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Lv 2866 points

life is short, I am not.

Favorite Answers8%
  • How do I troubleshoot this yahoo email problem?

    I'm not getting any email, not even junk mail for over a week now. I tried sending myself an email, but I didn't get it.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam3 years ago
  • Does dyslexia disqualify you from the Army?

    I was diagnosed when I was 12, but I never needed special accommodations for it. I got my associates in engineering and worked 5 years as a valve tech with no special considerations. I wrote all this in the comment section of that portion of the application.

    When it came up on the application, the recruiter strongly implied that I should answer no. I answered yes because I was sure that it would come up in the investigation anyways. It comes up in conversation with friends and co-workers, so I didn't want to get in trouble for omission.

    Now I'm wondering if the recruiter is just trying to scare me into making things faster and easier, or if my application to the Army really is in jeopardy now.

    2 AnswersMilitary4 years ago
  • How do I know if I can get the ASVAB scores I need for the MOS I want?

    My recruiter has been leading me to believe that I have to sign up for the Army before taking the ASVAB as I'm no longer in high school or college. I want to make sure I can qualify for the MOS I want before committing to enlistment.

    I've been taking practice tests online, but I'm not sure how my individual scores translate to requirements for the MOS I'm looking at.

    Do I add the percent of questions correct in each sub test, or is there another way it is calculated?

    3 AnswersMilitary4 years ago
  • Where can I find all Army Regulations?

    Is there any one online source that has all declassified Army regulations? I'm considering joining and I'd like to skim through them before talking to a recruiter.

    8 AnswersMilitary4 years ago
  • Can I fine my landlord?

    My landlord has been negligent on a number of occasions.

    First, she lost my rent check and sent me an eviction notice. I told her it must be a mistake because I always turn in my rent at least seven days before it is due and I had checked with my bank. The exact amount of the check had been withdrawn from my account. She insisted it had not been received. I did not have internet at the time, so I could not look up the copy of the deposited check. I had to drive to my bank 50 miles round trip to get a copy of the deposited check to have the eviction notice removed.

    Second, my air conditioning broke during the height of the summer. Not even the fan worked. It took them a week to get someone out to look at it. Each day of that week, the peak temperature was 92 degrees. After the fixed the air conditioning, it worked for one day before it broke again. Now it only circulates air. The place reaches a peak temperature of 89 daily.

    Lastly, when the summer started, the door had a minimum of 10 ticks covering the door after dark. When I approached the door to the building, three of them flew at me. In order to get into the building, I had to empty my can of peper spray to clear them away so I could sleep inside for the night.

    There are also several smaller complaints when they never responded to minor maintenance issues in the apartment.

    Can I fine my landlord for negligence?

    I want to do something that tells her this is unacceptable.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Any simple ways to turn dry chicken to B.B.Q.?

    I made some chicken yesterday, but it's a little dry. I'm wondering if there's a simple way I can add tobasco sauce and make it B.B.Q.?

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Should I be worried legally?

    I met my boyfriend in high school when he was a sophomore and I was a junior, so I'm older than him by a year. Now I'm legally an adult and he's still a minor. Legally, does that make me a pedophile, or are there exceptions to that law?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion on the Twilight series?

    Do you think it is a book of literary merit? Was it a good overall read? What were some things that irritated you? Some things that you liked about it?

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is there an official graph for safe caffeine consumption?

    The B.M.I. (Body Mass Index) determines whether you are over-weight, under-weight, or average depending on your height and weight..

    Is there a similar graph that shows how much caffine is safe for certain body weights?

    I'm in college and there aren't always enough hours in a day. I know that sleep is important and I can't live off caffeine, but there are some days when I really need more time, so I have a five hour energy drink, a few sodas, and a few caffinated mints. Now that sounds really bad, but I'm six foot two inches and 200 pounds (technically, according to the B.M.I. I'm over weight, but it's muscle mass. I throw the shot-put so I work out hard, and often.)

    I'd also like to know if there are any other things I should be careful of when using caffeine. I know you're not supposed to work-out after having it, but is there anything else important to know?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how do I find a particular episode of C.S.I. new york online!?

    I'm writing an essay on the influence of violent television on society and there was a kick butt quote I want to use.

    during the episode, the team are tracking down a copycat serial killer with a film crew following them. the camera man asks extremely accusatory how the C.S.I. feels that these shows give way to copy cat crimes. the guy in charge replies amazingly charismatically and intelligently something along the lines of 'knowledge is power, what they do with it is up to them.'

    I want to find that specific episode so I can get the specific quote because I'm not sure I got the quote right.

    if you can find the quote and give it to me, I would be forever grateful, and give you the ten points, but I'd settle for you telling me how to find it efficiently.

    -you tube didn't work out.-

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • how do I find out an appropriate rent?

    I'm just out of high school, and I'm still living with my parents for at most the first two years of college. right now, I can't afford much, so they don't ask me for rent just yet.

    I am however keeping a record of all the expenses they pay for me so I can pay them back when I get a steady job. I want to keep track of the rent I would be paying, and pay it to them later.

    the problem is, that they will not tell me how much the house was, what taxes they pay on the house, or in short, anything that would help find what I owe them.

    the house has it's own septic system, it runs on well water, has six bedrooms, and two floors with a basement.

    how do I find an acceptable cost?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I'm seriously scared right now, and I desperately need legal help now?

    My dad was at work and my mom was out on an errand and "left me in charge". The reason I quote that is because she gives me no way of leverage when she leaves me in charge of my four siblings. There is nothing making them do anything I say. Anything as little as pick up your dishes, or as big as don't run in the room with the china ware, I am only allowed to tell them not to do something. I am specifically told that I am not allowed to enforce disciplinary action because "I'm not the parent". So here's the situation at hand.

    Mom told me I was in charge but didn't tell me for how long, and told me only to make lunch. She then called home seconds later and told me to tell the kids to pick up toys left in the backyard. The four boys did what they were told, but the girl left her bike out in the rain. I called her downstairs several times for a total of five minutes to bring in her bike from the rain. When she walked out the front door, I told her the garage door was closed so she would have to walk through the door connecting the garrage to the house to get the bike in. She then walked back in the house leaving the front door open while it was raining. I called to her several times to shut the door, but she ignored me completely because she knew I had no authority. Out of frustration, I locked the back and side door so that she would be required to enter through the front door and hopefully close it. ten minutes later, she still hadn't brought in her bike, and I heard her try the garrage door. A short while later, she came to the back door. I told her that she would have to enter the front door because that one was the only one that was unlocked. I know she heard me because she began screaming as she often does at little things like that. It's a scary shrill piercing scream that she does when things don't go perfectly.

    After three minutes, I asked the oldest brother to tell her to come inside. He tried to get her inside for twenty minutes then came inside to tell me he couldn't get her in. So I came outside to tell her she had to come inside. I called to her, and she completely ignored my every word, and slowly walked backwards. When I got withing roughly forty feet of her, she ran down the street about three hundered yards. I continued to call her five more times, but she kept running further. That's when I called my mom time after time for half an hour. She turned it off. There was no way I could ask her for help or what I should do.

    There was no way I was going to keep up with her bare footed, so I went inside to get my running shoes.

    When I came back outside, I could see her nowhere. I could only guess that she had gone farther down the street. I ran as far as the street went looking for my sister. When I reached the end of the street, I ran back to the house, to see if she had come back. I didn't know if she was hiding or if she was missing. Luckily, she was hiding by the house, I called her once more, but she ran to the other side of the street to the woods opposite. I ran at top speed to catch up to her. I ran at 100%for ten minutes till I had difficulty breathing. I nearly collapsed because my lungs couldn't keep up with my running pace. On top of that, I have mild joint problems that were causeing me pain at the moment. I tried to keep her in sight while I was recovering, then tried to chase her to the house at least.

    That was when I got really scared that something would happen to her, or that someone would think that something was seriously wrong and report something. I then told her that if she didn't follow me into the house, I would rip open one of her stuffed animals. I waited five minutes by the clock, then I cut open a large dolphin and left it on the front porch. I then told her that if she didn't come in right now, I was going to take another.

    she came inside with her face covered with tears screaching like you couldn't imagine. It sounded like I cut off her finger. When she came inside, I gave her three spankings, last time i checked that was still legal within the household, and then I told her to sit in timeout. Again, she ignored me, so I took another animal, and threatened to rip it. She sat in the chair howling and screaming. I was not the parent, so there was nothing I could do except stay there with her till my mother decided to turn on her cell phone or to come home.

    I heard noises by the driveway, and I thought with relief that maybe that was mom or dad. I looked outside and it was the ups man. He didn't ring the doorbell. They allways ring the doorbell. My sister was still howling like she retained the injury not the stuffed animal. my dad holds a very high ranking job that requires perfect behavior from him and no problems back home.

    What happens if the guy makes a suspected child abuse report?

    Can I go to prison for what I did? was it wrong?

    Does it go on record automatically? if so, My dad looses his job, my family has

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are some good books that can keep the attention of children ad be apprecited by adults?

    My family will be on the road and we always listen to a book on tape for long drives. We have already read the Harry Potter series, the chronicles of narnia, and the Margret Haddison among the hidden series.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • give me some fizzles please?

    A fizzle is a short question statement or any other thing that sparks an idea for a piece of writing. Give me your ideas and I will pick the best answer by which avatar I think is coolest.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If I were to ask a question, then ask separate questions on the answers I got, would my questions be taken off?

    the reason I am not sure that this complies with community guidelines is because It may be considered to private. Like a conversation that is mentioned in the guidelines.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What are some good universities that accept a 3.0 gpa and 500sat?

    prefferably in virginia, connecticut, or florida.

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago