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im not strong enough to live the life i have.

  • What is your opinion of this education plan?

    I am currently a senior in high school right now and right now, this is what I plan to do for continuing education and I woud just like some opinions:

    -attend a community college and get my accreditited veterinary tech applied science degree.

    -continue on to a 4 year colleg for zoology (which i was told i COULD apply to veterinary school with) that works closely with the local zoo.

    -apply/attend veterinary school

    -go to law school

    NOW i know, this is alot of education but please understand that I do intend on having breaks in between all of this, especially between the zoology and veterinary school. and ofcourse vet school and law school.

    3 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • college is freaking me out, please help.?

    okay so i'm a junior in high school. and the though of applying to college is scaring me to death, i'm afraid that i wont get in. my whole life in school i've always been put in enrichment or advanced classes and pushed to my limits. i was the youngest person in my elementary school to be in it. but as i've gotten into higher grades i've really gotten tired of devoting everything to being in these crazy hard classes. so i've went on to living my life and doing things i enjoy instead of worrying about being in super smarty classes and always getting an A. i've been dealing with depression, and in my opinion, nothing matters more than my mental and physical health.

    college is scaring me, because i've got a "beautiful" academic schedule, according to my counselor, but i don't do many extracurriculars. i've done allstar cheerleading for four years, until i just recently quit because my body can't handle it anymore. my gpa is probably around 3.2 to a 3.5 idk haven't checked lately. i volunteer around my community, and i plan on picking up more volunteer oppertunities becuase college is scaring me to death. i don't even know what i want to do. my sophmore year i did colorguard with the band, but never got a real marching season because our levy failed, so we lost all activities and sports. its the middle of the year right now and too late to join clubs, and i feel that senior year is too late. i'm also part of our PSEO program which allows me to take college classes at a community college paid for by the government. i want to take piano lessons on my own time, because i enjoy the piano, but i don't know what counts on a college app? can i put down my cheerleading, and piano if i take it? should i do some more volunteering, like at animal shelters, or the science place geared towards kids call cosi? they sound appealing to me, but to be honest school is old to me, i'd rather just kick back and enjoy my life, spend time with my family and boyfriend, play xbox, go out, and be young while i can and not have to worry about school. and i dont acutally do anything involved with my school directly, its all on the side. i want to get into OSU, ohio state that is, but from what i've heard its pretty difficult. this is something that sits on my chest all the time, i constantly worry about it. can someone help me just put my mind at ease?

    thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend doesn't understand why his partying makes me uncomfortable?

    i love my boyfriend very very much, we've been together almost 7 months and i trust him and want the most for him, he's is helping me through a rough time in my life with depression and he's my hero and I couldn't be more thankful for that. i try to do everything I possibly can to show him I care and give him what he wants, I give up everything for him, but he always goes to parties without me and it bothers me alot. I have absolutely no problem with him hanging out with his friends, but it seems like the only thing they do when they get together is smoke weed and drink? Is it wrong of me to ask him not to do this? I don't condem either at all but in my eyes parties are a single scene, at least if your going by yourself, I don't like him doing these things without me. It bothers me alot. How can I better explain to him why it bothers me? It makes me feel like he picks partying over me. Am I being selfish? I don't know how to explain to him why it bothers me so much...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • have you ever realized the exact moment that you fell for someone?

    like something they said or a way they look at you that made you realize that you really cared about this person?

    28 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • confused about psychology vs.psychiatry?

    i am having trouble figuring this out. okay im a freshmen in high school and idk what im supposed to major in when i got college, because im starting up with summer honors and stuff now. i want to work with clinical insane people and see how the these people think and help them but idk if that's a psychologist or a psychiatrist? then which one of those do i have to go pre-med for? i want to go pre-med but i want that to take me into what i want to for the insane. this is complicated i know but its confusing. haha. thanks for any help.

    7 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • doesn't it really make you mad when....?

    when they turn books into movies, and you were a fan of the book WAY before everyone else became obsessed with it, and then you go see the movie, and it ruins you mental pictures of what you thought the characters looked like? and that its really hard to get the original image back?

    or is it just me? haha.

    ugh. that makes me so mad.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What did I miss...?

    I haven't been on answers in forever! What did I miss? I got really busy, but I missed you guys. The last major thing I remember happening was people trying to get P&S deleted. hah. Anything else go down since then?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Okay I am verryyy stuck on Zelda:Twilight Princess collecting teardrops...?

    I am in Zora's Domain. And I'm collection teardrops, and I have all but two, and their locations are not on my map, I have looked through every walkthrough I could find, and checked all the places they should be, but idk if thats the right place, because I haven't found any bugs. So I need step by step instructions. Someone please help. I'm not sure but is there a bug in the city? If there is, I have no idea how to get to the city, because I don't have a portal to get there, and if I get that one, I'll still be missing one. There are no locations on my map, and no way to get to Castle City, and one bug, that I have no idea where it is. Please, please, help me. And don't give me links to game sites, unless its specific and can help with what I'm having problems with.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why must everything be...?

    associated with labeling or sterotyping? I just came off of a question asking if there were any Fall Out Boy fans out there, and everyone automatically thinks EMO. That everyone who likes them MUST be emo. What is with the hatred towards people being different. How they want to be is none of your fu cking business. Please get over yourselves. People are people. Does anyone not understand that? So I have the right based on your music taste to bash you? Or by the way you dress? I see that you may not like what it is that is being spoken of, but thats your oppinion, and you can state that, but lets be mature, just because they like something, or act different, than you doesn't mean you go and bash them. What is the world comming to?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many of you actually look at...?

    the questions in My Network's Q&A section on you profile? Where all your contacts questions show up?

    Just wondering.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think?

    Today I realized....I am so "inexperienced" I guess...if thats what you wanna call it. It upsets me that I've never had a boyfriend...and all the guys in my city suckkkk. Never been kissed...or held hands...hung out with guys. w/e, and I'm 13. Or much anything else. I haven't done anything like hard core partying. I guess that makes me a "good girl"? I just don't feel like I've lived up to my age. idk. and theres no way to go back. I actually think it partially to do with everyone in my town is like I am, except for a slight few. its just I don't wanna be that way. I wanna be a a party-er. and a rebel but keep myself the way I am now. I'm not a person who likes to fit in that crowd of whores called the "preps/populars" thats just shitty. Its almost like I regret what I've done, well haven't done in the past...but I think I should just let go of how I feel and be happy with the friends I've made and how I've lived my life up until now...and stop comparing myself to others around me.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Is this illegal?

    Creating a totally new identity online? idk. I was just it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I need a cell phone plan with unlimited txt/pix/calls for....?

    Okay so I need a cell phone plan...but I need it as cheap as I can get it. RIght now 39.99-45.00 is my limit. But a little higher is alright, I just need good suggestions, I can't seem to find anything that fits. 1000 anytime minutes is okay too. calls aren't a priority to be unlimited but I need unlimited text. Revol was a really good deal but I always saw there commercial that said I could get everything (unlimited txt/pix/calls) for 39.99 a month...but I can't find it. Suggestions of other carriers. Any help is appriciated. =]

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Mobile to Mobile Minutes?

    Okay so I'm looking into getting Cingular Pre-paid. And the plan I want to select says I have unlimited Mobile to Mobile Minutes. now are Mobile to Mobile Minutes free?

    7 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • If I buy any cellular phone and want to activate it....?

    and want it as a pay-as-you-go plan. would the company activate it? Like if I had a cingular razr, like I won it, and wanted to activate under a pay-as-you-go-plan, how would I do it? I don't have a phone, but I just wanted to know. Because if you go to the phone carriers web-sites and select pay-as-you- go phones, they are REALLY expensive. But if you select monthy plan, its like 29.99 or free! Is there a difference?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What are you gonna keep in your Yahoo! Answers Be a Better Planet Tote Bag?

    I was thinking maybe some aersol about you?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you live your life by a quote?

    If so, what is it?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I have the Kyocera Strobe / Switch_Back and I need some help...?

    Okay I highly dislike the way my phone sends picture messages, because it sends it like an email, like it almost just puts it in an text message, and some of my friends can't view my pic messages. and when I recieve one from my friends, thats how its viewed. I can see the picture, but its realitvely small. I was wondering how to I get the picture out of the message, and saved to my phone?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Whats your favorite Commercial?

    My has got to be The Easy Off Bam Commercial! I love it, its so catchy, I could sing it all day! Haha! If you haven't seen it:

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago