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Lv 727,026 points

A.Ganapathy India

Favorite Answers28%

I am doing research work in early warning systems for earthquakes. I have designed more than 40 types of safety equipments. I am now in 7th rank in the world to give best answers on earth science for more than 500 questions. I gave demonstrations on early warning systems in India, Singapore ,London and in China .I am the one issued the warning to local T.V Stations 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast with the use of my earthquake alarm that can be manufactured just for US $ 25. Any body can contact me directly if they want any clarification on earthquakes and Tsunami. Ln. A. Ganapathy, president, Lions club of Chennai Royapettah. Designer of safety equipments, No. 11/59 Dr. Radha Krishnan Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai – 600 019. Phone: 25733864, Mobile: 98404 21800 E-mail:

  • Which country has more nuclear power plant ?

    There are some section of people dead against the commissioning of nuclear power plant in India.I have good knowledge in using other types of energy in fact I have several solar and simple wind mills used directly coupled with my fans. But future has to depend on only nuclear energy. What are the main threats in it? Is it not possible to solve. I have already proved that Tsunami is a predictable disaster.But my warning was ignored.There are some scientific facts that helps to predict Tsunami after analysing the earthquakes data.

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • What should I do when court fears to take up the case?

    I am the one issued warning to local T.v.2 hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast to local T.V.stations. They ignored my warning .End result we lost the life of ten thousands. My warning was based on well known Scientific knowledge to gether with the help of some simple instrument.I have full documents to prove my complaint.I made the complaint to police,human right commission and to high court Chennai with writ & Pil petition .They only dodge to order for investigation of the truth. I am 66 years old kidney decease patient.What to do to save the people at least in future.?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Effect of eclipse on 22nd July ?

    I personally wrote the articles about Eclipse can not create Tsunami or earthquakes.But I was observing my research center during Eclipse about probable creation of seismic wave by using some seismometer. For my surprise I noticed ( 7.10 to 7.20 Am IST ) in the middle of eclipse two small jerks were recorded in my instrument. Will it be the effect of eclipse.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • What are all the other two angles in a right angle triangle?

    When the hypotenuse is 100 mm and apposite side is 0.1 mm.

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • The case filed in high court on the death of 10,000 not taken ,Why?

    I am the person issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast with the help of my earthquake alarm and my knowledge on Tsunami. I spoke about Tsunami in Singapore radio 9 months before it struck our coast. My warning was not broad casted in time that should have saved the life of several thousands. The police have collected all the evidence from me and not took any action on T.V.Stations. The writ petition filed in the year 2005 is still pending in Chennai high court. The pil filed in the year 2007 was disposed without conducting any enquiry. Finding the fact will save thousands of people at least in future. What to do now.Can I approach international court.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it true that yahoo is asking again our pass word and secret informations to keep our mail account alive.?

    I am receiving daily about 20 mails in my Yahoo account.To day I have received a mail from yahoo asking to confirm my pass words and other detail connected with my E Mail.Is it really from yahoo or somebody else is asking the secret.Please confirm.

    11 AnswersPassword and sign-in1 decade ago
  • Why the earthquake recorded on 26th December 2004 is called boxing day?

    While coating the Tsunami day earthquake as boxing day earthquake why.What is the relation between boxing and Tsunami?

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How that fridge used heating stove to get cool drinks?

    About 40 years back I saw a fridge in a hill station in Malaysia.That place is called Taiping. Where they were using kerosene stove to cool the cool drink bottle. Because there was no electricity at that place. What concept should have converted the heat energy into cold energy.Detailed answer please.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • How to find the depth of focus ?.?

    I am not getting clear answer from any body. I want to know how the depth of focus point of an earthquake is calculated from seismograph.

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Is mosquito responding to electromagnetic waves?

    Last week I visited a place that was having more mosquitos.They are using mosquito bate that produces high frequency and high voltage electricity .Without its physical contacts as soon as the electrical appliance is switched on the mosquitos are flying away from the place. Where as no sound is produced by the bat.I suspect this may be the cause how the mosquitos are disappearing from tha place before earthquake affect the place. Am I correct in my idea? It senses the electromagnetic waves produced before earthquakes because of slipping of tectonic plates.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • What is the meaning of this seismograph ? How to read?

    I got the seismograph picture recorded in our home town on 26th Dec 2004 two hours before Tsunami struck our coast. The date is in American format, the time is GMT. That is 5 hours and 30 minutes should be added. Ok but I am unable to find the acceleration from it. The other data’s shown in the graph are BHE OFFSET = 2.6 E +0002 MAX = 5.1 E +0006 MIN = 4.5 E + 0006 on the top we found 8.0 E + 0006. Please explain the meaning of each word and Character.

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Who is interested to know how it was posible for me to issue the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck?

    I have issued the warning to local T.V.Stations 2 hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast. Now I am in Singapore. Those who are realy interested to know how it was possible when others failed .You can contact me for the detail demonstration slide on earthquake and Tsunami that will be sent to you on free of cost to create just awareness. My E mail

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Do you agree my prediction methods for Tsunami?

    I have issued the alert message on 26th Dec 2004 two hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast because I sensed the earthquake waves for 12 minutes from my quake alarm, and the day was full moon day. Again on 28th March 2005 when the earthquake struck at 8.4 Richter scale near Sumathra I issued the denial report because the force was released in the land. Again on 12 th Sep 2007 evening since the force was released in the place called padang in Indonesia I issued the denial of Tsunami warning. Whenever we record earthquake waves I observe for its effect and if the force is released in land we will come to know within few minutes. If no damage was reported in few minutes I used to suspect that this situation may create Tsunami. My observation is proving correct . To avoid false warning why not seismologist adopt my proved simple techniques and my instruments.

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Can I get help for leagal fight with Indian Govt?

    I am the person issued the warning to local T.V.Station 2 hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast with the help of my instrument and my knowledge. Our Tamil nadu Governor & several other scientists appreciated my inventions. But our meteorological department refused to find the real usage of my several lives saving instrument. I approached High court, human right commission, Right information act commissioner, police no use. They all want to hide the fact. How to fight in a proper way. I have perfect documental and scientific evidence for my claims.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What to do to avoid copying my inventions even by our Government?

    I have designed more than about 40 types of safety equipments & informed the details to the concern Government department. In the year 2001 I designed condom vending machine & earthquake alarm. In the year 2003 I designed warning system at unmanned level crossings. I have proof for all.With the use of my earthquake alarm I issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast. Now Our Indian government brings it one by one as if they have designed. Please don’t advice me to go for patent registration. That will take my entire useful time other wise that can be used to develop some more useful safety equipments.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Will the Longitude & Latitude change after thousands of years ?.?

    The tectonic plates are moving at the rate of about 50 to 100 mm per year. In that case the top layer on tectonic plate that is crest also should move at that rate. Can we find the latitude and longitude of any particular city will change after 1000 of years. What will happen to the other end of tectonic plate boundary?

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How many litters capacity plastic container will be sufficient to float a body of 70 KG?

    I have designed several simple safety equipments including the earthquake alarm that helped me to issue the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast. But it is a different issue that my warning was ignored and we lost the life of several thousand innocent. I believe that tying an empty plastic container in our body will save us from death due to flood.

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Can we save the light energy as it is ?

    We can save electricity in storage batteries, we can save water in a tank, and we can also save the air in closed tank, is it possible to save the light as it is and use it when it is required.

    5 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Is sensing and alerting at the time of arrival of P wave is useful ?

    I have designed an earthquake alarm in the year 2001 itself. This instrument together with my knowledge on seismology helped me to issue the warning much before Tsunami attack our Indian coast. Now the opinion differ from person to person that somebody agrees this instrument is useful to save the life. Some other scientists refuse to accept the concept of sensing and alerting at the stage of arrival of P wave. Californian Governor for safety studied about the warning systems and came with their finding even a ten seconds warning is helpful. What is correct? My instrument has proved its capability on five occasions that was compared with the records available with our meteorological department.


    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • What are all the reasons for land slide in hills area ?

    Is there any instrument available to monitor land slides.

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago