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Howdy All, My career was in woodworking, and I became a pretty good business troubleshooter, over the years. After completing my last contract as a working consultant, my wife and I looked around, and decided to start our own business. We began offering service for manufactured home warranties, and ran up a very good reputation for solving problems, and making the homeowners happy. I've been an avid DIY'er all my life, as well as enjoyed building and working with wood. So, those are the areas I tend to answer the most. Every room in my home has something I've built, hehe. I like to help where I can, and I am happy to answer emails. I appreciate those who vote for my answers, Thank You. If you need help, feel free to email me, and don't forget to choose to allow email contact, if you send something through Y!Answers. If you need to send photos, or a longer post than Y!A allows, I can be reached at Have Fun
2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo - What does the key symbol lighting up on the dashboard mean?
Driver ran out of gas the other day, and this key symbol started lighting up, when trying to start.
We disconnected the battery cable for a few minutes, and after reconnecting the cable, the vehicle started up on the first try. We noticed though, that the engine would die when parked and idling for a few minutes, even after filling up with gas. I suspected the owner needed to start the Jeep with an original chipped key, as opposed to using a generic copy, but this did not stop the key symbol light from coming on.
We're back to the vehicle not starting today, and that key symbol is still lighting up, when turning the ignition key trying to start the vehicle.
2 AnswersJeep4 years ago1994 Lincoln Town Car fuel pump...I am seeing a wide range in prices for a replacement, and I'm wondering why?
And I mean a WIDE range.... I'm getting prices as low as $12 to over $400 .... and that's just for the parts, labor not included. So.... is there something special I need to be aware of regarding this car's fuel pump? Does it need a 'high performance', or 'high pressure' pump, or some other 'specific' type of pump?
The tank will have to be dropped of course....does anything else need to be removed to get to that point?
Thanks !
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years agoErratic shift, in a '94 Lincoln - any clues?
Ive got a 1994 Lincoln with a transmission problem. It was a problem before I had the transmission rebuilt, and it is still a problem. The rebuild consisted of all new parts, solenoids, etc - only the case itself is original.
What it is doing - is not consistent. On one trip the transmission drops out of gear, usually around 54 mph. It happens whether the OD is on, or off. The next trip - the car runs perfectly. Weather does not seem to be a factor. I've had this problem when perfectly dry, or during rain... and NOT had a problem when perfectly dry, or during rain, hehehe. Whatever the problem is, it is not consistent. After a few seconds of dropping out of gear, it comes back into a lower gear, making the engine rev. Almost like the car is trying to drop into a passing gear, and having trouble doing it -- but it happens most often when I am barely pressing the gas pedal (NOT trying to pass - just normal, conservative driving.)
Any ideas out there?
3 AnswersLincoln1 decade ago1994 Lincoln Town Car auto transmission - some thoughts please? Thanks?
As mentioned, this is a 1994 Lincoln Town Car, Executive model (automatic transmission, 8 cyl engine)...the car is dropping out of gear, into neutral. This happens whether the overdrive is on or off, but is not 'constant' trip, it will drop in and out of gear frequently, and another trip, it will do it only a time or two. Seems to do it worse when traveling between 45 to 70 mph, but I have noticed it in speeds as slow as 35.
Engine runs great, no stalling, no apparent loss of power, and no warning lights on the dash when this is happening.
I would think if it were mechanical problem it would be consistent, but I'm open to ideas. When it is 'acting up' it can be very very rough, or it can be almost nonexistent, traveling over the same road, same speed, etc.
Any help would be appreciated, and if possible, a link to a parts list.
Thanks All
6 AnswersLincoln1 decade agoSomething keeps trying to pull up IE, what can I try next?
On my kids comp (Win XP home), something keeps trying to pull up Internet Explorer pages. These are usually some sort of advertising page, but occasionally a search page. This is happening without our trying to run IE. (for example, when playing a game offline).
Ive also noticed that the 'active desktop' glitches every now and then, went looking at its settings and discovered it was trying to use an IE page for background.. I unchecked that. Somewhere along the way, they wound up with some sort of 'security' toolbar (I didnt install it, and they don't remember when it appeared)
The comp has up do date iolo virus protection, and system mechanic. I ran a 'smit fraud' fix (in safe mode), to no effect.
Is there something else I can try before I resort to formatting the hard drive?
2 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoSpam &Advertisement?
I answered the question " How do I drill a hole straight down a cylindrical piece of wood?", and got a negative rating. Sometimes these make no sense at all, lol... in this case, I thought perhaps someone assumed I was picking on the question, because I responded that I thought the comment "typical drill bit width" was funny. So, I added a short comment that I did indeed find it humorous, and if they checked the whole answer, they would see that I did in fact offer 3 solutions. Each solution was accompanied by a link to a site, showing the type of clamp, or guide, I was referring to.
Then I got flagged for Spam & Advertisement...go figure...
I am quite clearly NOT selling anything ... and the answer is not a spam post. Ive asked Yahoo Customer Service about this, and received no answer. Im a level 4 with over 40% best answers, all in the Home category. As a professional woodworker, I ve had a bit of practice hehehe. What can I do about this situation?
Thanks all
6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHere's an old "blonde" joke....?
A blonde young woman was tired of constantly being portrayed as having less intelligence because of her hair color... and she decided to do something about it....
One day, she dyed her hair dark, and went for a drive...coming upon a ranch, she finds the rancher leaning against the fence, and she pulls over. Looking out at his field she sees this huge flock of sheep, and asks him, "If I can guess how many sheep you have in that field, can I have one?"... The old rancher looks at her, and says, "yup, I reckon that'd be alright"...
She rattles off a number, and the rancher, surprised, confirms that she did in fact get the correct number, and tells her to go pick out her sheep.
After she gets the animal she has chosen, loaded into the back seat of her car.... the old rancher asks......
"Lady, if I guess your true hair color, can I have my dog back?"
13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoIm looking for a pair of interior door handles for '73 Chevelle Deluxe, who has them?
Ive never seen these door handles on any other model of Chevelle. They operate by pulling the handle towards you, as you sit in the seat. These are not the more common type of handles you see currently on eBay, which rotate up, or down, on the door. These handles are relatively short, compared to handles on Chevelles made from 1968 to 1972... only 2, maybe 3 inches in length. Does anyone have these handles in stock, or know where I could find a pair? Thanks!
3 AnswersChevrolet2 decades ago