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I am a disabled old man. I have every ailment known to man but I am still alive.. I am very set in my ways, but if you can PROVE me wrong then you have changed my thinking. I have been retired since 1981 because of a accident at work. I had three back surgeries ( 5 disc+ 2 nerves) . Since then I have had 3 heart attacks,4 strokes & 2001 I lost my right kidney to canser. I also am a severe diebetic. Outside that I am just fine. I am 64 & just trying to make 65. I love telling people how I feel on everything, even things I know nothing about. You may ask a question & I may answer but the answer may not be what you are looking for but that is how I feel.I am who I am & to old to change (even if I wanted to).Take me as I am or leave me alone. I could care less. I am a open book & have NO secrets..

  • will he or wont he??

    first Obama has been saying all along during the campaign that he would bring our troops home in 6 months if he is president. Now he tells Iraq he will have them out in 16 months & he said just Saturday that he was not bringing them home but sending them to Afhaganstan. Which is it?? out & home , out of Iraq & to another war. Then how many years there??I sure wish he would make up his mind. I guess he took a lesson from Whilly & put his finger in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing..

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • wheres the apology?

    I just read the story about Bernie Mac &his crude joke. After some people in the room, who by the way spent $2,300 a piece to be there, complained about his jokes about women. Obama with one side of his mouth told Bernie to clean up his act & with the other side told him "I am just messing with you man".Which is it? Was he upset with the jokes Or just trying to please the people who gave him all the money. If someone had been doing a fund raiser for McCain & made those remarks, they would have been called gender bias. So I ask you Why should Obama be treated any differant??

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is going on??

    6 months ago the anti Bush group said we reserve judgment until we hear from the GENERAL.Well a week before the report was even given some of those same people called it a lie.So much for waiting until it was presented to Congress.What is wrong with waiting until you talk to the author before making a judgement.I thought that was what hearings were for . What about reserving judgement untill All the facts are in. Is that asking to much?? Oh yes , I am niether a Democrat or Republican. I am a Independent thinker & voter

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think??

    I know this is something that will puzzle those who are Bush bashers. According to the latest polls The AMERICAN people are more displeased with the Congress then Bush. The latest poll give Bush a 35% rateing & Congress 25%. WHY??

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Its about time??

    Two people who worked for the IMF wrote a paper for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. They reported there is NO clear evidence that AID boosts growth. That is why just handingt out more money makes no sence. The changllenge is how to harness good intentions with common sence.Private companies could make products that these countries could use, but they have no incentives. If the goverments would back the private companies then the incentive would be there to help.Why cant the people in Washington see that A lot of our so called "Friends " are our friends only at aid time. What is so hard to understand. If this was really THEIR money do you think they would dole it out a little differant??

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • KANGAROO Court??

    The congress have told a wittness at the hearing about the fired Goverment lawyers That if she did not tell them what they wanted to know , she could be held in contempt. since when are they both judge & jury. under those rules if she said something they didnt want to hear, they could say she was being uncorpative & be sighted for contempt. This is not a court of law. It is a hearing. They are suppose to be getting to the truth of the matter not just trying to prove their point.where are her rights?/. I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty. I guess in a hearing you are guilty until proven innocent.I thought this was AMERICA??

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who is jumping the gun??

    Some in Congress are saying we should leave Iraq now because The Iraq goverment has not met dead lines. well should they be talking about progress. If I remember right the Liberals said they were in power now so things are going to change. The only change I have seen is the lower paid workers got a raise but have to wait three years to get the total raise where Cingress got a raise without waiting &they will get a 4.4 raise every year no matter what the inflation rate is. Outside of that NOTHING but hearings & mud slinging. I guess because it worked for the Republicans in "98 &99" the Democrats think it will work in "07 &08" for them. I got news for them. The people put them in office to do something not just talk about it. They have had enough promises & now it is time for action.Dont you want action not just words??

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is right now??

    Well the dems must be having a fit now. A Federal judge has ruled Gw can use the warrentless wiretaps. It is part of the Security for this country. As far as I am concerned he can listen to my phone conversations all day & see all the garbage calls I get. I have nothing to hide. If it will make me & my family safer then be my guest.. If you have nothing to hide , WHY are YOU afraid??

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Its about time//?

    Well I see the Congress finally got it right. They defeated the Immigration bill. That is the first thing they have gotten right all year.I dont see what the problem is to begin with. If you are here ILLegaly then you get sent back. If you are here LEGAL , then WELCOME TO AMERICA. what is so hard for congress to get. What is so hard to understand the differance between LEGAL & ILLEGAL. I thought most of them were lawyers. Maybe they should go back to law school & take a refreasher course in basic law. What do you think??

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Well here we go again..?

    Well the congress has done it again. The congress gets a cost of living each year. This year they said they would not take it untill the minium wage was raised. Well the wage was raised so now they are voteing to give them self the raise. Each year they get a 4.4% raise.Social., Security got a 2.1% raise last year because of higher fuel cost but they get a 4.4. That brings their base pay to $170,000 a year. I thought they wanted the job because they wanted to make this a better country to live in. I would want the job to if I could give myself pay raises. What do you think?? this is not about just one party This is about both.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Am I Wrong??

    I am about to build a new home. But after listening to a radio report last night I may have to change my building plan to remain a good american. Bill Clinton wants me to change the roof on my $800,000 home to a sod roof. he says it will save on cooling bills in the summer & heating bills in the winter.i guess I can also plant my flowers & garden there for color. I just wonder if he is changing his roofs on his homes in NY & DC to sod. He should lead by example.Gore should be doing the same. They are always preaching about the enviroment, let them be the first.Am I right or wrong??

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • who's rights are being violated. ??

    I just read a story that shows how far a liberal judge will go. The people of FARMERS BRANCH, Texas passed a ordnace that said that people who rent out proprety must make sure you are a legal resident of this country. The Hispanic s & the ACLU brought a law suit claming discremanation. The judge granted a injunction. The Aclu said it would cause a hardship to families of legals who have ILLEGALS living with them/HUH?? So it is ok for someone breaking the law not to be deported because it would be a hardship on those who know they are breaking the law. I guess I will rob a bank & move in with my brother because he w9ill not be introuble because allthiugh he did nit do the robbery he knew I did but did nothing about it. does that make any since??. Isnt that what the court & the ACLU saying about Illegals renting in FARMERS BRANCH Texas??

    19 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What is going on??

    I saw on a program on TV. about the plot to blow up a fuel line at JFK. Airport in DC. All ready some are saying this was a ploy by Bush to get our minds off Iraq.Well that just goes along with him being the mastermind behind 9/11 because we all know that every one in the world loves us but hates Bush. Is this as silly to you as it is to me??

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who caved this time??

    The new immigration bill is the same old bill that was suppose to cure the problem in the 80s. We gave 10,000,000 Illegals legal statius& that was going to cure the problem.So how is it better this time??It is the same old stopgape. It is to get our minds off illegals & on to Dems issues. Wages are falling now so how is putting 20,000,000 more people in the work force going to help me get a raise. ??

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Really getting to me.?

    i was just in politics & I noticed the same Question listed 5 times.Whats going on here??. The poster was the same person for all 5 postings. Where is YA.?? Who cares about Disney & Hamas.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Here we go again//?

    Gas prices are rising again WHY ? because the oli companies know they can get away with it. Why// Because they have both parties in Washington in their back pockets. Wonder why the Dems are not going after them & blaming GW? Because they TO get fund for reelection from them They do not bit the hand thnat feeds them.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • W\hos job is it??

    The dems are holding hearings on why some lawyers were fired.I thought a lawyer servered the person who hired them & only that person could fire them.So the President hired them & the President fired them.Isnt that the way the system works?? So why is the congress getting involved. Can the President get involved when they fire a lawywer for the congress??

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Whats the difference?

    I see where the libs are upset with the justice department for firing all those federal lawyers . No one is upset over Clinton doing the same thing when they were investigating him & White Water. I guess a repub can not do the same as a lib. Some country. Does that sound like a double standard to you??

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • At it again??

    I see it is the same old, same old in Washington. Remember 98&99, All the republicans did the last two years of Slick Willys term was hold hearing after hearing. NOTHING got done.So I see the democrates are doing the same thing & the american people are the losers. So all we have to look forward to until the elections is nothing but hearing after hearing & 30 second souind bites by both sides. SO how is that suppose to make our lives better. I thought the DEms won because they were going to make our lives better. Looks like niether partie is changing & things will remain the same.SO who is At fault. Could it be the people who voted them in??

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who IS IN CHARgE?

    I see where the democrates have comeup with a plan for Iraq. Thats nice How about a plan to get us out of Bosnia or SO. Korea..Or do they plqan to get us out the same way we left Vietnam, running with our tails between our legs. why dont the democrats let us win a war for a change. The world might see us as friends if we stayed & finished something we started instead of running when the fighting got rough. whats wrong with leaving Iraq with our heads held high for a job well done.Whats is it we can do to make the DEmocrats proud to beAMERICANS?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago