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  • Help getting back in the game.?

    After years of marriage, I find myself single again. I don't drink, so I don't hang out in bars. I am new to the area and don't really know anyone other than co-workers who are much younger than I. What do I do to meet new people and get back into life again?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A question of penalty and parenthood!?

    A man was arrested for forcing his 7 year old to wear a Green Bay Packers jersey after the team's victory this past weekend. By forced, I mean he taped the jersey to his body and would not let the child remove it.

    He has been arrested.

    If you were the judge, what would your punishment be?

    Mine? Tape a Giants shirt to him this weekend.

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else read "The Secret"?

    What did you get from it? Did it help you? Just curious.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • When do you know the right thing has become the wrong thing?

    Doing the right thing, sometimes involves conditions. For instance, a step father returns to a family because of his love for his step children more than anything else. He pays for it by having to shut down unrequieted affection for someone 700 miles away. Is it doing the right thing? Is it selfish to consider the alternative? Happiness is a very hard thing to conquer.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How does one re-enter the dating scene after being away so long?

    I have been wed twice with only a few short years in between which I just spent angry at the world and then getting diagnosed with cancer, having surgery, chemo, radiation, and all that fun stuff. I have been out of the game so long I don't know how to play anymore. I am 47, look more like late 30s.make a decent living and coming through a divorce that has me starting my life over again in a city that I don't know anyone but coworkers and my roommate (female, but not interested in me). I am at a loss. I am tired of being alone. I am tired of a quiet cell phone. I am tired of not having anyone to spend my rare free time with. But, I stumble like a school boy trying to find a way to ask someone out. And at my age it's difficult. I know there is a lot of joke, BS answers that can be given to this question and I would prefer you kept those for you low IQ friends to laugh over and leave them off here. I am just looking for advice, suggestions. I want fall in love just one more time.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a romance problem!?

    Due to a promotion of a previous room mate, I had to move in a town where the only people I know personally are the people who are moving away and the people I have been working with for the last 6 weeks. I found a room to rent in a beautiful apartment complex that I share with a room mate (female). I am finding that due to our experiences in life, our similar interests and our ability to cheer one another up that I am starting to have feelings for her. I never expected this. She is younger than I. She is beautiful. I am not. She is optomistic, I have trouble with that. But, she makes me laugh or at least smile during the hardest moments of my life.

    I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose a friend or make her so uncomfortable that she may feel that she can't share the place with me. I did not know her before I moved in. But, sometimes....when we are talking...I feel I have known her for one hundred yrs. No joke. Honest, helpful answers only please. Thanks!!!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Jackson Browne, "The Pretender" said "I'm going to find myself a girl that can show me what laughter means ..

    and we'll fill in the missing colors of each other's paint by number dreams."

    Do these women still exist? Is it too late for me to find her?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A question concerning "Patriot's Day"!?

    Did you know that it was the name given to remind us of 9/11? Does it sound wrong to you? Isn't the term "patriot" suggesting those who volunteered in time of crisis? Okay, that covers the cops, fireman, and other emergency personnel, plus the group of people on the last plane that overtook the hijackers to bring the plane down instead of allowing them to use it as a bomb. But, what about the other 3000 people? You know...the ones that just went to work that day?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If Michael Vick is found guilty, when should, if ever, he be allowed to play football again?

    Should the league suspend him forever if he is found guilty? Why? Does being an athlete make your behavior any more restrictive than others. For instance, would you say the same thing about a house painter? A carpenter? An architect?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Karl Rove, the President's Chief advisor, resigned this week.?

    Do you think it was to distance himself away from Bush as early as possible? And who do you think his next puppet will be?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What issue is most important to you as an American in 2007?

    From this list, chose one issue you find most important when it comes to what needs to be immediately addressed and accomplished by our next President:

    1. Get out of Iraq

    2. National Healthcare

    3. The cost of NASA vs the value of NASA

    4. The national infrastructure

    5. Reversal of NAFTA

    6. More money for schools, teachers, equipment, etc

    7. Imigration concerns

    Please make a choice from this group alone and please explain your reasoning.

    19 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • When do we start to care again, about anything?

    Our government lies to our face, we do nothing. Children can't play outside, we do nothing. Men and women are dying on foriegn soil and no one can give us a straight answer on why anymore, and we do nothing. Idiots go on TV telling the world that our government set up 9/11, and we do nothing. People are still homeless in New Orleans, and we do nothing. What's it going to take?

    7 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Besides the fact that it cannot be taxed, why would the government not legalize marijuana?

    Don't give me, "it leads to other drugs" speach. So does alcohol and we sell that in grocery stores. Because you can grow it in your back yard and the government can't tax that is the only reason I can figure. What's your answer?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain why there is no national recognition of 9/11?

    I don't want a day off for it. I don't want another day where the banks can close and we get no mail.

    3000 plus innocent civilians, police officers, fire fighters, and federal employees lost their lives on that day. One group of people on the last plane showed those cretins what American loyalty and love of our fellowman means when they sent their own plane down short of the designated target, knowing they were going to die. How many years have to go by before it becomes a national day of rememberance?

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • The one song that hits you when you think of falling in love?

    Everyone has one. Everybody. Mine? "In your eyes" - Peter Gabriel. To me, it's one of the greatest love songs ever recorded, especially the live version on the Live Secret World Tour with Paula Cole as his background singer. Simply amazing. So, what's yours and why? Best answers are not about the song, but why.

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hypothetically, if everyone's heaven was to be what they envisioned it to be, what would you envision.?

    Keep in mind it's heaven. So, 70 virgins is out. Mine? There would be a lot to it, but the most important would be a place I could go and see Hendrix, Joplin, Moon, Sinatra, Sammy D. Jr, Bonham, Lennon and Harrison, and anyone else that beats me there do what they do best. Together. Can't you see Sinatra in his prime (one of the greatest voices in music history) singing with Lennon?

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • If Barry Bonds dropped dead tomorrow, would you vote him into the Hall of Fame?

    He drops dead 2 short of the record. But, with his career stats, not just hr's, how could you keep him out of the Hall? The MVP awards, the Golden Gloves, and other "non steriod" related accomplishments, how do you keep him out? So, this record means nothing other than to hurt his chances of getting in?

    23 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Everyone has one! What is yours?

    A song in thier mental catalogue that springs out when you are falling for someone. That song that lets you know you feel something special can happen. What's yours?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Could there be more to life and I just can't see it?

    I find myself searching for something to make me take notice. I walk around numb all the time. I have built walls to hide from the pain of relationships and I have nothing to look forward to. I can't seem to find my way out. Is there a way? Is there something I can do to speed the process? The loneliness is killing me. Slowly, very slowly killing me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago