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  • Ebay-->Nintendo DS with 60 games. Is this for real?

    I want to buy a Nintendo DS for my daughter. On Ebay there are multiple sellers selling a New DS with 40-60 games. Is this for real? They all say they come with a game card and 60 free games. Is there some sort of memory card that holds burned copies of the games? Or do they actually ship 60 cartridges with the DS?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can't get my PC game to work?

    Hey there, all. I have Call of Duty 2 installed on my PC. It installed and loaded fine. My computer meets all the minimum requirements for the game. When I start the game, the menu screens and introduction graphics all work fine. But, when the actual game starts, the graphics are like in slow motion.

    When my character looks around, it doesn't move fluidly. It's like taking snapshots with a camera, if that makes any sense.

    I downloaded the patch, that didn't help. I uninstalled and re-installed the game a few times and that didn't help either. What else can I do to make the graphics more smooth?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else find this annoying?

    Ok, don't you hate how the new Yahoo Answers puts this big green info screen up evertime you roll over someone's picture?

    Whenever I read a question, when I scroll down the page to read the other answers, I always end up rolling my mouse over their picture, and it pops up this green screen with all that person's info on it. The problem is that it covers the answers, so you can't read them until you click somewhere else on the screen.

    Yahoo answers, here's a suggestion. Make it so you have to leave the pointer on the person's picture for more than a full second. I'm just trying to read answers, not do a biography on "Crazy Paul 27"

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Who else likes Age of Empires III?

    I had this rickety old computer that I played Age of Empires II on. It finally crapped out on me. Last month I bought a new computer. So, I decided to spend some loot and get AoE III, plus the War Chiefs expansion pack.

    This game ROCKS!! I have only played the first mission, but I am in love with it already. Who else plays this game?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Should I rent out my home?

    Hey there everyone. Here's my story. In September of last year, I bought a small, two bedroom house. In December, my girlfriend got pregnant. We both think we need a bigger house. I'm thinking about renting out my house, for just over what my mortgage payment is. I've never done anything like this and was wondering if it would even be worth the headache and hassle of trying to find a good renter, making sure they take care of my house, etc. Do any of you rent out houses? What advice can you give me?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Should I get my four year old daughter a V-Flash or Nintendo Wii?

    Hey there everyone.

    My daughter is going to turn four on Christmas Eve. I was thinking about getting her a V-smile game system. When I was at the store, I found out that there's a new V-Flash system. I am really thinking about getting this for her. However, last night I got to thinking about the Nintendo Wii.

    For one thing, I think I would have more fun playing it with her. It may take her a while to figure out how to play it, but I think in the long run, she'll have more fun with it than the V-Flash.

    On the other hand, the Vflash is more of an educational tool than the Nintendo.

    What do you think? Are there educational games for the Wii? Do you think that a four year old will have fun playing the Wii? Do any of you have a four year old who plays the Wii?

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Area Code frustration!!!! (Kinda Long, sorry.....)?

    Hey there,

    Let me start by telling you that I work for a national company and part of my job is to telephone buisnesses in my city and the surrounding towns. For the most part, it's pretty easy, although there are two seperate issues that I'm having to deal with when it comes to Telephone numbers, specifically Area Codes.

    Question #1, WHY do I have to dial the area code for a telephone number THAT'S IN THE SAME AREA CODE AS ME??!?!?!?! This makes no sense. I'm 309, they are 309, why do I have to dial it at all?

    Question #2, and this is the one that really makes me mad. Why will the phone company not process a call when I use the area code for a local call? Sometimes when I use an area code, I get a recording that says "We're sorry, but it is not necessary to use the area code with this number." OK, Big Deal, it's not necessary, why can't you just process the call, instead of making me hang up and dial again?

    I think the phone company is trying to make me mad.

    5 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • What do you mix with Cask & Cream?

    Hey there, fellow drinkers! My mother just turned me on to E&J Cask & Cream. It's a delicious drink, but not very strong. I tried mixing E&J Brandy with it, but that made it taste too strong. (I don't like the taste of Brandy)

    I was wondering what I could mix with it that would make it stronger, without making it taste stronger. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • It's Friday, who wants to have a round?

    Alright, we've shoveled enough sh1t for one week. Let's close up the shop early and go to the local pub and knock a few back. I'll buy the first round, but one of you has to drive me home later.

    14 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Some please explain Franchise Tag to me?

    Alright, I understand free agency. I understand contracts. What I don't understand is the term 'Franchise Tag'.

    What does this term mean, and what benifits does a team or player recieve from having this placed on them?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Where were the Cardinals before Arizona?

    Okay, I need your help in settling a disagreement that I'm having with another member. He's telling me that the Cardinals came straight from St. Louis to Arizona. I'm saying that they either used a different name or just flat out were not a team during the late 80's.

    I used to obsessively collect football cards, and I don't remember there being a team called the Cardinals. Were they the Oilers in the Late 80's?

    18 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How do I put a hyperlink in my answer?

    Hey there, race fans! I have seen people put hyperlinks in their questions. I want to put a hyperlink in one of my answers. I thought that if I typed the url, it would make the hyperlink on it's own, but it didn't. How can I do this?

    7 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Riddle for all of you.?

    OK, three traveling salesmen are staying at a hotel, and they decide to split a room. The desk attendant tells them their room is $30. They each put in $10, and the attendant gives them their key.

    After they go to the room, the attendant realizes that the room should have only been $25. He gives the bell boy $5 to take to the salesmen. Going up the elevator, the boy wonders how he will split $5 between three men.

    He decides to put $2 in his pocket and gives the men $3, giving $1 to each man. So, the room ended up costing each man $9, right?

    Here's the riddle. Each man paid $9 to the hotel, Three times $9 is $27. And the bell boy has $2, that's $29. Where did the other dollar (from the original $30) go?

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades ago