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Will I need to paint the whole bumper or can i just do a spot repair?
This is 2013 honda accord so i really dont want to mess with the fairly new paint on the rest of the bumper, but my auto shop friend recommends that i paint the whole bumper because if i only get the spot painted, it will last 3-6 months max. What should i do?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years agoHow much faster is the Honda S2000 compared to a Honda prelude vtec?
I have a 1996 Honda prelude vtec currently, saving up for a s2000 for my next car, also what do you guys think of the new 2013 Genesis coupe? do you think its as good a car as the s2000?
1 AnswerHonda9 years agoWhich one would be best? Associates degree or certificate?
I am 22 years old, my current situation is that i live with my mother and stepfather. i am really eager to be on my own already and have a stable job and my own home. i currently work a dead end job at Target only getting 15 hours a week. i need a better job ASAP and it has been difficult for me financially.
i have a deep interest in computers, and i have already enrolled in a certificate program for "Clerical Assistant" since it says in my college brochure that it will take less then a year to complete. BUT i also was thinking hard about doing an associates in computer science, but i am afraid that i wouldn't be able to get a better job anytime soon if i take the associate degree route.... please help! i cannot make up my mind on which path i should take!
Another thing, I will need 60 units to complete an associates for Computer Science Information Technology, and for Clerical Assistant I will need 28 units.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agois this honda cbr 1000f a good deal?
i spoke to the owner and said he used it as a daily driver, and he just put a two bros exhaust. is 61k too much mileage? its a 1000cc and he also told me that it will need the water pump gasket replaced and thats about it
he told me he might take $1250 if i really like it
1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade agoi would like to gain weight and muscle, would this product do the job?
and if you know of a better product please let me know thanks.
1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade agoTraffic Infraction Ticket in Los Angeles,CA?
i was on my motorcycle yesterday and i was pulled over by a cop on a motorcycle, i realized that i made a right turn without stopping on a red light, i was not paying attention.
how much will the fine be? and if i admit guilt, can i request to do community service instead of paying the fine? i am a student and i do not have a job i am 19 and this is my first traffic ticket
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agowhat could be causing this strange electrical problem?
i have a 1992 yamaha FZR 600
basically this is what happens: i put the fuel petcock to ON, choke ON, killswitch on, hit Start, the engine turns on and like 5 seconds later, it just turns off, but all lights are on and fuel pump re engages.
but when i hit the start button again, nothing happens so i have to put the killswitch off then on again and it will start..
what is causing this? i checked all electrical connections, i cleaned them and tightened them, i checked voltage, and my alternator and charging system is fine
4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago2012 will disaster strike earth?
my guess is it will be like the year 2000 when everybody started commiting suicide because they thought the world was going to end and.......NOTHING HAPPENED
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agomy motorcycle isnt turning on even when kill switch is on?
its a 92 yamaha fzr 600. when i turn the key into the on position and the killswitch to the on position, all i hear is a click from the Hitachi digital igniter, and nothing happens when i press start button. i have a new battery so its not the battery. if i wait a couple of minutes, i hear a sound from inside the motorcycle, then when i hit start it turns on,
why is it taking long for my bike to turn on?
2 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoquestion about a carburated motorcycle?
i have a 92' Yamaha FZR 600, its my first bike and it has carburetors. i have heard alot of things about altitude affecting performance in carburated bikes. does this mean i cannot ride in high places such as mountains? i am planning to ride in the mountains this weekend and do not want any trouble happening with my bike while riding up there
6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agowhat octane of gas is recommended for a 1992 Yamaha FZR600?
i just bought the bike used and do not know what grade of fuel is best for it
3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agohow do you lock the steering on a motorcycle?
i have a 1992 yamaha fzr i tried pushing the key down in the ignition but it doesnt lock?
4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agois this a pimple or wart on my arm?
<a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
this thing itches so much and its always bleeding, how can i get rid of it
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agois $100 to replace rear brake pads on an 87' toyota supra sound reasonable or too expensive?
and if i did it myself what tools are needed and is it a fairly easy job to do? rotors do not need any machining from what i saw
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agowhat happens if you dont pay parking ticket in L.A?
i only have one parking ticket which is $58 but i will not pay it because i forgot my wallet in my house, and it was street cleaning time
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agomy car is burning 3 quarts every 300 miles?
why is my car, an 87 toyota supra n/a 5 speed burning this much oil? i dont see any blue smoke coming out of the tailpipe i only smell a burnt smell. and there are no leaks, i added the maximum 5 quarts of oil about 4 weeks ago, and it was full, now today it is nearly EMPTY? what gives?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agohow can i fix my car so it wont be running rich all the time?
i have a 1987 Toyota Supra 3.0L Non Turbo Engine Electronic fuel injection, so far all i did was wash the engine bay with a high pressure hose, and change the air filter and it is still running rich, i can smell the gas fumes while driving with windows down. what else can i do and give me an estimate for the cost of a repair to fix this problem thanks.
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agois my car is about to break down?
i have a 1987 Toyota Supra N/A and it is idling high at 2000 rpm sometimes 2200 rpm, i think it is running rich and also there is blue smoke coming out of the exhaust, what is wrong, and is there a screw somewhere in the engine that i can adjust to lower the idle speed?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocan i wax my car even if all the paint is off?
my car is an 87 supra the paint is practically all chipped off the whole car and i am trying to save up for a paint job, i was wondering if i can wax my car's bare metal, or what can i use to prevent rust from starting?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago