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Lv 31,770 points


Favorite Answers12%

Email me asking nicely and receive better answers ;-) Find the problem with having a large house is there is even more spaces each forever asking me to clean them :-( OS: Linux SuSE Enterprise Desktop x86_64 OS: Linux openSuSE x86_64 GNOME (latest)

  • Fix this ERROR in advert on Yahoo ?

    Someone correct ERROR in advert on Yahoo ?


    [quote][b]Firefox 26 is only available on:[/b]

    Windows XP SP2

    Windows Server 2003

    Windows Vista

    Windows 7

    Windows 8

    Mac OS X 10.6

    Mac OS X 10.7

    Mac OS X 10.8


    Reading it while using Firefox 26 on Linux - openSUSE 13.1 GNOME

    [quote]Name: MozillaFirefox

    Version: 26.0-4.2

    Arch: x86_64

    Vendor: openSUSE

    Installed: Yes

    Status: up-to-date

    Installed Size: 58.9 MiB

    Summary: Mozilla Firefox Web Browser


    and checking notes with my Android Samsung s4 uses Firfox 26.0.1

    SHOW as available for Linux or Android as well :-!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • Contacts Addresses loading forever....?

    Usually reply to emails so do NOT need access my contacts addresses,

    Around a month ago went to contacts to update an address, found NOT able to access contacts to update details, not able to see any addresses. .

    Contacts just sits there loading, loading, loading, ... forever :-O

    First couple of time, oh well problem come back in day or so see if fixed... same problem each time have returned.

    Looking for solution !

    Years since experienced this previously, so put it down to the recent upgrade to new Yahoo mail from the older style.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts10 years ago