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Lv 622,035 points


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I am a knitter of over 50 years experience, as well as a crocheter for over 35 years, a spinner, rug hooker, and dyer.

  • Elopements and wedding receptions?

    A family member has announced that she is getting married in two weeks. She has bluntly told the entire family, including her parents, that they are not wanted at the ceremony, but she plans to have a big party to celebrate and reenact her wedding in the summer. Some of us have suggested that she should consider simply waiting to marry until this big party, especially since she's only known the groom for less than 3 months. Frankly, in my mind it's a big grab for gifts. Is it necessary to go to her *reception* and to provide her with a big gift since this seems like a very ill starred marriage from the get go?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Would some of you explain why you are horrified by student loans?

    In all of my years in financial aid the one consistent thing I see is that students and parents of middle income ranges are horrified by the thought of taking out student loans to finance higher education. Yet, OTOH, I see the same students and parents with no qualms whatsoever about incurring significant consumer debt--multiple credit cards, new cars on leases, expensive vactions, gold and gemstone jewelry, etc.

    When a college degree virtually guarantees higher overall income, why are so many people reluctant to incur debt for a limited period of time to obtain that education? Serious responses, please, I want a greater understanding of how you feel from your side of the table.

    10 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Where can I find tessellated knitting patterns?

    I have several variations of tessellated fish, but I am looking for other creatures that have been tessellated.

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts2 decades ago