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Allycea's Mommy
I'm 27 years old and loving life! First time mom to my beautiful 14 month old daughter, Allycea Nicole, and couldn't be happier! I'm married to my loving husband of 5-1/2 years who is the best dad that anybody could hope for!
Ideas for entertainment at a large company Christmas party?
My work has had "casino" at our company Christmas party for the last 5 years . They are asking for our input for next year but l wouldn't know what to suggest. They do casino for us to win tickets for raffled off prizes...
My company generally has about 400 attendees for our party every year (this includes guests)
What can be done besides casino for that many people ?
2 AnswersEntertaining9 years agoIdeas on what to give my 16 month old for breakfast?
It usually always the same... Scrambled eggs, applesauce, fresh fruit, etc. She is not at all a picky eater and is a very good chewer (she has 16 teeth already, including molars on top and bottom)
I work and my mom watches her, so i'm gone by tthe time she gets ready to eat breakfast (around 9). My mom is older and a little senile (LOL), so I wanted something easy, yet not unhealthy...
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoBest overnight diaper?
My 14 month old is constantly soaking through her diapers at night. No matter what I do (not giving as much water for dinner, waiting till the last second to change her before bed) she still manages to soak her diaper to the point that she gets her PJ's wet. She's in bed by 8:30 and waked up arounf 7:30, so it's a long stretch. The lady at Babies R Us tells us she's ready to potty train, which I think is crap! Anways, IYO, what is the BEST MOST ABSORBANT overnight diaper. We've been using Huggies Overnights, since we've used Huggies on her since she was born and they are just not working! help
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoHow old is your baby and what milestones have they reached?
My little girl just turned 8 months and just broke her 5th tooth (she got her first at 6 motnhs, and they have been coming in steadily), But still no crawling, just the stomach scoot and if we stand her up, she can hold on to the side of her crib. My co-workers baby boy is 5 weeks older and barely got his 1st tooth last week but he's been crawling since he was 7 months.
Isn't it crazy how different every baby is?
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhen did you start potty training your baby?
I want to start trying whenever my baby starts walking. I know that sounds early, but so that way we can ease her into it...
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoI received a W-2 for short term diasability AFTER I e-filed and had my return accepted?
I COMPLETELY forgot about my short-term disability I received while on maternity leave. I already e-filed and am expecting my refund direct deposit tomorrow.
I got the W-2 in the mail 2 days ago, looked it over and noticed no federal taxes were withheld, only Soc Sec and Medicare...
Do I still have to claim this and file a 1040X?
3 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoTrying to stop breastfeeding, need help?
My baby girl just turned 6 months yesterday and I had planned to stop breastfeeding at 6 months (YAY I did it!!).
I haven't pumped in a week, just the occasional expressing here and there to help with pain... Now my left breast is pain free and has absolutely NO engorgement. My right however is a different story. It is sore towards the inside and underneath. I keep having to express an ounce or so from it every few days because it starts hurting... I'm worried that if I keep on though, that my milk will never "dry up". I can't get in to see my OBGYN until the 22nd so he can check me. Any tips from breastfeeding moms out there on what has really helped you "dry up"?
I read a lot of stuff online about what I can do, but want real stories & suggestions
Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoFunny, Creative, but tasteful bowling team names?
My work is putting together a Bowl-A-Thon to help a non profit organization. There are usually about 15 teams that participate so it is hard to think of a bowling team name that has never been used.
We need something tasteful, but funny (I work at a Credit Union, and we're raising $$ for kids, so nothing crazy)
I've tried googling, but it's the same names over and over... Any ideas??
3 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoDoes anybody agree that the Spurs don't get enough credit?
As any die-hard Spurs fan will tell you, it always seems like they never get the credit that they deserve… Even though they are #1 in the NBA, most analysts will come up with some kind of reason as to why it ends up like that, usually by saying that the reason they won was because the other teams were playing like cr@p, that overall Dallas, LA, OKC is a better team, the Spurs are too “Old”, and that Duncan is only going to go downhill.
They need to think about the fact that they are talking about a Four-Time World Champion team with 3 All-Star Players, future hall of famers, and THE BEST Power Forward that ever played, and probably ever will play the game.
Just thought I would vent after listening to the radio a while ago and some idiots were talking about how the Spurs don’t deserve to be #1.
13 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoDo you think my baby could be teething?
Past 4 days or so, my 4 1/2 month old, will run a slight temperature off and on(no higher than 100.2 taken rectally) I know that 101 is considered an actual fever for babies over 3months. She also seems to have a little bit of runny stool, excessive drool (although she's had that for about a month) and lately has been biting down when I nurse her, or someimes refusing to nurse period. She is bringing EVERYTHING to her mouth too. She has been kind of fussy for about a week, and is hard to put for a nap or to sleep at night now.
I'm waiting for the doctor's office to open so I can ask, but was looking for some opinions from some mom's with experience...
Thanks to all!
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBreastfeeding help... re-post?
I asked this question earlier and got some un-reasonably harsh answers and people that were making me sound like I was stupid... In a nutshell, my baby has exclusively taken breast milk and she is now 4 1/2 months. I've had to resort to supplementing with formula because even though I nurse 3 times a day and pump twice at work, I'm still not making enough milk. I gave her 8oz of formula Sunday night and she took it, and was able to nurse like usual yesterday afternoon and last night. This morning though, she seemed to not want to take the breast, and her 10:30, she didn't want to take expressed breastmilk. My husband had to give her formula. The milk wasn't bad, as It was just pumped yesterday, and didn't eat anything that I had never eaten before, so the breastmilk taste couldn't have changed.
So now I'm left wondering if my baby will still take the breast. I wanted to make it to at least 6 months OR as long as I could. Her doctor said even though he recommends waiting till she's 6 months, that we can try rice cereal, but she doesn't like it. If that is what's happening, how can I keep from becoming engorged? Any tips on stopping breastfeeding?
I'm just looking for advice, so if you want to criticize me, don't even bother please. I'm not lazy and not a bad mother. My husband lost his job, so I am the only income, I work full time, go to school full time, am a full time mom and still breastfeed.
11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoExclusive breastfeeding for 4 1/2 months, now baby won't take it.. HELP?
I have been exclusively breastfeeding my baby since she was born, with her taking expressed breast milk from a bottle during the day while I’m at work. She is now 4 ½ months. Lately though, it seems as though my milk supply is going down. I nurse her in the morning and during her evening feedings (5pm and 8pm), and I pump once to twice a day at work. Before though I was able to get sometimes 15 ounces pumping, but now I’m lucky if I get 8 ounces. At her last doctor appointment a couple weeks ago, I asked the doctor about supplementing her because I was worried about her not getting enough milk. He said her w2eight is 60th percentile, so she’s fine as far as growth is concerned and didn’t see a need for it.
So flash forward to Sunday, yesterday and today… Sunday night I gave her an entire formula feeding, 8 oz so I could poump and have enough for her for Monday and she took it. I was only able to get 5 ounces at work yesterday and got 7 ounces this morning pumping. When I nursed her this morning, she seemed to not eat very much, only nursing for less than 10 minutes. I just talked to my husband, and he said that when he tried giving her the expressed milk at her 10:30 feeding, she wouldn’t take it at all and was screaming!!! When they tried formula, she gobbled it down. I started crying, because I knew that I wanted to stop breastfeeding eventually, but wanted to wait until 6 months. I feel like a failure now and I’m really down. I wanted to keep her on the breast for as long as I could, and now it seems like it’s over. I want to try to nurse as soon as I get home at 5, but I’m scared of the rejection of her not taking it. And we've already tried giving her rice cereal and she doesn't like it at all.
Any advice from b/f’ing moms out there on how they handled their transition? And how did you handle the engorgement of weaning off the breast? I totally clueless, but know I can’t go cold turkey because of the chance of developing mastisis.
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWrongful Termination in Texas?? Do You think we have a case?
My husband was fired from his job yesterday. I understand that in Texas, an employer or employee can terminate employment without notice.
WELL my husband wasn't given a reason, and when he asked what the reason was, he was referred to the HR department to get a letter stating the reasons. When he contacted HR, they told him they couldn't give him anything.
An incident happened and his general manager asked him to give a written statement of the happenings, AND then AFTER the fact, they fired him. His termination leaves him AND my 3-1/2 month old baby without health insurance.
We have a meeting with a lawyer on Monday to discuss our options and whether he should file unemployment, but I'm anxious and want someone's opinion on if they think we have a case.
I don't want to get rich on this, it's about principles and making sure that my family is taken care of, because with this economy, God only knows if my husband will be able to find a job.
9 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade agoAny moms out there have a baby or know of someone who has a baby with ASD?
Our sweet baby girl has ASD (atrial septal defect). The cardiologist isn't too concerned but im still freaking out a little bit. When I was pregnant she developed an abnormal heartbeat and fetal arrhythmia, but it went away after a week. They still wanted to send me to get an echo-cardiogram, and found the ASD that was about 6 millimeters wide. 6 weeks ago, it was 2 millimeters which is better. But they did an EKG and did a 24 hour holter on her to monitor her heartbeat and found she has a prolonged QT in her heartbeat. She has another appointment today for 6 week follow up and I'm really scared.
Any moms have experience with this or know someone who's gone through it? Words of encouragement and consoling are needed. I'm not looking for or asking for expert opinions, as I know that nobody on here is a cardiologist. Thanks to everybody in advance!
For those that don't know what ASD is, you can see here:
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBreastfeeding & Period question... Mom's please answer... TMI!!?
I have been exclusively breastfeeding/pumping for 3 months. I know that while breastfeeding, women usually don't get a menstrual cycle. I believe though that I ovualted about 10 days ago because of EWCM...
Last night though, I noticed some brown discharge, kind of like old blood. That was the first time in 2 months. Well I just went to the bathroom and there was A LOT this time, and when I wiped it was more red.
IDK if I'm starting my period or not... no cramps or PMS or anything, but I'm owrried because I have heard that during your period, that milk supply decreases until your cycle is over...
Has this happened to anyone? Has anybody breastfed and got their period and everything turned out ok?
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMAJOR FAMILY DRAMA... What do you think?
A couple weeks before I had my baby, I got some “feelings” off my chest that had been bothering me. I had built up feeling like the in-laws weren’t excited about having a grandbaby. My in-laws spent $1000+ on a crib, changing table, dresser, bedding, diapers, clothes, etc for THEIR house. My MIL at the time was going to be watching the baby when I returned back to work. They were buying buying buying to stock up stuff at their house, without ever even asking us if we needed anything for the baby for our home. I also expressed to them how my husband feels second best to his younger sister (who by the way is 20, single, and pregnant). They’ve always done a lot to help her (Bought her stuff to decorate her and her boyfriends apartment, got them a HUGE TV, bedroom set and living room furniture using THEIR credit, helped them move, etc). We on the other hand, have never been offered any help, whether it was with our wedding, our first apartment, furniture, and now baby stuff. Don’t get me wrong, we are not the kind of people that look for hand-outs, but being that it’s their first grandbaby, ya know.. HELLO!?! I told her how I felt and there was a huge blow up. She swears up and down that she helps and treats her kids the same, blah blah blah.
Fast forward to today. I just recently found out that they have paid $2000+ for my SIL’s OBGYN “so she wouldn’t have to worry about paying bills after”… Me on the other hand, since I had a c-section have a grand total so far of $6879 in medical bills. On top of that, before all this went down, we had asked my SIL to be the godmother of our baby. Well being that its going to be done in a catholic church, she needs all her sacraments. I talked to her Thursday and told her “Sorry it’s last minute, but I just found out that the classes start tonight, and if you are still interested, you need to start” She 100% shut me down and said that she wasn’t doing ANYTHING until everything gets settled with the family. I feel like this was for the interest of the baby, not us, and for her to straight out say NO was hurtful
I can’t help but feel emotional about all this. Any opinions?
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWill not pumping at work for one day affect my supply?
I was about to go pump and I realized... OMG, I forgot my bottles that connect to my pump at home :(
I breastfeed in the morning afternoon and evening and usually pump at work twice a day.
I fed my baby this morning at 6 and will feed her again at 6 this evening. Will 1 day of not being able to pump affect my supply? Super duper freaking out over here!
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMom's... how much did ur baby weigh at 2 months?
I took my little one to the doctor yesterday and she weighs 10lbs 11.8oz and is 23in long. She's tiny and long I think for a breastfed baby. How much did ur baby weigh at their 2 month checkup? Were they formula-fed or breastfed?
She's 2 months old today.
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow did you stop breastfeeding? How did you cope with engorgement?
I'm not ready to quit breastfeeding until my baby is at least 6 months old... I am breastfeeding and pumping for bottles for my mom who watches her while I am at work...
But I am curious about how you coped with engorgement. How long did it take for your milk to "dry up"? I'm really worried about the pain associated with engorgement. I've known women that had their milk dry up after a few days, and one that took weeks, both going cold turkey.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow can I wean my baby from her swaddle?
My baby is going on 6 weeks and I want to try to wean her from being swaddled. She refuses to go to sleep at night unless she's VERY tightly wrapped. What's getting to be a problem is that shes developing a heat rash that the doctor says is from our South Texas heat and humidity (hi temps of 95 with heat index of 115 because of humidity). He wants us to try and keep her as cool as possible, but its hard when she wants to be wrapped all the time. The only way we can keep her cool during the night is to keep our thermostat at 68. Any tips or pointers?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago