like going to "Answers" when I am tired late at night. I love animals, my job, and fine cooking. Wine isn't to bad either! I also like to read and watch scary movies. Comedys are great as well!

  • what can i do about a roommate who won't pay his share or get the rest of his stuff out?

    My roommate moved out in Dec but let me know this in Jan. His stuff is still here not all of it but some of it. He didn't pay rent for Feb and March and hasn't paid for the utilities either since Dec. The lease states we are responsible. He also didn't tell the leasing office that he was moving out. He also is coming and going out of my place whenever he wants and won't return the keys. Also he hasn't changed his address its been 4 months. I went to the police and the state magistrate and they will not help. I can really use some advice, I am trying to do everything by the book and not be vindictive. I do not think that I have been but I am not sure what else I can do. I have had the locks changed as well. thank you for all the advice!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How many of you shop at WAl-Mart?

    Did you know that Wal-Marts' low prices are based on the exploitation of its employee’s around the globe? Did you know that the employees are encouraged to enroll in programs like welfare, section 8, medicade, and not get paid any overtime? Did you know that they take money from communities in subsidized funds that are taken from public school budgets? Communities are repaid by having lower property values, family business loosing their livelihood, and the rise in welfare in there community. So I ask you if it can be helped wouldn't you rather shop else where?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who likes the Office?

    I just love that show. For my boyfriend"s birthday I got him the BBC original version of that show as well. What is everyones oponion of both shows? I am also courious of what the folks in the UK think of the American version of the show. Love to hear your input. Thank you all!

    5 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Who loves Skeet Ulrich?

    Who loves Skeet Ulrich?

    For all you Jericho fans I have a question for you. Ok Skeet was in a show before Jericho. I forgot what network it was on, but I think that he was a paranormal dective I think. The big thing with the show was the "nowhere" people, but if you were special you said the word " now here". Does anybody remember the name of the show? I really liked that show and I cant remember what it was called. If your the first person with the correct answer you will be awarded the 10 points! Thank you all!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Who loves Skeet Ulrich?

    For all you Jericho fans I have a question for you. Ok Skeet was in a show before Jericho. I forgot what network it was on, but I think that he was a paranormal dective I think. The big thing with the show was the "nowhere" people, but if you were special you said the word " now here". Does anybody remember the name of the show? I really liked that show and I cant remember what it was called. If your the first person with the correct answer you will be awarded the 10 points! Thank you all!

    5 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Stem Cell Research what is your non religious thoughts on that?

    Did that get your attention? Why is Stem Cell Reasurch such a hot topic. The numbeDid that r of people it can benifit is huge. The benifits outweigh the negitaves. I mean the embreos are only getting thrown away why not recycle. People eat eggs and are pretty unremorceful about that. Your killing all these little chicks just so you can eat breakfast. A life is still a life. So what do you think?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What motivates you?

    I am in need of modivation to work out. Not that I am a lazy person. I do mild walking and such, but If I worked out as much as I think about it I would be a size 2 which I am not. I just don't want to be overwight anymore and diet pills are not the fix I am looking for. What works for you?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How fat is to fat and at what point is it criminal?

    I know this guy who is so large that he can barely move. No joke he is over 550 pounds. He refuses to do anything about his lifestyle and his mother waits on him (grugingly) hand and foot. Because she is taking care of her 34 year old son my question is, Would the mother be criminally liable for the murder of son do to obiesity? Right now he has less then 15 month left to live if he stays the way that he is. He wants to bet that by pass surgery but is still unwilling to change his dietary habbits, and he is very inactive. What do you think?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • How fat is to fat and at what point is it criminal?

    I know this guy who is so large that he can barely move. No joke he is over 550 pounds. He refuses to do anything about his lifestyle and his mother waits on him (grugingly) hand and foot. Because she is taking care of her 34 year old son my question is, Would the mother be criminally liable for the murder of son do to obiesity? Right now he has less then 15 month left to live if he stays the way that he is. He wants to bet that by pass surgery but is still unwilling to change his dietary habbits, and he is very inactive. What do you think?

    11 AnswersSkin & Body2 decades ago
  • What is family?

    Why is it that people are more willing to over look being screwed over by "family" then by anyone else? My sister and I haven't layed eyes on one another in over 5 years. I made attempts to call and had a sucessful string of calls that I made in a 2 week period. ( I made all the calls) I made three sets of plans with her and the first two she wouldn't do. Then the third she was a no call no show. To add insult to injury she calls 2 and a half years later and said that she has been married for 3 months. Now I wan't less then nothing to do with her. She didn't invite a single person from her side of the family. No parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Well you get the picture. She called me one time and in December to inform me of what she had done. I never returned her call. I was told about all this a week and a half before she called me. I am not sure what to do, but I will not roll over on this one either. What do you out there think?

    2 AnswersFamily2 decades ago