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I'm a 20 year old republican. I dont hate the rich and I definately dont pity the poor. We've got 10 million crackheads out there with sniper scopes and chemicals/gases. 10 year olds on the net downloading encryptions we can barely break not to mention instructions on how to make a nuclear device. Privacy has been dead for 30 years because we cant risk it. The only privacy that is left is on inside of your head but maybe thats enough. You think we are the enemy of democracy? I think we are democracys last hope!

  • What happened to Obama's "Buy American" when his new "Marine One" is British?

    The Pentagon is spending $11.2 billion for 23 European-designed, British-built helicopters to replace the aging squadron of American aircraft used by American presidents for the past 30 years.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How is Obama going to cut the deficit in 1/2?

    Obama has proposed more new spending then all the other presidents combined. He has even proposed more spending then Bush even did over a 8 year span. How does he plan on cutting the deficit in 1/2?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Help with Internet Explorer?

    My computer wont upload any videos whether it be from espn, yahoo, youtube, etc..... When I go to download updates for Adobe or redownload IE, the little download box comes up and stays open for a few minutes before saying "The site is unavailable"

    It worked on Friday, turned the computer off for the weekend, and came back today and now it wont work. Any ideas on why my comp wont upload any videos from any websites or even download any updates?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How does Obama expect to cut the deficit in half with all this spending?

    As we all know, Obama expects to cut the deficit in half by the end of his 4 years. How does he expect to do all this with all this spending? The new stimilus plan and now another new proposed $410 billion dollar plan.

    Lets not forget that idiot Chuck Schumer who said Americans dont care about pork projects.

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Az Farmer being sued for 32 million for stopping illegal aliens?

    How does an illegal have its rights violated because he was caught on someones farm while crossing illegally into the USA?,2933,490084,00.html

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Been 1 month, how to get rid of ankle swelling?

    Sprained my ankle playing basketball. Went to the doctor for x rays and it wasnt broken, just swollen from the sprain. Doctor gave me vicadin, ibuprofen, I put ice on it when I can, I sleep with my leg elevated but it still swollen so how do I get rid of it?

    Does it always take this long to get rid of the swelling? Any other ideas on what to do?

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Will car prices ever drop like housing prices?

    Dealers still have there cars listed at blue book value if not more. Loans are harder to get and the economy isnt doing so great. I went to a dealer yesterday and offered 8k for a car that was 8500. I thought car dealers would be willing to negotiate in a hurting economy, I guess not.

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • A. Johnson or R. Williams, who to start?

    I'm starting Steve Slaton and since Houston can only score so many points, should I start A. Johnson or should I start Roy Williams against the Bears?

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • WR (Johnson) for RB (Lynch)?

    I have....

    B Marshall

    R Williams

    R Wayne

    J Cotchery

    A Johnson they are my WRs

    This other guy has....

    J Addai

    E Graham

    M Turner

    M Lynch for his RBs

    I'm looking to trade Andre Johnson for Marshawn Lynch, do you think it's fair?

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Why is gas still at 4 bucks a gallon but oil prices have dropped?

    I know Hurricane Ike can be put into the mix but when gas was 130 bucks a barrel, it was 4 bucks a gallon. The past 2 weeks (well before Ike hit) oil dropped 20-30 bucks a barrel. Now gas is at 95 bucks a barrel but prices at the pump arent going down.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did the DNC throw away all the mini American flags?

    Democrats are not caring for their Stars and Stripes. At least that’s the message out of John McCain’s campaign.

    McCain supporters, claiming they rescued 12,000 miniature American flags from the site of Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday, redistributed the orphan flags to audience members ahead of a McCain rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who do you report an out of state scam to?

    A guy is trying to sell a car but he doesnt have the car. I've talked to him about it and he said ebay motors will contact me. The email ebay motors is using is which obviously isnt ebay motors. Ebay has told me its a fraud email and the transaction ID is a fraud. He wanted the money to be wired to him along with a copy of the reciept faxed/emailed to Ebay at a SD number but Ebay is located in California I believe. I've got his name, his partners name, there addresses, and there phone numbers.

    Who do I contact?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • President Bush to lift ban on off shore drilling?

    Since China and South America are drilling off the USA coast, its about time America starts to drill. How are the democrats going to feel about this decision?,2933,381761,00.html

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are the floods in Des Moines President Bush's fault?

    The liberals seem to blame president bush for everything. They blamed Katrina on him which was a natural disaster that he had no control over.

    Now are the liberals going to blame Bush for all the rain that has fallen and created floods?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think the hand out programs in American need to be looked at?

    I answered some liberals question, he sends me a message about free hands outs cuz I'm guessing he is lazy and want the tax dollar to be continued to pay for his struff.

    How many people think the welfare system is messed up? A mother working 3 jobs but still finds time to brign her kids to sports practice gets denied any benefits. She has to pay for the food, the rent, the medical care.

    Now a LAZY person wants to sleep in til 1 pm. Gets free rent, gets food stamps, free bills, gets medical coverage for her and her 8 kids cuz she couldnt graduate or keep her legs close.

    Is it just me or does anyone else think the Welfare system messed up?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama want higher taxes in this weak economy?

    49,000 jobs left America last year. With Bush's tax cuts going to expire soon and Obama wanting to raise taxes. How can the American people afford to lose more jobs because of these high taxes?

    Obama wants all these healthcare, higher taxes, more money to the poor etc... How can the American people afford to pay for these programs in such a weak economy?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard the new republican ad with Hilary/Bill Clinton in it?

    I was driving home from work yesterday and heard a republican ad on the radio. However, it shocked me when I heard Bill and Hilary Clinton in it talking about McCain. Bill Clinton said you need more experience then 1 or 2 years then run a country. Hilary said McCain and her share some of the same views and Obama speeches are still suck in 2002.

    Has anyone else heard this ad? If so, what did you think of it?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Hilary just announced she will be Obama VP, do hilary/obama supports want to see them together?

    I know how the Hilary supporters dont like Obama and the Obama supporters dont like Hilary. If Hilary becomes the VP, will the Obama/Hilary ticket unite the democratic party?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • WIll hilary supporters vote for an Obama/Hilary ticket?

    I know alot of Hilary supporters who HATE obama so will they be voting for an Obama/Hilary ticket when they hate Obama or will they be voting for McCain?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Man shoots 2 dogs, should he go to jail?

    I just saw this on the news. A guy took his gun and shot 2 huskies that were running around. The man claims he thought the dogs were wolfs and were threatening his friends cattle. The dogs had collars on and were running away after being shot at and he continued to shoot. Finally the owner is there begging him not to shoot anymore and he still continues to shoot. I dont know the exact number of bullets each dog was hit with but yes, the dogs were hit with the bullets but both of them have survived.

    The shooting of the dogs was caught on tape and here is the video.

    The local police department has opened the case so do you think he will be charged with animal cruelty or not?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago